《祖國在危急中報》1870年11月8日:〈一個民族的滅亡〉 (pp.142~44),像一首激昂慷慨的詩。
大一的『工程圖學』老師的名字我忘了,不過要感謝他。1987年我到日本AMP公司(世界第一的連接器廠) 受訓三個月,工程部要求我複習圖學,並學習新的世界標準,因為它是精密機械產業的基礎之一。
2014.2.12, 讀連照美《新石器時代台灣南端的玉器......》,刊於《國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊》 (第64期):發現此行業表現玉珠等物,採用所謂"六面影像法":頂面、底面、正面、右側面、背面、左側面。(頁166的兩圖版)。這方式固然比工程圖學不經濟,不過這不是研究的重要考量。
我的生日,1952年11月8日。還沒有朋友將當天的天象或世界大事 (譬如說,當天某大報的首頁)等,送給我。
然而,經我個人的努力,我知道這一天,大畫家Henri Matisse 回到他老家鄉Le Cateau-Cambrési,s
為其成立的The Matisse Museum (Musée Départemental Henri Matisse) 說話,講辭有中文翻譯。
現在他的家鄉 Matisse 美術館The Museum (Musée Départemental Henri Matisse),遷過幾次,由原來某小學改成.......
1953 The Robe
Dec. 18-Spyros P. Skouras, president of 20th Century-Fox, and Earl Sponable, research director, see demonstration of CinemaScope inNice, France, by its inventor, Prof. Henri Chretien.
Dec. 18-Mr. Skouras, on behalf of 20th Century-Fox, takes option on CinemaScope lens.
Dec. 18-Mr. Skouras, on behalf of 20th Century-Fox, takes option on CinemaScope lens.
Jan. 18-CinemaScope lenses flown to 20th Century-Fox studios on the Coast.
Jan. 26-Production Chief Darryl F. Zanuck views preliminary CinemaScope demonstrations.
Jan. 28-Mr. Zanuck picks Lloyd C. Douglas' "The Robe" for CinemaScope.
Feb. 2-Messrs. Skouras and Zanuck decide on conversion of all 20th Century-Fox product to CinemaScope.
Feb. 13-Signs 10-year agreement with Prof. Chretien giving 20th Century-Fox exclusive rights to manufacture and distribute CinemaScope lenses on a world-wide basis.
Feb. 23-Production commences on "The Robe."
March 17-20th Century-Fox holds first public demonstrations of CinemaScope in California.
March 18-Metro-Goldwin-Mayer Studios contract to employ the CinemaScope process.
April 1-20th Century-Fox schedules productions in CinemaScope in 1953 and 1954.
Jan. 26-Production Chief Darryl F. Zanuck views preliminary CinemaScope demonstrations.
Jan. 28-Mr. Zanuck picks Lloyd C. Douglas' "The Robe" for CinemaScope.
Feb. 2-Messrs. Skouras and Zanuck decide on conversion of all 20th Century-Fox product to CinemaScope.
Feb. 13-Signs 10-year agreement with Prof. Chretien giving 20th Century-Fox exclusive rights to manufacture and distribute CinemaScope lenses on a world-wide basis.
Feb. 23-Production commences on "The Robe."
March 17-20th Century-Fox holds first public demonstrations of CinemaScope in California.
March 18-Metro-Goldwin-Mayer Studios contract to employ the CinemaScope process.
April 1-20th Century-Fox schedules productions in CinemaScope in 1953 and 1954.