2009年11月20日 星期五

约翰·诺克斯 傳Knox, John

這本傳主提前9年出生 妙不可言

作者: (英)麦克里
译者: 宏恩
ISBN: 9787508045702
页数: 294
定价: 25.0
出版社: 华夏出版社
装帧: 平装
出版年: 2008-1-1

简介 · · · · · ·

  约翰·诺克斯 (1505-1572),著名宗教改革领袖,创办了苏格兰长老会,身列日内瓦“宗教改革纪念碑”的四巨人之一。1540年改信新教。他曾被法国人俘虏,沦 为划船的奴隶,之后回到英格兰担任新教牧师。“血腥玛丽”上台后逃亡欧陆,在日内瓦加尔文门下受教。1559年重返苏格兰,致力于传播新教教义、将他的同 胞从当时的宗教腐败中拯救出来。他在信仰之战中历经多次流亡,曾与苏格兰女王对垒,带领苏格兰教会进行宗教改革。钟马田博士认为诺克斯是“清教主义的创始 人”。

作者简介 · · · · · ·




跳轉到: 導航, 搜尋
約翰·諾克斯的肖像。 copied from the original painting in the possession of Lord Torphichen at Calder House[1][2]



[編輯] 背景

宗教改革運動沸沸騰騰之時,蘇格蘭在無能的國王管理下,正處在貧窮、封候間內戰不斷,教會人員亦腐敗的狀態。十五世紀左右,開始有一些大學成立,包括聖安德魯斯、格拉斯哥及亞伯丁等。但在學術上當然無法和歐陸的大學相比。因此有許多年青人到威登堡訪問路德大學,回國後也撒下改教的種子。而路德的著作,以及丁道爾與利威對勒(Coverdale)的英譯聖經開始流傳,因此有些蘇格蘭復原派信徒開始在家中的崇拜與教導。約翰諾克斯(John Knox)就是在這時扮演蘇格蘭最偉大的改教者。[3]

[編輯] 生平與蘇格蘭宗教改革

諾克斯(John Knox)生於1505年1515年間(較多學者認為1505年),生於合丁敦(Haddington)附近。 [4]。其早年經歷已無詳細資料可考。1955年12月出版的教會偉人故事集中所述,在當時為新教殉道的領袖喬治.魏沙特(George Wishart),將這新教學說感化了這位小學教師——約翰.諾克斯[5]。 諾克斯年輕時,取得了聖安德魯斯大學文學碩士的學位,並開始攻讀神學,但不久他對學校教導感到不耐,並尋求另外的亮光 [6]。魏沙特的殉道,喚起蘇格蘭新教的運動,諾克斯也加入宗教改革運動。魏沙特1546年3月2日被紅衣主教比屯定罪焚死。同年5月29日比屯卻也遭到殺害。這時聖安德魯斯城堡為新教運動者佔領,迫使教廷及帝王連手派兵反攻 [7]

魏沙特死後,其領導的團體失去了靈魂人物,而一致通過推舉諾克斯為牧師 [8]。當教廷連合法國將聖安德魯斯堡攻陷時,諾克斯被抓至法國的船上當划船奴,受盡虐待約19個月。[9]。到了愛德華六世時,曾經擔任宮廷中的宣教師。瑪利亞繼任時,1554年逃到德國,並轉至日內瓦,在此受加爾文影響很大,作了他的門徒並翻譯英文聖經,稱日內瓦譯本。並得到了英國清教徒的敬重[10] 。1555年諾克斯回到蘇格蘭展開一連串宣講,半年後回到日內瓦。改革事工愈來愈成熟,於1559年5月2日回到了蘇格蘭[11][12][13]

諾克斯的講道充滿能力,使得所到之處如烈火燎原。以致1560年蘇格蘭國會宣佈改革宗教 [14]。1560年12月召開第一次蘇格蘭大議會,1561年1月就定訂「教會管理法規第一集」,在國會提出,將加爾文所訂的計晝實際的執行於蘇格蘭全國。這時長老宗制度,算是慢慢有了一個初步型式[15][16][17]。 其間因蘇格蘭女王為公教信徒,使得改教運動有多方的阻礙 [18]。直至1570年蘇格蘭的長老教會才穩定的被建立起。


[編輯] 主要的神學思想

諾克斯一生中的主要神學思想是來自日內瓦的加爾文,而蘇格蘭卻是加爾文主義實踐的地方,也使得蘇格蘭成為加爾文主義的代表。也因此而將這思想,由英國跨過大西洋傳到美洲及世界各地。今天台灣南部的長老教會,就是屬於蘇格蘭教會體制,北台灣的長老教會才是屬於加拿大差會。所以由現在南台灣長老會教會體制和思想中,可以了解諾克斯思想 [20][21]。 。 諾克斯非常重視崇拜,也欲由公教彌撒的儀式中改革出來。因此於崇拜部份,諾克斯依據日內瓦英國難民教會的禮拜儀式,及加爾文的儀式修正,而寫了「公用儀式 書」(Book of common Order)。認為在崇拜當中應包括了:讀經、講道、唱詩與奉獻。並且在書中也列有禱告的範本以供參考[22]

[編輯] 主要著作

諾克斯唯一的神學作品為:1560年日內瓦出版所「論預定論」 [23]。但諾克斯因改教需要而訂定了有「教會管理法規」,「公用儀式書」。1560年通過的信經,及1552年克藍麥草擬信經時,由六位神學家審查,諾克斯就是其中的一位 [24]

[編輯] 參考書目

  1. ^ Percy(1964年),第158 (facing)頁.
  2. ^ According to Brown(1895年),第321, Vol. II頁., this picture is based on the portrait contained in Theodore Beza's Icones. According to Laing(1895年),第ix頁., Vol. 1, it may have been copied from an older painting at least a century after Knox's death.
  3. ^ Williston Walker華爾克著,謝受靈譯,『History of the Christian Church基督教會史』(基督教文藝出版社,2005,2月,10版),P644,646
  4. ^ Williston Walker華爾克著,謝受靈譯,『History of the Christian Church基督教會史』(基督教文藝出版社,2005,2月,10版),p646
  5. ^ 夏奧理 寇斯蓮 合著,芯如譯,『教會偉人故事集』,(基督教輔僑出版社1955,12月,初版),p34
  6. ^ John S. C. Abbott約翰 賈德納『Momentous Events form The History of Christianity 基督教歷史上的重大事件』,Edited by Gordon P. Gardiner 歌登 賈德納,譯者:劉秀慧,(錫安堂出版社,1993,10月),P263
  7. ^ Williston Walker華爾克著,謝受靈譯,『History of the Christian Church基督教會史』(基督教文藝出版社,2005,2月,10版),p646
  8. ^ 夏奧理 寇斯蓮 合著,芯如譯,『教會偉人故事集』,(基督教輔僑出版社1955,12月,初版),p35,p36
  9. ^ Williston Walker華爾克著,謝受靈譯,『History of the Christian Church基督教會史』(基督教文藝出版社,2005,2月,10版),p646
  10. ^ Williston Walker華爾克著,謝受靈譯,『History of the Christian Church基督教會史』(基督教文藝出版社,2005,2月,10版),p646
  11. ^ B. K. Kuiper祁伯爾,譯者:李林靜芝,『The Church in History歷史的軌跡──二千年教會史』,校園書房出版社,2007,11版,p262,p263
  12. ^ Sten Bugge穆斯新著,『Liker a Mustard Seed-Church History,像一粒芥菜種-教會史略』(道聲出版社,2001,第三版),P70,p71

Knox, John, 1514?-1572, Scottish religious reformer, founder of Scottish Presbyterianism.

Early Career as a Reformer

Little is recorded of his life before 1545. He probably attended St. Andrews Univ., where he may have become acquainted with some of the new Protestant doctrines. He entered the Roman Catholic priesthood, however, and from 1540 to 1544 was engaged as an ecclesiastical notary and as a private tutor.

By late 1545 Knox had attached himself closely to the reformer George Wishart. When, after Wishart's execution (1546), a group of Protestant conspirators took revenge by murdering Cardinal David Beaton, Knox, now definitely a Protestant, took refuge with them in St. Andrews Castle and preached in the parish church. Attacked by both Scottish and French forces, the castle was eventually surrendered (1547), and Knox served 19 months in the French galleys before his release (1549) through the efforts of the English government of Edward VI.

Knox spent the next few years in England, preaching in Berwick and Newcastle as a licensed minister of the crown and serving briefly as a royal chaplain. He helped to prepare the second Book of Common Prayer, but he declined a bishopric in the newly established Church of England.

Years in Exile

Shortly after the accession (1553) of the Catholic Mary I to the English throne, Knox went into exile on the Continent, living chiefly in Geneva and Frankfurt. In Geneva he consulted with John Calvin on questions of church doctrine and civil authority.

Meanwhile, through his frequent letters, he exerted considerable influence among Protestants in England and Scotland; in his "Faithful Admonition" pamphlet of 1554 he began to urge the duty of the righteous to overthrow "ungodly" monarchs. In 1555-56 he visited Scotland, preaching in private and counseling the Protestant congregations. After his return to Geneva, where he served (1556-58) as pastor to the English congregation, he wrote the First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment [i.e., regimen] of Women. That fiery tract was directed against the Catholic Mary of Guise, regent of Scotland, and Queen Mary of England, but it also alienated the Protestant Elizabeth I, who succeeded to the English throne in 1558.

The Scottish Reformation

In 1557 the Scottish Protestant nobles signed their First Covenant, banding together to form the group known as the lords of the congregation (see Scotland, Church of). When, in 1559, Mary of Guise moved against the Protestants, the lords of the congregation took up arms and invited Knox back from Geneva to lead them. Aided by England and by the regent's death in 1560, the reformers forced the withdrawal of the French troops that had come to Mary's aid and won their freedom as well as dominance for the new religion.

Under Knox's direction, a confession of faith (basically Calvinist) was drawn up (1560) and passed by the Scottish Parliament, which also passed laws abolishing the authority of the pope and condemning all creeds and practices of the old religion. The Book of Discipline, however, which provided an organizational structure for the new church, failed to get adequate approval from the nobles in 1561.

When Mary Queen of Scots arrived from France to assume her crown in the same year, many Protestant lords deserted Knox and his cause, and some even joined the queen. From his pulpit and in personal debates with Mary on questions of theology and the loyalty owed by the subject to his monarch, Knox stubbornly defied Mary's authority and thundered against her religion. The queen's marriage to Lord Darnley, her suspected complicity in his murder, and her hasty marriage to James Hepburn, earl of Bothwell, stirred the Protestant lords to revolt. Mary was forced to abdicate (1567) in favor of her young son, James VI. All the acts of 1560 were then confirmed, thereby establishing Presbyterianism as the official religion.

Despite the ill health of his last years, Knox continued to be an outspoken preacher until his death. It has been said of Knox that "rarely has any country produced a stronger will." His single-minded zeal made him the outstanding leader of the Scottish Reformation and an important influence on the Protestant movements in England and on the Continent, but the same quality tended to close his mind to divergent views. His History of the Reformation in Scotland, finished in 1564 but published in 1584 after his death, is a striking record of that conflict, but includes a number of misstatements and omissions resulting from his strong bias.


The standard edition of Knox's works is that edited by D. Laing (6 vol., 1846-64, repr. 1967). See biographies by E. S. C. Percy (1937, repr. 1965), J. G. Ridley (1968), and W. S. Reid (1974); J. S. McEwen, The Faith of John Knox (1961); S. W. Reid, Trumpeter of God (1974, repr. 1982); G. B. Smith and D. Martin, John Knox: Apostle of the Scottish Reformation (1982).

2009年11月15日 星期日


森繁久弥さん死去、96歳 大衆芸能で初の文化勲章



 舞台「屋根の上のヴァイオリン弾き」をはじめ、映画やテレビ、ラジオで幅広く活躍し、戦後芸能界の最前線に立ち続けた俳優の森繁久弥(もりしげ・ひさ や)さんが10日午前8時16分、老衰のため東京都内の病院で死去した。96歳だった。葬儀の日取りは未定。喪主は次男建(たつる)さん。

 森繁さんは、「駅前旅館」「社長太平記」などのシリーズを始め、「警察日記」「夫婦善哉」などの映画、「七人の孫」「だいこんの花」などのテレビ ドラマで喜劇から悲劇までを器用にこなす多彩な演技で知られた。また「知床旅情」の作詞・作曲なども手がけ、91年には大衆芸能の分野で初の文化勲章を受 けた。


 52年からのサラリーマン喜劇の映画「三等重役」シリーズが出世作となり、森の石松役の「次郎長三国志」や「駅前」「社長」などの人気シリーズに 出演。ドタバタだけの喜劇俳優とは違う、渋さの中にユーモアをたたえた演技派として評価が高まった。ラジオでも、57年から08年まで再放送を含めて2千 回以上続いたNHK「日曜名作座」に出演。間の取り方に工夫を凝らした朗読で新境地を開いた。


 56年にブルーリボン賞と毎日映画コンクールの主演男優賞を受けた後、NHK放送文化賞(65年)、菊池寛賞(74年)、菊田一夫演劇賞の大賞 (76年)などを受賞。84年に文化功労者となった。97年公開のアニメ「もののけ姫」でイノシシの長老の声を演じ、99年のCD「葉っぱのフレディ い のちの旅」では朗読を担当。東宝によると、04年正月放送の「向田邦子の恋文」を最後に俳優活動から遠ざかった。


2009年11月14日 星期六

James R. Lilley

James R. Lilley, 81, Envoy in Tiananmen Era, Dies

Published: November 14, 2009

WASHINGTON — James R. Lilley, a former intelligence agent and ambassador to China who viewed that country with a rare blend of pragmatism and love because of his childhood there, died Thursday at a Washington hospital. He was 81.

Skip to next paragraph
Jerome Favre/Associated Press

James R. Lilley in 2003.

Mr. Lilley, who lived in Washington, died of complications linked to prostate cancer, said his son Jeffrey of Silver Spring, Md.

Under his old friend President George H. W. Bush, Mr. Lilley was ambassador in Beijing from 1989 to 1991, a period marked by the brutal suppression of protesters in Tiananmen Square. “It has been called, and it was, a massacre,” Mr. Lilley declared in “China Hands,” his 2004 memoir, written with his son Jeffrey and published by PublicAffairs.

Mr. Lilley was familiar with the students’ grievances: only days after arriving in Beijing in 1989, he took to riding his bicycle on the streets to glean firsthand knowledge of what was going on.

But while he sympathized with the Chinese students’ yearning for more openness and “an end to cronyism and corruption,” and appreciated the need for the United States to condemn the bloodshed, he argued against any suggestion that Washington’s relationship with China should be cut off or cut back.

“I wanted to make the point that the United States had to stay engaged with China for strategic reasons,” he wrote of his frequent television appearances after the tanks rolled into the square in June 1989. “America, I insisted, could contribute in constructive ways to a more open China.”

Mr. Lilley was almost alone in diplomatic circles for the respect he enjoyed among both the Chinese Communist leaders and the Taiwanese.

Born in Shandong Province (his father, Frank, was an oil executive, and his mother, Inez, a teacher), James Roderick Lilley grew up attended by a Chinese nanny. He became almost as fluent in Mandarin as in English; he also spoke French.

As a boy, he played catch with a young Japanese soldier in the occupied China of the 1930s, before the horror of war made such a friendship unthinkable.

His family returned to the United States in 1940. He graduated from Yale University and received a master’s degree from George Washington University. He also attended Hong Kong and Columbia Universities to study classical Chinese. He served in the Army in 1945-46 and later in the Air Force Reserve.

Mr. Lilley joined the Central Intelligence Agency in 1951 “as a foot soldier in America’s efforts to keep Asia from being dominated by Communist China,” as he wrote in his memoir.

In 1975, he was appointed national intelligence officer for China, the senior post in the intelligence community on Chinese affairs. He was the senior East Asian specialist on the National Security Council early in the administration of President Ronald Reagan.

In the mid-1980s, he was a consultant on international security affairs for the Defense Department and deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs.

Mr. Lilley then served as ambassador to South Korea, through a time of political tumult that led in 1987 to the first genuine presidential election in 16 years.

Outside government, Mr. Lilley taught Chinese economics at the Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies and was a consultant for companies doing business in China.

Mr. Lilley was well known for dispensing frank advice. A month after Tiananmen, he told Secretary of State James A. Baker III that a decision to send American Navy ships on an official visit to Shanghai in May 1989 had been a bad miscalculation, leaving the impression among Beijing leaders that Washington was “cozying up” to their military just as the Tiananmen protests were boiling up.

Yet the Chinese continued to view him as a friend as well as a diplomat. In May 1991, as he was preparing to return to America, a series of farewell parties in his honor drew crowds.

As for his personal feelings about China, “The country had defined my family’s life since 1916, when my father stepped off a boat in Shanghai harbor to work for Standard Oil,” he reminisced in his memoir.

Surviving are his wife, Sally; two other sons, Douglas, of Washington, and Michael, of Rumson, N.J.; a sister, Elinore Washburn, of Andover, Mass.; and six grandchildren.


2009.11.14 10:00




2009年11月6日 星期五


2009/11/07 三立新聞 文化大國民 羅時瑋等

本系資深教授 洪文雄先 生不幸於民國九十二年夏天去世,本系同仁、同學、系友以及諸多學者友人同感震悼,哀痛之餘決定以 洪先生之名,結合本系學術資源,每年舉辦學術活動,以資紀念 洪故教授於本系春風化雨三十三年的教學奉獻。 爰於九十三年十一月至十二月舉辦「2004洪文雄紀念競圖獎活動」與「建築系碩士班設計教學研討會」,於九十四年十一月舉辦「2005洪文雄紀念競圖獎活 動」,而第二屆紀念研討會擬於九十五年十二月舉辦。第一屆紀念研討會以設計教學為主題,是感念 洪先生畢生致力於建築設計教學、尤其著力於學士後碩士班的創設與持續經營。本屆研討會期望藉由 洪先生長期在古蹟修復領域卓著聲望,邀請相關學者發表最新專業成果與論文,並延伸到建築設計專業,故以構築文化為主題,兼及可持續性的普世價值觀,揭櫫新 的學術與專業視野,並擴大邀請大陸學者參與,以促進兩岸建築專業深入交流的成效。

古蹟與歷史建築的保存作為文化資產的累積與創造已是全球性的共識,這尤其彰顯出世界文明差異性與多元性受到重視的趨勢,不同地域的構築文化應該如 其所是地被還原其特色與被重新詮釋。 尤其是這些構築文化本身蘊含豐富的對環境友善的生存智慧,如何從古蹟與歷史建築保存修復或再利用過程中去體會與再整理這些前人智慧,正是建立可持續性知識 體系最基本的核心課題。

這同時也關涉及一地域的建築設計朝向自我歷史而向世界開展的更廣闊可能性,保存地域特色的構築文化因此是跨研究與設計領域的共同課題。 由於文化上的根脈相連,海峽兩岸的空間專業在此課題上的經驗成果更須相互交流,以期共同對亞洲真實的探索做出適切的貢獻。
source: 東海大學建築學系中華建築文化協會

時間:2006年12月2日(六) 9:00-18:00

※ 傳統建築的構築文化再詮釋
※ 傳統建築修復保存與再利用的可持續性面向
※ 產業文化遺址的可持續經營
※ 少數民族(原住民)的構築文化
※ 台灣當代建築作品構築形式的可持續性與地域文化

2009-09-20 中國時報 【邱祖胤/台北報導】


 洪文雄畢生投入台灣傳統建築教學、研究與保存維護,早年參與板橋林家花園、鹿港龍山寺、鹿港古市街的調查研究,其後主持台中張家祖廟、文昌廟及筱雲山莊 等古蹟的調查研究及維護規劃,均保持一貫嚴謹的治學態度,在推動保存台中摘星山莊的過程中,更展現其捍衛文化資產的學者風骨。



2009年11月3日 星期二

12 Million Dollar Dog

Leona Helmsley and her dog Trouble photographed in Leona Helmsley's Park Lane Hotel apartment. Helmsley left her beloved white Maltese, named Trouble, a $12 million trust fund. (AP file)
Leona Helmsley and her
dog Trouble

12 Million Dollar Dog

Associated Press

Trouble is just a poor little rich dog. Although the Maltese inherited $12 million when his owner, Leona Helmsley, the infamous billionaire New York City hotel queen and real estate investor, passed away in August at the age of 87, he may not get much enjoyment out of it.

Not only is Trouble undoubtedly missing his beloved mistress, who believed her deceased husband communicated to her through the dog, kept him beside her constantly, and showered him with affection and expensive clothing, but things just don’t seem to be working out for him.

Despite being promised millions for taking custody of the dog, Alvin Rosenthal, Helmsley’s brother, seems to be unwilling to carry out his role of guardian, so Trouble is passing time in his late owner’s mansion under the care of servants. Perhaps Rosenthal’s reluctance can be traced to complaints from a former member of Helmsley’s staff that the little dog is a tyrant, biting everyone from bodyguards to customers. The woman, who kept house for Helmsley, has a law suit pending against the estate, which, if successful, could take a chunk out of Trouble’s fortune.

Helmsley also specified that the dog, upon passing, be buried beside her in the family mausoleum, with a further $3 million earmarked for the upkeep of the crypt, including yearly steam cleaning. However, even resting forever beside the woman who adored him is likely to be denied the Maltese, as state law forbids animal remains being interred in human cemeteries.

Trouble is probably not getting much sympathy from Helmsley’s grandchildren, as two of them received only $5 million each through the will and the other two were cut out completely from the multi-billion dollar estate.

Although Trouble received the largest individual bequest, the bulk of Helmsley’s estate was left to a charitable trust.

2009年11月2日 星期一

Stephen Sackur

About Stephen Sackur

en Sackur in the HardTalk studio
HARDtalk is broadcast on the BBC News Channel and BBC World News

Stephen Sackur, HARDtalk's presenter, has been a journalist with BBC News since 1986.

Before taking over on the BBC News 24 and BBC World flagship current affairs interview programme, he had been based in Brussels for three years as the BBC's Europe Correspondent.

Prior to this, Stephen was the BBC's Washington Correspondent from July 1997.

He has interviewed Presidents George W Bush and Bill Clinton, covered the 2000 US Presidential Elections, the Clinton scandal and impeachment trial.

Stephen has also been the BBC Middle East Correspondent in both Cairo (from 1992 to 1995) and Jerusalem (from 1995 to 1997), covering the peace process, the assassination of the Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and the emergence of the Palestinian Authority under the late Yasser Arafat.

Stephen was appointed as a BBC Foreign Correspondent in 1990.

He was part of the BBC's team of correspondents covering the Gulf War, spending eight weeks with the British Army when the conflict began.

Stephen filming the programme introduction in Moscow
Stephen filming the programme introduction in Moscow

He was the first correspondent to break the story of the mass killing on the Basra road out of Kuwait City, marking the end of the war. He wrote a book about his experiences - On The Basra Road - named as one of the Books of the Year by The Spectator magazine.

He travelled back to Iraq just after the downfall of Saddam Hussein and filed the first television reports on Iraq's mass graves containing the bodies of thousands of victims of Saddam's regime.

Born in Lincolnshire, Stephen was educated at both Cambridge and Harvard universities.

He is married with three children.