2022年12月28日 星期三

George Grosz (1893~1959)


George Grosz

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George Grosz
George Grosz in 1921
Georg Ehrenfried Groß

July 26, 1893
DiedJuly 6, 1959 (aged 65)
NationalityGermanAmerican (since 1938)
EducationDresden Academy
Known forPaintingdrawing
Notable workThe Funeral (Dedicated to Oscar Panizza)
MovementDadaExpressionismNew Objectivity

George Grosz (German: [ɡʁoːs]; born Georg Ehrenfried Groß; July 26, 1893 – July 6, 1959) was a German artist known especially for his caricatural drawings and paintings of Berlin life in the 1920s. He was a prominent member of the Berlin Dada and New Objectivity groups during the Weimar Republic. He immigrated to the United States in 1933, and became a naturalized citizen in 1938. Abandoning the style and subject matter of his earlier work, he exhibited regularly and taught for many years at the Art Students League of New York. In 1959 he returned to Berlin, where he died shortly afterwards.

Excellent new museum in Berlin, Das Kleine Grosz Museum, dedicated to the artist George Grosz (1893– 1959). The museum is situated in a former petrol station.


1922 年 - GEORGE GROSZ 前往蘇維埃俄國

11/24/2022 – 03/31/2023

George Grosz的自傳A Little Yes and a Big No包含關於藝術家 1922 年前往莫斯科和彼得格勒之旅的少量信息。因此,Grosz 與丹麥作家 Martin Andersen Nexö 一起前往蘇維埃俄羅斯進行書籍項目。在那裡,他遇到了前衛藝術家弗拉基米爾·塔特林和政治家卡爾·拉狄克,並拜見了列寧。1923 年回國後,格羅斯離開了德國共產黨 (KPD)。在後來的反思中,這次旅行通常被解釋為他放棄共產主義的導火索。

Revolution,1925 年,墨水、蘆葦筆和鋼筆在淺色初步鉛筆劃上,64.9 x 52.6 厘米,George Grosz Estate

但是,這其中有什麼是真理,什麼是詩歌?Grosz 在那裡做了幾個月的事情,他遇到了誰?他真的在旅行結束後立即遠離共產主義嗎?為什麼只有挪威旅行站的草圖,沒有俄羅斯的作品?

Das Kleine Grosz 博物館的第二次特別展覽是為了紀念 Grosz 的旅程 100 週年這位藝術家迄今為止未曾探索過的蘇維埃俄羅斯之旅。首次追溯了史前史、更詳細的情況和旅行事件,並展示了他在蘇聯時期的發現,這些發現也是通過對俄羅斯檔案的研究得出的——當時這在 2021 年仍有可能。作為 1918 年加入德共的藝術家,格羅茨是特邀嘉賓:他與德共領導一起參加了俄國十月革命 5 週年慶典以及共產國際第四次代表大會(共產國際) ). 即使回到德國後,他仍然是一位支持鼓動的藝術家。然而,與德共的關係始終很困難。直到 20 年代後期和 30 年代才出現最終的反感。

2022年12月26日 星期一

從《人生苦短》(Brief lives《尚友錄》《英國國家傳記辭典》)到《妙趣人生》(21世紀訃聞,‘Eccentric Lives’ Britain’s Daily Telegraph)。附Book of Obituaries (The Economist)

 “What is the meaning of life? That was all- a simple question; one that tended to close in on one with years, the great revelation had never come. The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead, there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark; here was one.” ― from TO THE LIGHTHOUSE By Virginia Woolf, 1927

2022年12月12日 星期一

從《人生苦短》(Brief lives《尚友錄》《英國國家傳記辭典》)到《妙趣人生》(21世紀訃聞,‘Eccentric Lives’ Britain’s Daily Telegraph)。附Book of Obituaries (The Economist)

  從《人生苦短》(Brief lives《尚友錄》《英國國家傳記辭典》)到《妙趣人生》(21世紀訃聞,‘Eccentric Lives’ Britain’s Daily Telegraph)。附Book of Obituaries (The Economist) 


A Book of Cheeky Obituaries Highlights ‘Eccentric Lives’

This new collection is full of oddballs, mavericks and cranks.

This new collection from Britain’s Daily Telegraph is full of oddballs, mavericks and cranks.

Brief lives : 新 《尚友錄》,重要的人物個個都有像胡適之先生寫的《丁文江傳》;《英國國家傳記辭典》

Brief lives : twentieth-century pen portraits from the Dictionary of National Biography 




希望有一天我們有部新 《尚友錄》,重要的人物個個都有像胡適之先生寫的《丁文江傳》那樣的傳記,那就是國家的大幸了。

Rebel architects: building a better world

Working on the fringes of the law, rebel architects are trying to improve people’s lives in tough areas. From floating homes to disaster-proof houses and bamboo domes, Aaron Millar meets the men and women building for their communitiesl

這本書,愛不釋手。今天才知道同一書名、同性質的傳記集,在17世紀末英國即有了--- John Aubrey (1626–1697) 參考傳主提供之資料撰寫。BRIEF LIVES : INTIMATE BIOGRAPHIES OF THE FAMOUS BY THE FAMOUS的特色可從副標題得之,由熟悉傳主的名人撰寫。

Brief LivesTwentieth-century Pen Portraits from the Dictionary of National Biography

Colin MatthewHenry Colin Gray Matthew
Oxford University Press, 1997 - 601 頁
Drawn from the archives of the Dictionary of National Biography, this collection of sharply drawn portraits offers a rich cross-section of the men and women who shaped Britain's identity in the twentieth century. The DNB is an unrivalled record of modern British thought and achievement, combining critical insight with lively prose, entertaining anecdotes, and private data. Brief Lives contains many of the best articles from the twentieth-century supplements to the DNB, collected for the first time in a single, affordable volume. Both insightful and witty, and sometimes surprisingly frank, these are definitive, diverse, and often intimate biographical sketches--most were written by people who knew their subjects personally.
Here, writers, artists, and musicians rub shoulders with scientists, industrialists, politicians, and soldiers in a unique and highly readable anthology of national endeavour. From Laura Ashley to P.G. Wodehouse, from Tony Hancock to Bertrand Russell, Brief Lives presents no fewer than 150 fresh and enlightening snapshots of British life and culture in modern times.
Books 書海微瀾: Brief Lives : John Aubrey (1626–1697) BRIEF LIVES : INTIMATE BIOGRAPHIES OF THE...

朋友說,她在翻譯這本名著。當時笑說這是第51本重譯。沒想到小王子回答:要想看蝴蝶,總得容得下毛毛蟲。......這是奇怪的文化現象,幾年前台灣的7-Eleven 連鎖店用力推印此圖的瓷器.....
今天90元買150人:Brief lives : twentieth-century pen portraits from the Dictionary of National Biography
1945-1990 150位當代英國名人寫剛過世的熟人(著名的英國國家傳記辭典第一次選刊)  我第一看的是BBC的創辦人Reith  參考:BBC - The BBC Story - John Reith  (8篇) The life of Lord Reith, first Director-General of the BBC.
還花約520元兩本英文傳記 各約650頁 美國文豪S. Bellow傳Grant 總統回憶錄

Brief lives : twentieth-century pen portraits from the Dictionary of National Biography

1945-1990 150位當代英國名人寫剛過世的熟人(著名的英國國家傳記辭典第一次選刊)


 其他兩本本是S. Bellow的傳記和 Ulysses S. Grant Personal Memoirs

 2012.6.18 立讀林義老師《春秋公羊傳倫理思維與特質》(2003)的結語
 讀Brief Lives 之Pevsner 傳

這則沒有記下我的同學蓓蒂所提到的餘生努力養生,最幸運的話也不過再卅年,真是Brief LivesKen 談起生命之品質……。我說可能生命(活著)本身就有意義 (想到的是許多學問家,譬如說Ken從書櫃中拿出的錢先生百歲紀念文集;畢竟這些都只是他的身後事)

 KJ Wu


In Memory of H. A. SIMON
( A mail to Learning Organization Forum on Learning and Teaching Styles )
Last weekend I read The Economist 'Obituary' on Herbert Simon(1916-2001).
(please help us to locate as many information as possible.)

I started to write my own series of appreciation for this great learner, scientist and educator. One theme we discussed several years ago is about this subject. If you like to read his Models of My Life (MoML) and Sciences of the Artificial (SoA), there are plenty insights on this important subject.

For example, I quoted his "In the Afterword I reflect on the methods I have used in my research...if permitted, I will stay at this pleasurable, exciting work a while longer."( MoML, please also see his learning and teaching journey.)

He defines the 'style' in SoA, together with Marshall's Economics textbook and so on.
It is difficult to tell the nuance of this subject but you might like to read his quote of Paul Valery's Instants( ...As one speaks to the closest one.) in MoML.

I didn't meet Herb but we knew our own learning styles through emails partially at least.
Herb knows Chinese and we know the meaning of 'history' , Words, Deeds, and Worth of an evergreen life and his theories in sciences.

hanching chung
3月16日回永和,接到卡耐基-梅隆大學(CMU)校長室(Office of the President)的信,稱呼我' Dr. Hanching Chung'
原 來是該校校長室和董事會(Boards of Trustee)邀請我參加3月18日的紀念會的;內有特別事件辦公室(Office of Special Events)回函。我嘆聲氣。決定在網路上紀念你。可惜先生你一向未介紹師母,我未能致點哀,失禮。先生 Herbert A. Simon
The Richard King Mellon University of Computer Science and Psychology
Dear Herb,
Edward de Bono died on June 9th
The father of lateral thinking and “Six Thinking Hats” was 88 | Obituary

Published works[edit]

De Bono on Channel 4 lecture programme Opinions, produced by Open Media in 1994

A partial list of books by de Bono includes:

"The Economist Book of Obituaries"is a collection of 200 obituaries that the paper published between 1995 and 2008. The length is fixed --- about 1,000 words.
Publisher: ‎Bloomberg Press; 1st edition (Nove...
Dimensions: ‎6.5 x 1.32 x 9.6 inches
 評分:4.3 · ‎30 則評論
