2018年2月7日 星期三

默(或梅)克爾 Angela Merkel 最後一個任期?《時代Time》周刊年度風雲人物、內塔尼亞胡、侯賽尼、希特拉 Germany tells Netanyahu: We are responsible for the Holocaust

基民盟的右派分支尤其對梅克爾將這一傳統的保守政黨愈加往"左"帶領的做法不能原諒,認為她讓該黨走向偏自由和社民黨的路線。雖然黨內還少有人公開要求梅克爾下台讓位,不過心裡暗自這麼想的應該已有多人。石荷州州長金特(Daniel Günther)不久前接受媒體采訪時談到,"新的內閣必須要有一些新面孔,這樣基民盟在'後梅克爾時代'才有發展的潛力。"
默(或梅)克爾 Angela Merkel 《時代Time》周刊年度風雲人物、內塔尼亞胡、侯賽尼、希特拉 Germany tells Netanyahu: We are responsible for the Holocaust
「恐懼滋養出的社會  沒有未來」


Angela Merkel Lectures Germans About Being Good Christians


00:00Madame Chancellor, thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak.
00:06A minute ago you were mentioning the responsibility we all have,
00:10in terms of how we should all deal with all this refugee chaos.
00:13But one of our responsibilities is also to protect our own citizens in Europe,
00:19and I am speaking especially about refugees from Syria and similar countries from where now
00:24even more people with an Islamic background come into our country.
00:29And I believe what the gentleman addressed earlier is legitimate, that there is a great fear
00:35here in Europe because Islamization seems to proceed and grow stronger.
00:42So I am asking you, how do you want to protect Europe, and in that regard,
00:46how do you propose to protect our own culture from this?
00:50Uh… I think, first and foremost, that Islamism and Islamic terror are unfortunately
00:57a phenomenon operating predominantly in Syria and Libya and in Northern Iraq,
01:04and to which, unfortunately, the European Union has contributed a myriad of fighters as well.
01:10And therefore we can’t just sit here and say this is a phenomenon that has nothing to do with us,
01:15because those are people, sometimes very young people, who grew up
01:19in our countries, and this is where we bear also a responsibility.
01:25Secondly… uh… fear has never been a good adviser, neither in our personal lives nor in our society.
01:34Cultures and societies that are shaped by fear, will without doubt not get a grip on the future.
01:40And third, of course we have this debate that a lot of Muslims also have,
01:46in which we debate whether Islam even belongs to Germany or not.
01:50But I’m finding that when we have four million Muslims in this country, it’s really not debatable
01:54whether Muslims belong to Germany but Islam doesn’t, or whether Islam also belongs to Germany.
02:01I see there are these worries, but I have to say to that, we all have these chances and all these liberties
02:13to practice our own religion as well, insofar as we are practicing it and believe in it.
02:17So if I am lacking in something in that, I am not suggesting that someone who practices Islam is at fault for that.
02:24We should have the courage as Christians to enter a dialogue then,
02:32and while we are talking about tradition, maybe please go to church every once in a while,
02:37or become a tad more versed in the Bible and maybe be able to just explain a painting in the church,
02:44or at least be able to explain what the meaning of Pentecost is. So there I just have to say
02:49that a lot of people’s knowledge about the Christian Occident leaves a lot to be desired.
02:53But then to come back and complain about how Muslims know more about the Koran
02:57than they do about the bible, I find that very curious.
03:00Maybe this debate will make us want to go back, and encourage us to gain more knowledge about our roots.
03:08So far I find this debate extremely defensively-minded. Sure one has to prepare against the terrorist danger,
03:14but let us all also not forget just how rich European history is of dramatic and gruesome conflict and war.
03:20We should be really careful when we complain if somewhere else something bad is happening.
03:26Sure, we have to stand up against that, but we have absolutely no ground to stand on,
03:31to show haughty arrogance towards others, and I have to say that as the Chancellor of Germany.
Time magazine has named German chancellor Angela Merkel its Person of the Year, citing her resolve in leading Europe through this summer’s Greek debt crisis, and her encouragement of other countries to open their borders to migrants and refugees.
German chancellor awarded honor for leading Europe through debt crisis…


Deutschland Angela Merkel Bundeskanzlerin
"只有在人們不願服從的時候,才是對領導人的真正考驗。"《時代》周刊編輯吉布斯(Nancy Gibbs)在周三發表的一篇聲明中寫道。
與默克爾一同被提名的其他7名候選人包括美國共和黨總統競選人特朗普(Donald Trump)、Uber總裁卡蘭尼克(Travis Kalanick)、伊朗總統魯哈尼(Hassan Rohani)等。自封為"伊斯蘭國哈里發"的恐怖組織領導人巴格達蒂( Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi)在風雲人物的排行榜上排名第二,排在第三位的是美國黑人民權運動"黑人的生命也是命" (Black Lives Matter)。
自1927年以來,《時代》周刊每年都會評選當年世界時事範圍內具有影響力的人物或團體。去年獲此殊榮的是抗擊非洲埃博拉疫情的醫護工作者。2013年,羅馬天主教宗方濟各當選年度風雲人物。默克爾成為30年來第一個獲選年度風雲人物的女性, 她也是1970年勃蘭特總理之後首度獲得這一稱號的德國人。
  • 日期 09.12.2015
  • 作者 葉宣/樂然(德新社、美聯社)

默克爾的發言人Steffen Seibert亦表明,大屠殺很大程度上是德國的罪行:「德國的學校都有教導(此歷史),這永遠不能被忘記。我亦看不到有任何理由,要以任何方式改變對歷史的看法。我們知道這一違反人性的罪行,責任在於德國。」

Germany steps in after Israel's prime minister claimed a Palestinian leader told the Nazis to kill Europe's Jews


