1970年代,Philip Glass一邊開計程車,一邊作曲:
當代美國著名作曲家葛拉斯 (Philip Morris Glass) 因幼時在父親經營的影音商店成長,從小就浸淫在西方古典音樂之中,後來也進入茱莉亞音樂學院深造。但今日他最為人所知的成就卻不在傳統古典音樂領域,而是簡約主義音樂 (Minimal music) 最重要的作曲家之一,而這一切都跟他在巴黎留學時的經歷有關。
昨天看到芝加哥大學的FB頁介紹其知名校友簡寫為”Philip Glass, AB’
Contemporary classical superstar, lynchpin of minimalism, former removal man: Philip Glass's autobiography is Book of the Week:http://bbc.in/1b6OCf9
The University of Chicago
“I think it took me less than a minute to realize that I had lived my whole life in a place that was completely wrong. It was a revelation,” renowned composer Philip Glass, AB’56, recalls from his first days, at age 15, as a new undergraduate in the College. Glass shares this and other recollections in his new book, Words Without Music: A Memoir. Glass will return to campus as a Presidential Arts Fellow in February 2016.
Yes, another case
in point is University of Chicago , which abbreviates their degrees as A.B. Although they now refer to these
as a Bachelor of Arts degree, when the university started it printed its
diplomas in Latin and thus used the term Artium Baccalaureus (A.B.). So now the abbreviation A.B. is still used, the diplomas are in English
and the term Bachelor of Arts is used.~Mack2~ 14:57, 15 January
2013 (UTC)
“I think it took me less than a minute to realize that I had lived my whole life in a place that was completely wrong. It was a revelation,” renowned composer Philip Glass, AB’56, recalls from his first days, at age 15, as a new undergraduate in the College. Glass shares this and other recollections in his new book, Words Without Music: A Memoir. Glass will return to campus as a Presidential Arts Fellow in February 2016.
還是查不出他在芝加哥大學那系畢業: AB’56,
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