Issey Miyake (三宅 一生, 1938~ 2022) 第一位外國時尚設計師在Paris Fashion Week登台 (in April 1974)
1980年代後期,三宅一生開始試驗一種製作新型褶狀紡織品的方法,這種織料不僅使穿戴者感覺靈活和舒適,並且生產和保養也更為簡易。這種新型的技術最後被稱為三宅褶皺(也稱一生褶),而子品牌Pleats Please也於1993年創建。製作這種織物時,需先將布料裁剪和縫紉成型,再夾入紙層之中,壓緊並熱熨,褶皺就形成了,並且會一直保持著。
In the late 1980s, he began to experiment with new methods of pleating that would allow both flexibility of movement for the wearer as well as ease of care and production. The garments are cut and sewn first, then sandwiched between layers of paper and fed into a heat press, where they are pleated. The fabric's 'memory' holds the pleats and when the garments are liberated from their paper cocoon, they are ready-to wear. He did the costume for Ballett Frankfurt with an ultra feather-polyester jersey permanently pleated in a piece named "the Loss of Small Detail" William Forsythe and also work on ballet "Garden in the setting". Miyake realized that the new method of making clothes fit well in dancers. After studying how dancers move, he sent 200 to 300 garments for dancers to wear a different one in each performance of The Last Detail. This led to the development of the Pleats, Please range and inspired him to use dancers to display his work.
From a young age, Miyake respected artist Isamu Noguchi, whose novelty and sense of fun in his designs inspired Miyake. He was also inspired by fashion designer Madeleine Vionnet's use of geometric calculations and "a single piece of beautiful cloth."[5] In Paris, he visited several museums and he mentioned that he was influenced by sculptors such as Constantin Brancusi and Alberto Giacometti
- 1966年 - ショールームビルとして東京の銀座にソニービルを建設[38]。
- 1968年
- 日本初のカラーブラウン管、「トリニトロン」方式のカラーテレビを開発[73]。この「トリニトロン」方式のブラウン管は、家庭用・放送業務用問わずテレビ・ビデオモニターの全商品で使われた。
- アメリカのCBSと合弁でシービーエス・ソニーレコード(現・ソニー・ミュージックエンタテインメント)を設立[42]。
- 1969年 - アイワと技術・業務・資本の提携。
- 1970年 - 日本企業としては初めてニューヨーク証券取引所に上場[42]。
- 1975年 - 電池の製造・販売を目的として、アメリカのユニオン・カーバイドとの合弁でソニー・エバレディ(現・ソニーエナジー・デバイス)を設立[47]。