2024年5月23日 星期四

小澤征爾. R2-D2

This German Professor Repainted His Observatory into R2-D2

"Seiji Ozawa was the first Asian conductor to make it big in the West. He brought new life to the image of a classical conductor, with charisma worthy of Leonard Bernstein." - Le Monde French newspaper �

Let’s take a moment in our day to enjoy Maestro Ozawa at his 2015 International Academy of Switzerland, where he conducted Beethoven's String Quartet No. 16 in F Major, Op. 135 among other exceptional orchestral works. https://bit.ly/3V3ctpy

人物: 小澤征爾 “A musician’s special flavor comes out with age,”  「透過音樂將我們的心凝聚在一起」被眾人喜愛的「聖人、聖人」的笑容和音樂永遠停止了。 Mr. Ozawa “leaving the orchestra and the institution better off than he found them.” 夜明け前の暗闇を必要  

小澤征爾 村上春樹


“As a young man, Ozawa displayed the greatest physical gift for conducting of anyone in his generation, and a range and accuracy of musical memory that struck awe and envy into the hearts of most musicians who encountered it,” Richard Dyer, the music critic of the Boston Globe, wrote upon Mr. Ozawa’s departure from the orchestra. Mr. Ozawa, he added, was “leaving the orchestra and the institution better off than he found them.”

In the waning years of his life, Mr. Ozawa came to recognize the wisdom that comes from years of music making.

“A musician’s special flavor comes out with age,” he told Mr. Murakami in the 2016 book of conversations. “His playing at that stage may have more interesting qualities than at the height of his career.”



◇「音楽によって心一つに」が信念 世界の壁なくした小澤征爾さん死去

◇ 相信「透過音樂將我們的心凝聚在一起」並打破世界障礙的小澤徵爾去世了。
小澤徵爾相信「透過音樂將我們的心凝聚在一起」並打破了世界的圍牆,去世了 |每日新聞
小澤徵爾相信「透過音樂將我們的心凝聚在一起」並打破了世界的圍牆,去世了 |每日新聞

 《25歳で見せた歴史的瞬間、西洋に起こした革命 小澤征爾さんを悼む》

"ある日の終演後の楽屋で、そんな感想を小澤さんに伝えると「そう! 僕はシンフォニー(交響曲)でオペラをやりたいんだよ」。対話の権化であるオペラの精神を、言葉や文化の壁のない楽器だけで実現する。そんな理想郷を小澤さんは生涯目指し…"

clubbed together

小澤征爾さんを失って  村上春樹さん寄稿 



小澤征爾 村上春樹


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Vintage chromolithographic valentine postcard. Again, I can't find any metadata. But the style and technique tell me it dates from the late 19th or early 20th century.

Probably printed in Germany, as was the rule with postcards and greeting cards aimed at the high end of the market in English-speaking countries during the decades leading up to World War I. To my V

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