pp.38-41 訪羅斌 (Robin)
pp.38-41 訪羅斌 (Robin)
With Strings Attached: Puppet Theater Expert Robin Ruizendaal Revels in the Culture of Taipei Article _ Cheryl Robbins Photos _ Li Kaiming Entering a narrow, historical building on Xining North Street, between Dihua Street and Dadaocheng Wharf (大 稻埕碼頭), you step onto well worn, but still dark and polished, wood floor. To the left is an open space, a small, cluttered workshop where a puppet maker carries out his craft. A narrow wooden staircase leads to the exhibition areas of the Taiyuan Asian Puppet Theatre Museum (台 原亞洲偶戲博物館). The adjacent Nadou Theatre (納豆劇場) comes alive with the sounds of children laughing and applauding. These are the stomping grounds of Dr. Robin Ruizendaal. Ruizendaal serves as the director of the Taiyuan Asian Puppet Theatre Museum and artistic director of the Taiyuan Puppet Theatre Company (台 原亞洲偶戲團), both based in Taipei. Originally from the Netherlands, this city has been his home for more than two decades. He fell in love with it on his first visit here in 1990 to carry out field studies for his doctoral dissertation. In 1993, after receiving his degree, he returned, determined to build a career and life here. From Study to Lifelong Passion What started out as something of a fluke has turned into a lifelong passion. In 1986, he was enrolled in a doctoral degree program in Chinese Studies at Leiden University in the Netherlands. As part of this program he was expected to spend time in China researching a specific topic. He already had an interest in drama and went to the library in search of relevant information and inspiration. “What I found was that puppet theater was everywhere,” he says, “I became fascinated with learning about traditional marionette theater and using it as a way to research Chinese culture.” While at Xiamen University, he saw his first traditional Chinese puppet show. He notes that, “After that, I followed four puppet theatre