伊万·“伊维卡”·奥西姆(Ivan "Ivica" Osim 1941年5月6日-),波黑足球教练,现任日本国家足球队主教练。
On November 16, 2007, Osim was struck by a stroke at his residence in Chiba, Japan while watching television[2]. Despite early reports stating his condition as life-threatening,[3][4] Osim has since been heading towards recovery[5] while still remaining unconscious in an intensive care unit at the Juntendo University hospital in Urayasu, Chiba.
In the wake of Osim's declining health, the Japan Football Association has suggested that it was now looking for a replacement manager to be in charge of Japan, who begin their 2010 World Cup qualification campaign in February 2008. As the national team job requires long hours of travel across the Asian continent and working under extremely strenuous conditions, Osim is very unlikely to be able to continue his duty even in the improbable event of making a full recovery from his illness. On November 21, 2007, A Japan Times article reported that Takeshi Okada was a primary contender to replace the incapacitated manager[6] after a news report suggesting the appointment of Holger Osieck by the Nikkan Sports newspaper was later dismissed by Osieck himself.[7]
イビチャ・オシム | ||
名前 | ||
本名 | イヴァン・オシム | |
愛称 | イビチャ、シュワーボ | |
ラテン文字 | Ivan Osim | |
キリル文字 | Иван Осим |
Pray for Osim to speak words of wisdom again
Ivica Osim, the 66-year-old coach of Japan's national soccer team, has been through painful experiences in his life, such as the breakup of his native Yugoslavia and the civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Perhaps for this reason, his words are often filled with deep wisdom.
I should think that the suffering of his compatriots has left indelible marks in the soul of this great soccer coach.
A man of unflagging courage and, with a big heart, Osim has always been open to foreign cultures. According to the book "Oshimu no Kotoba" (Osim's words) by Yukihiko Kimura, Osim was once asked if his personality was shaped by his wartime experiences. "I prefer not to say so," he replied. "If I have learned my life's lessons from my wartime experiences, it would mean that war is necessary."
The civil war claimed more than 200,000 lives and destroyed the capital city of Sarajevo.
Osim was born and raised in the city, which is the setting of the 2006 film "Grbavica." (The Japanese title is Saraebo no Hana, which literally translates as Sarajevo's flower.)
Its Japan premiere is to be held soon at Tokyo's Iwanami Hall. The deeply thought-provoking film deals with the weighty subject of the systematic rape of women during the civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Before he suffered a stroke earlier this month, Osim wrote a message recommending this movie. Proudly recalling his beloved hometown, he noted that it was a place where everyone could accept one another, play soccer and music, and speak words of love.
It must have pained him greatly to admit that his native land has also become like none other in world history, a place where human decency and conscience have been wiped out.
His writing is a heart-wrenching combination of deep nostalgia for his homeland and intense loathing of war.
I heard that Osim's condition warrants no optimism. In his active days on the pitch, Osim was said to be an aggressive player who only needed "an opening the size of a handkerchief" to break through defenses on three sides.
I pray that he will pull through the current crisis and speak his words of wisdom to us again. --The Asahi Shimbun, Nov. 26(IHT/Asahi: November 27,2007)
質問者が不用意に「走るサッカー」について質問すると、オシムは「サッカーで走るのは当たり前です」と切り返す。そうした場面が多々見られるよう に、試合後のオシムの記者会見や雑誌、新聞等に語られる彼の言葉は非常にウィットに富んでおり、サッカーが哲学的に語られる。ジェフ千葉時代に、それがサ ポーター間やサッカー界ばかりでなく、一般紙や教育の現場などでも評判を呼んだ。これが「オシム語録」と呼ばれるようになり、クラブの新しい名物として定 着した。
試合後の会見では、単に質問者がからかわれている場面もまま見受けられ、オシムのコメントをストレートに紙面に掲載してしまうと、その真意を伝え切 れないことになる。また、(練習場のある)市原まで取材に出かけた記者が半泣きで帰ってきた、という逸話が時々紙面に掲載されることがあったように、オシ ムは一部マスコミにとっては「インタビュアー泣かせ」の取材相手である。しかし、真摯な質問者に対するオシムの対応は、往々にして丁寧である。
- 「ライオンに襲われた野うさぎが逃げ出すときに肉離れしますか?準備が足りないのです」[5]
- 「休みから学ぶものはない」[5]
- 「アイデアの無い人間もサッカーはできるが、サッカー選手にはなれない」[6]
- 記者から、初来日の東京五輪から40年、日本のサッカーはどのように変わったかと問われ
- 「大きく成長を遂げていると思う。だが問題は、君たちマスコミだ。40年間、まったく成長していないのでは?」[7]
- 代表監督就任会見で、「2006ワールドカップでの失望をどのように払拭するのか?」という質問に対して
- 「失望というのは、より多くのものを望み過ぎたからするものだ」[8]
- 2006シーズン、勝てば優勝が決まる浦和レッズがFC東京と引き分けた試合について
- 「一生懸命探すニワトリだけが餌にありつける」[9]