2013年11月14日 星期四

Oswald Laurence 'mind the gap'

Wife's search for husband's 'mind the gap' announcement

A 40 year-old recording of the 'mind the gap' message played on the London Underground will be used once more so the widow of the actor behind the warning can hear his voice.
Oswald Laurence was heard for years on the Northern Line and lastly at Embankment station - where Dr Margaret McCollum would go just to hear her husband's voice after his death.
Transport for London stopped using the message in November, devastating Dr McCollum.
But now, having been "touched" by the widow's story, TfL is planning to bring it back.



【Kingston金士頓】2013年度廣告 A Memory to Remember 記憶月台 (完整版)

雖訴之濫情,但這 MIT 廣告,要推一下。

幾天前看了,以為是英國發想製作的。原來這英倫 Underground 的 Tube 是在新北林口搭景拍攝。


金士頓廣告發燒 詞、曲、演唱都是 MIT

2013.11.14 03:18 pm

金士頓年度廣告「A Memory to Remember記憶永遠都在」,由真實故事改編,在台灣林口拍攝。

上線不到一周,即衝破50萬人次點閱的《記憶 永遠都在》廣告,英國地鐵站的場景令人印象深刻,網友熱烈討論拍攝過程及場景,還成為熱門旅遊討論景點,但結果答案揭曉,從地鐵站到穿梭的電車全都是搭景,而且全部都在台灣的林口拍攝,就連片中的主題曲「It Was May」,也由台灣人作詞、作曲、演唱,全部 MIT。





金士頓年度廣告英文主題曲「It was May」作詞、作曲、演唱者,也都來自台灣。作曲者是擁有 NYU 電影配樂碩士學位,也是電影「十二夜」配樂的音樂人羅恩妮。作詞者則是曾編導製作 RE/TURN、木蘭少女等音樂劇的導演蔡柏璋。才23歲的演唱者柯智棠來頭也不小,嗓音成熟的他是歌手魏如萱、魏如昀的表弟,今年才剛拿下海弦獎民歌大賽冠軍。

羅恩妮也說,「It was May」原是一首比較快樂的歌曲,但在尋覓演唱者過程中,聽見柯智棠在校內演唱比賽獲得冠軍的錄音,對他超齡滄桑的嗓音印象深刻,當下她就決定了演唱者的人選。


《It Was May》


It was a tuesday morning in May and as I awoke
I saw the sun against your dear face

It was the years lovely smile
The breeze was fresh and throughout the garden linger the sense of roses

It was may and I cannot forget that we sang together
The more time passes the more I remember

The air was fresh and the song so sweet
Oh it was may, it was may

You sang the love of my heart, the love of my heart
You are going far away, you are leaving me

And I was count the hours when were you return?
Without doubt I say, I will return when the roses bloom again

And I sang the love of my heart, the love of my heart
You are going far away, you are leaving me

And I will count the hours when were you return
And you say, I will return when I hear your voice again

I will return as promise when the roses bloom again


