2009年6月19日 星期五

Ralf Dahrendorf'

Obituary | 18.06.2009

German sociologist Ralf Dahrendorf dies

Dahrendorf, who was a respected European intellectual and politician, died on Wednesday evening in Cologne at the age of 80. He was made a British Lord in 1993.

Dahrendorf gained fame in the English-speaking world as head of the London School of Economics (LSE), a post he held from 1974-84, and as an Oxford University professor.

He wrote a number of articles and books in the field of sociology, including “Reflections on the Revolution in Europe,” and the “Modern Social Contract.”

Marxist roots

Born on May 1st, 1929 in Hamburg, Dahrendorf's academic career began at the University of Saarbrücken in 1957 when he was awarded a professorship of sociology. There he wrote a thesis on class conflict and Karl Marx.

Although his ideas changed over the years, he remained committed throughout his entire career to the idea of a democratic society, pointing out in many of his writings how societies and institutions inexorably fail to live up to their ideals.

Career in politics

In the 1970s, Dahrendorf was a German member of the European Commission, where he represented the liberal Free Democrats (FDP). He served a short term as a junior foreign minister in what was then the German capital, Bonn. In 1988, however, Dahrendorf resigned from the FDP.

In Britain, he sat in the House of Lords as an independent after Queen Elizabeth II granted him a life peerage in 1993.

Londoner at heart

In 1988, Dahrendorf obtained British citizenship without giving up his German passport. Since retiring, however, he lived in Cologne, choosing to move back to Germany to be closer to his family.

Asked once in an interview what city he considered his home, he said, "I am a Londoner."

Dahrendorf was married three times, to British, US, and German partners. He is survived by three daughters from his first marriage.


Editor: Susan Houlton

Lord Ralf Gustav Dahrendorf, Baron Dahrendorf, KBE (born May 1, 1929) is a German-British sociologist, philosopher, political scientist and politician.

He was born in Hamburg, the son of Lina and the late Gustav Dahrendorf, a social democrat member of the German Parliament. He studied philosophy, classical philology and sociology at Hamburg University between 1947 and 1952, became a doctor of philosophy and classics (Dr. phil.) in 1952. He continued his academic research at London School of Economics as a Leverhulme Research Scholar in 1953-54, gaining a PhD degree in 1956. He was a professor of sociology in Hamburg (1957-60), Tübingen (1960-64) and Konstanz (1966-69).

From 1969 to 1970 he was a member of the German parliament for the Freie Demokratische Partei (Free Democratic Party) (the German liberals), and a Parliamentary Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1970 he became a Commissioner in the European Commission in Brussels. From 1974 to 1984 he was director of the London School of Economics, when he returned to Germany to become Professor of Social Science, Konstanz University (1984-86).

1967-1970 he was Chairman of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, resigning it when he took up his office at Brussels. Between 1976 and 1979 he led the educational sub-committee of the Benson Commission.[1]

He settled in the United Kingdom in 1986, becoming a Governor of the London School of Economics, and also from 1987 to 1997 Warden of St Antony's College at the University of Oxford, succeeding the historian Sir Raymond Carr.

Having adopted British citizenship in 1988, he was granted a life peerage in 1993 and was created Baron Dahrendorf of Clare Market in the City of Westminster by Queen Elizabeth II. He sits in the House of Lords as a cross-bencher. On July 11, 2007, he was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for Social Studies.

His famous book Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society (1959) argued that Marx defined class too narrowly and in a historically-specific context. Instead of describing the fundamental differences of class in terms of property, Dahrendorf claimed that power was at the root of differences in class. Thus, society could be split up into "order takers" and "order givers".

In January 2005, he was appointed a Research Professor at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB)[1].

Further reading

  • Julie Smith, Ralf Dahrendorf (Lord Dahrendorf) in Brack et al. (eds.) Dictionary of Liberal Biography; Politico's 1998 pp89–90
  • Julie Smith, Ralf Dahrendorf in Brack & Randall (eds.) Dictionary of Liberal Thought; Politico's 2007 pp83–85

Works available in English

  • Dahrendorf, Ralf. (1959) Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Dahrendorf, Ralf. (1967) Society and Democracy in Germany. New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company.
  • "The Modern Social Conflict". University of California Press: Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1988
  • Dahrendorf, Ralf (1990) Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: In a letter intended to have been sent to a gentleman in Warsaw. New York: Random House.

Works available in German

  • Die angewandte Aufklärung: Gesellschaft u. Soziologie in Amerika. Piper, München 1962
  • Homo Sociologicus: ein Versuch zur Geschichte, Bedeutung und Kritik der Kategorie der sozialen Rolle. Westdeutscher Verlag, Köln/Opladen 1965
  • Gesellschaft und Demokratie in Deutschland. Piper, München 1965
  • Konflikt und Freiheit: auf dem Weg zur Dienstklassengesellschaft. Piper, München 1972, ISBN 3-492-01782-7
  • Pfade aus Utopia: Arbeiten zur Theorie und Methode der Soziologie. Piper, München 1974, ISBN 3-492-00401-6
  • Lebenschancen: Anläufe zur sozialen und politischen Theorie. Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch, Frankfurt a.M. 1979, ISBN 3-518-37059-6
  • Die neue Freiheit: Überleben und Gerechtigkeit in einer veränderten Welt. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M. 1980, ISBN 3-518-37123-1
  • Die Chancen der Krise: über die Zukunft des Liberalismus. DVA, Stuttgart 1983, ISBN 3-421-06148-3
  • Fragmente eines neuen Liberalismus. DVA, Stuttgart 1987, ISBN 3-421-06361-3
  • Der moderne soziale Konflikt: Essay zur Politik der Freiheit. DVA, Stuttgart 1992, ISBN 3-421-06539-X
  • Die Zukunft des Wohlfahrtsstaats. Verl. Neue Kritik, Frankfurt a.M. 1996
  • Liberale und andere: Portraits. DVA, Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 3-421-06669-8
  • Liberal und unabhängig: Gerd Bucerius und seine Zeit. Beck, München 2000, ISBN 3-406-46474-2
  • Über Grenzen: Lebenserinnerungen. Beck, München 2002, ISBN 3-406-49338-6
  • Auf der Suche nach einer neuen Ordnung: Vorlesungen zur Politik der Freiheit im 21. Jahrhundert. Beck, München 2003, ISBN 3-406-50540-6
  • Der Wiederbeginn der Geschichte: vom Fall der Mauer zum Krieg im Irak; Reden und Aufsätze. Beck, München 2004, ISBN 3-406-51879-6
  • Werner Bruns, Döring Walter (Hrsg): Der selbstbewusste Bürger. Bouvier Verlag
  • Engagierte Beobachter. Die Intellektuellen und die Versuchungen der Zeit, Wien: Passagen Verlag 2005.
  • Versuchungen der Unfreiheit. Die Intellektuellen in Zeiten der Prüfung . München 2006, ISBN 3-406-54054-6

See also


  1. ^ "Emerald: Article Requests: Indefinite articles". Emerald Group Publishing. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/Insight/viewContentItem.do;jsessionid=9F328F753CC45ECD41DD5147379E5983?contentType=Article&hdAction=lnkpdf&contentId=1702699&history=true. Retrieved on 2009-05-27.

External links

2009年6月18日 星期四


文化社会 | 2009.06.18


阿多诺、霍尔克哈默同哈贝马斯代表的所谓"法兰克福学派"对战后德国的哲学界以及政治气候起了决定性的影响。鉴于20世纪上半叶集权意识,尤其是纳粹主义 的反面经验,法兰克福学派应运而生。现代社会应该汲取哪些教训?哈贝马斯在他的著作中试图对这个问题进行回答。于是,他将哲学推到社会学的近旁。同时,他 还摘下了哲学过于激情的光环,这一点,对哲学本身特别有利,但不仅限于哲学。它对现代德国也颇有裨益。

如果一个十六岁的少年亲眼目睹了灾难的结束,那么,他也一定会对灾难的起源进行思索。究竟发生了什么,以至于让灾难泛滥到如此规模?德国人 究竟怎么了,什么原因让他们在1933年将一名咆哮不已、品位低俗的反犹主义者推选成了帝国总理?更重要的是,怎样才能阻止类似的民众结构和情绪再次出 现?同当时几乎所有的知识分子一样,哲学家哈贝马斯也是将纳粹统治作为思考、教学以及对时事加以评论的出发点。

1970年时的哈贝马斯Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 1970年时的哈贝马斯

哈贝马斯在80年代曾这样说过,反思纳粹主义,更准确地说反思对犹太人的大屠杀,是创建联邦德国的基础, "非常遗憾的是,德意志这个我们自认的文化民族,恰恰是在奥斯维辛之后,或者说正是通过奥斯维辛,才建立起普世宪法原则。"

哈贝马斯长久以来思考的课题是,文化是一个民族的起源。他在1968年出版的著名著作"认知与利益"中指出,认知是受到某种利益制约的。无论人们思 考什么,都是在一定竞争社会的环境中进行。这就是说,每个进行思考的人,都是朝具体的目标进行思考,而这些目标常常是为个人服务的。由此可见,追求知识本 身并非纯洁无瑕,寻找的过程无一例外地都是在寻找好处。

波恩大学哲学家霍格雷柏在2006年的一份哈贝马斯赞词中这样总结道: "我们进行自然科学和社会科学的研究并不是随意为之,而是我们想知道特殊的 东西。每一个'想要'都是在追逐某种利益,一般而言,这是个人的行为,但如果将之运用到我们人类,哈贝马斯认为,追逐利益也可以超出个人行为。"

1983年哈贝马斯在法兰克福大学Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 1983年哈贝马斯在法兰克福大学

哈 贝马斯在1981年的专著"交际行为理论"中,勾画了人们的行动应当遵守的原则。遵守这些原则,既可以抵达目标,又不伤害别人。哈贝马斯写道,在现代社 会,只有公民尽量将自己的利益同别人的相互关照,才可能达成和平性理解。出于这个原因,在抗议之年的1968年,他指责大学生太过于强调自己的利益,甚至 不惜动用暴力争取实现目标。因为这项指责,哈贝马斯同大学生运动拉开了距离,而这一距离保持了多年。


不论是基因科技,再度复兴的宗教以及移民问题,哈贝马斯都不断重复强调,发展的活力和变化是现代社会最基本的原则, "不论关系到外籍工人家庭还是 前殖民地人民的融入,教训总是同一个:没有融入,就不会有自己视野的开拓,就不会心平气和地去了解丰富多彩的传闻和思想,更不会感受到令人痛楚的不和谐现 象。"

2006年,哈贝马斯在波恩Bildunterschrift: 2006年,哈贝马斯在波恩在 德国,哈贝马斯的哲学地位,好比政治上德国归属西方的意义,相当于文化上的流行乐及摇滚乐的地位。撤下过去岁月的权威架子,开始冷静的、政治上却是异常健 康的辩论文化,哈贝马斯的哲学没有情绪激昂的亢奋。正是如此,他的哲学为传统上并非和平的欧洲,为它的和平做出了一点贡献。在他80寿辰之际,人们有理由 为这位二十世纪最伟大的哲学家之一献上祝福。

作者:Knipp, Kersten / 李鱼


2009年6月7日 星期日




他不諱言脾氣壞,「我天天在跟客人吵架!」吵架的背後是堅持品質,更為維護「Made in Taiwan」的聲譽。




太平洋從轉型做摺疊車,都是客人自己找上門來。林正義笑說,他曾為客戶設計一款車,每輛開價800美元,結果客戶堅持「我1200美元跟你買」,雙方爭執 半天。後來他每台報價900美元出了第一批貨,再用600美元出了第二批貨,最後告訴客戶,其實只要300美元一台。「客戶很怕我們沒賺到合理利潤,將來 沒有開發新車的資本。」
