"To educate educators! But the first ones must educate themselves! And for these I write."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche: German philosopher who wrote about the Übermensch, or superman (1844-1900)
by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - Philosophy - 1997 - 176 pages
Page 36 - so totally .ANTIPIDAL* to my ears and habits of thought, that in my first impulse of rage on finding them, I wrote on the margin, "la niaiserie religieuse par excellence! "...
by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1978 - 288 pages
Page 63 - ... be no more than foreground valuations, a certain species of niaiserie which may be necessary precisely for the preservation of beings such as us. ...
by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - Philosophy - 2004 - 134 pages
Page 109 - ... he had had such a hallucination, would be a genuine niaiserie on the part of a psychologist: Paul willed the end, consequently he willed also the means. ...
Culture | 25.03.2008
Coal Mining Venture May Force Removal of Nietzsche's Remains
Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche has been dead since 1900, but he could still be in for a move. A strip-mining company is taking samples of coal near his hometown of Roecken, where he's also buried.
As reported in the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Mibrag, a mining company, has been carrying out exploratory drilling near the village in the eastern German state of Saxony-Anhalt since 2006.
If the samples prove positive, the surrounding towns might have to be demolished to make room for strip-mining.
That could mean the destruction of the house where one of the 20th century's most influential thinkers was born and nurtured his adolescent will to power.
It would also likely force the philosopher's grave to be moved elsewhere
Residents resistant
Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Ashes to ashes or, um, coal?
A fair number of Roecken's 170 residents seem unhappy about the possibility of an involuntary move. The Green party, the only party to oppose the drilling, recently polled 36.4 percent in elections -- and they posted even higher numbers in other neighboring hamlets.
But the larger surrounding area, which was part of communist former East Germany and suffers from high unemployment, has different priorities. In September 2007, the state parliament of Saxony-Anhalt approved an energy policy that would allow for new mining operations near Roecken.
Local parliaments have also since voiced their support for continuing coal mining in the region.
"Around half of the visitors to the Nietzsche memorial here want to talk to us about coal," the pastor currently occupying Nietzsche's boyhood home told the ddp news agency.
Mibrag said it will try to respect the area's cultural heritage, should mining plans go ahead.
"If it's possible to dig around it, we will," company spokeswoman Angelika Diesener told ddp. "We're aware of the cultural and historical treasures here."
Diesener added that the company had not drawn up any concrete plans for moving the village -- or Nietzsche's final resting place.
Even if that situation changes, the philosopher will have a few more years of peace and quiet -- the earliest mining would commence would be 2025.
Still, it would be ironic if the philosopher-poet does have to make way for the backhoes and bulldozers since one of his most famous couplets reads: "Light is everything that I touch/ And coal everything I leave behind."
生于1844年10月15日的德国著名哲学家弗 里德里希·威廉·尼采自1900年去世之后,至今还沉睡在他的故乡德国莱比锡附近的洛卡小镇(Röcken Dorf)。尼采的墓地就设在洛卡小镇的一间罗马式建筑风格的教堂内。当然这间教堂也是尼采的出生地和他受洗的地方,可以说这里弥留着很多尼采儿时的记 忆。
为该地区提供供电供暖的(MIBRAG)褐煤开 采商,不仅是德国知名企业还是当地的经济支柱。据德国法兰克福汇报报道:“该集团仅间接提供的工作岗位就达2800个,直接提供工作位置2100个,同时 还有其名下的慈善组织机构。”但人们又会想到一个煤矿开采商的盈利就意味着更多乡镇和自然资源被破坏,随之而来的是为了开采褐煤,当地大批居民还要被迫搬 迁。
煤矿开采和文化遗迹相比,究竟哪个更重要?这一 点当地老百姓也有点犹豫。德国法兰克福汇报报道中称,2007年5月当地有64%的居民表示反对采煤行动,但另一方面反对似乎不起什么作用。因为当地失业 率极为严重,有20%的人已经丢掉了饭碗,1990年以后洛卡周边地区的小镇有36%的人也表示不愿意再居住下去。
鉴于该地的资源薄弱加之失业率大增,居民们关注 的不再是尼采墓地要被挖掘,而是更担心将来褐煤采完后带来的恶性循环。但由于褐煤的利用价值及其丰富,它可以提供取暖和供电资源,因此德国社民党、基民盟 和左翼党人士意见一致,赞同褐煤的开采。只有德国绿党持反对意见,2007年4月绿党试图改变这一现状,但结果是令人失望的。
专家预计,截至到2040年该地区的褐煤资源将 开采完。事实上,开采集团早就看到这一现状,2006年他们已经在尼采墓地所在地洛卡小镇的教堂处钻孔勘查。但有关人士指出,在最后决定开采这片土地之前 应该先弄清开采商是否有资格进行露天采煤。不管结果怎样,事实上根据目前开采商给出的采煤计划,开采将于2025年动工。