Oxford University wanted to give him a title, he humbly said that he didn't need a title before his name. When he received the Nobel Literature Prize in 1925, he naturally refused to accept the Nobel Prize. Who is this gentleman! He accepted the prize medal at the request of the Nobel Committee, so reluctant to accept the award, degree, as a worldwide recognition of his creations. But he donated the prize money. He received an Oscar in 1939. Until Bob Dylan received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2016, Shaw was the only person to have received both a Nobel and an Oscar. © In search of the fixed stars Tried to become a writer early in life, sending novel manuscripts to publishers but no one would accept them. Frustrated, he decided to never try to be a writer anyway. In the end, he could not keep his promise, he started writing again, but not a novel, but a play. And that play brought him world fame. He is one of the greatest playwrights in the world, George Bernard Shaw, the first person in the world to win both a Nobel and an Oscar. As a child, he didn't like the study of fixed charts, exams. He was attracted to the outside world from textbooks. During his teenage years, he read many books on literature, history and philosophy at home instead of school. However, Shakespeare's plays fascinated him, he thought that one day he would become a great dramatist. His path in life did not go smoothly, due to the decline in his father's business, he took a job in a land broker's office. He works in the office, writes in the blank. He used to write regularly in newspapers, but even there no one printed his writings. Finally one day a letter was printed in a newspaper. It was the first printed writing of Bernard Shaw's life when he was fifteen years old. He was promoted in the job, although he did not like the job very much, one day he thought that he was moving away from the real goal of his life by working. He left for London with ten pounds. Just the
Oxford University wanted to give him a title, he humbly said that he didn't need a title before his name. When he received the Nobel Literature Prize in 1925, he naturally refused to accept the Nobel Prize. Who is this gentleman! He accepted the prize medal at the request of the Nobel Committee, so reluctant to accept the award, degree, as a worldwide recognition of his creations. But he donated the prize money. He received an Oscar in 1939. Until Bob Dylan received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2016, Shaw was the only person to have received both a Nobel and an Oscar.
© In search of the fixed stars
Tried to become a writer early in life, sending novel manuscripts to publishers but no one would accept them. Frustrated, he decided to never try to be a writer anyway. In the end, he could not keep his promise, he started writing again, but not a novel, but a play. And that play brought him world fame. He is one of the greatest playwrights in the world, George Bernard Shaw, the first person in the world to win both a Nobel and an Oscar. As a child, he didn't like the study of fixed charts, exams. He was attracted to the outside world from textbooks. During his teenage years, he read many books on literature, history and philosophy at home instead of school. However, Shakespeare's plays fascinated him, he thought that one day he would become a great dramatist. His path in life did not go smoothly, due to the decline in his father's business, he took a job in a land broker's office. He works in the office, writes in the blank. He used to write regularly in newspapers, but even there no one printed his writings. Finally one day a letter was printed in a newspaper. It was the first printed writing of Bernard Shaw's life when he was fifteen years old.
He was promoted in the job, although he did not like the job very much, one day he thought that he was moving away from the real goal of his life by working. He left for London with ten pounds. Just the
FULCRUM: an annual of poetry and aesthetics
George Bernard Shaw, sketch by great Russian artist Mikhail Dobuzhinsky (Russia & US, 1875-1957). 1945. Pencil, paper. FromFULCRUM: an annual of poetry and aesthetics #2.
George Bernard Shaw, sketch by great Russian artist Mikhail Dobuzhinsky (Russia & US, 1875-1957). 1945. Pencil, paper. FromFULCRUM: an annual of poetry and aesthetics #2.
不過覺得他的書只讀過少數 就作罷
風輕雲淡話生涯 楊憲益先生訪談 (人物-戴 萍)
Allan Ramsay 在S. Johnson的文學俱樂部中提出很多有趣的見解譬如說 荷馬史詩既然在"古遠"即成
那應該有樸素的散文翻譯來表現其精神(譬如說 楊憲益 的荷馬史詩《奧德修紀》)
Johnson說法則是要欣賞它們 只能從詩體得之 (可能在1778年 Good Friday之後所言)
滴酒不沾的黃永玉為 香泉 酒鬼之設計師
Bernard Shaw: Pygmalion ActII(1914)
英國小說-戲劇中的倫敦名街(12)兩座聖保羅教堂 Bernard Shaw (1856–1950)著 Pygmalion(1916. 林語堂譯『賣花女』1929)台南:關山書局印行,1967 )楊憲益譯『皮格馬利翁』翻譯年代不詳)收入『外國戲劇百年精華』北京:人民文學,2005 【林語堂】 西元1895~1976)福建龍溪人,為二十世紀享…….
Pygmalion及其它 在《戴明博士四日談》第28頁中我對西洋神話Pygmalion效應及其在教育上和管理上所謂的「期望理論(Expectation Theory)即師生或主管與部屬之間會互動,前者對後者期望愈殷切,常常導致後者成就愈大。我舉了蕭伯納的《賣花女(窈窕淑女)作例。
Pygmalion in the Classroom, by Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson (Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1969)(p27-c2, TNE)
Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson, Pygmalion in the Classroom, New York: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1968. See also, 1992 revised and enlarged edition, ...Irving Press
24. Rosenthal, Robert, and Lenore Jacobson, Pygmalion in the Classroom: Teacher Expectation and Pupils' Intellectual Development, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. The findings of this study are challenged by Janet D. Elashoff and Richard E. Snow of Stanford University in Pygmalion Reconsidered: A Case Study in Statistical Inference: Reconsideration of the Rosenthal-Jacobson Data on Teacher Expectancy, Worthington, Ohio: Charles A. Jones Publishing Company, 1971.
A SARCASTIC BYSTANDER [thrusting himself between the note taker and the gentleman] Park Lane, for instance. Id like to go into the Housing Question with you, I would.
THE NOTE TAKER. Oh yes. Quite a fat one. This is an age of upstarts. Men begin in Kentish Town with £80 a year, and end in Park Lane with a hundred thousand. They want to drop Kentish Town; but they give themselves away every time they open their mouths. Now I can teach them—
案:林語堂和楊先生都沒注Kentish Town 為倫敦一「郊區」:http://www.answers.com/Kentish%20town
最重要的 "He saw the cities and came to know the thoughts of many men."
最重要的 "He saw the cities and came to know the thoughts of many men."
楊憲益先生之奧德修紀 之翻譯 可能是
楊憲益先 生翻譯蕭伯納(George Bernard Shaw)著的Caesar and Cleopatra【網路上有主文】 採中英對照,「另一序幕」(AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE PROLOGUE)【網路上主文稱為Act I】對話開始,許多字看似簡單,然而還是得多查辭典(用【】表示)。
Belzanor. By Apis, Persian, thy gods are good to thee.
the Persian. Try yet again, O captain. Double or quits! 隊長,再來一次。要麼輸雙份,要麼兩不欠。
Belzanor. No more. I am not in the vein. 不來了。我手氣不好。
the Sentinel (poising his javelin(標槍)as he peers over the wall). Stand. Who goes there?
They all start, listening. A strange voice replies from without.
Voice. The bearer of evil tidings.
Belzanor (calling to the sentry). Pass him.
【vein (MOOD)noun [S or U] v. tr. - 使成脈絡, 像脈絡般分佈於。日本語 (Japanese) n. - 静脈, 血管, 気質, 葉脈, 翅脈, 気分, 鉱脈。a style or a temporary mood: 兩例
The opening scene is very violent, and the rest of the film continues in (a) similar vein.
After laughing over the photo, they began to talk in (a) more serious vein about the damaging effect it could have on his career.】
【start之中文「v. intr. - 出發, 起程, 發生, 開始, 著手, 啟動v. tr. - 使開始, 開始, 發起, 引起, 創辦n. - 出發, 出發時間, 出發點, 起始, 最初」,似乎都未將A sudden and involuntary movement: bolt, jump, startle. See move/halt.和A startled reaction or movement.翻譯。】
【tiding n. - 一條新聞, 消息, 音信; (Japanese) n. - 便り】
alas!A. Breton;施尼茨勒 vs史尼茨勒 ;中文緣
rl:re: 【alas!不知法文】
alas為古法語,字典解釋為 de découragement(氣餒,洩氣),意思應該是:因氣餒而感嘆。
used as an exclamation to express sorrow, grief, pity, concern, or apprehension of evil.
讀 劉紹銘『一條漢子』(中國時報2004.12.10)
很早就想簡記楊憲益和英籍夫人戴乃迭(Gladys Taylor)的翻譯事業(他們夫婦檔的選書,雖然多心不由己,不過苦中作樂,或許也有可觀,可惜我都沒機會讀;我看過近年大陸出版的一些他們的傳記)。不過,劉文強調「「六四」民運期間對學生的支持,可說義無反顧。」「八十九歲的老人,未知尚能飯否? 」
真正他的朋友問的方式是「尚能酒否? 」--他連回憶錄都用《漏船載酒憶當年》(參考甘陽的『將錯就錯』中之文等)。他近來寫些序。最令人懷念的是他早期的兩部筆記,後來合成『零墨新箋—譯餘文史考証集』(台灣台北的明文書局有「轉印本」,1985),最能看出其才情。