2013年3月15日 星期五

Hun Sen, Norodom Sihanouk 1922-2012, Ieng Sary, 1925-2013


英薩利 | 1925-2013


Darren Whiteside/Reuters
紅色高棉領導人英薩利(Ieng Sary)在檢閱部隊,該部隊曾在紅色高棉運動中背叛他,在1996年加入了柬埔寨軍隊。

紅色高棉(Khmer Rouge)前外交部長英薩利(Ieng Sary)周四在柬埔寨金邊去世,享年87歲。他是正在受審的紅色高棉三位年邁領導人之一,被指控犯有種族滅絕罪、反人類罪,以及戰爭罪。
英薩利是紅色高棉最高領導人波爾布特(Pol Pot)的連襟,是柬埔寨共產黨內部圈子的一員,這些人部分曾在巴黎接受教育,他們領導的紅色高棉運動,在1975年至1979年統治柬埔寨期間,造成170萬人或因飢餓和過度勞動死亡、或被處決。
目前與這些死亡有關的人中僅有一位被判了刑,他是原監獄長康克由(Kaing Guek Eav),又名“杜赫”(Duch),他在2012年2月被判處終身監禁。在這個由聯合國支持的特別法庭上受審的另外兩名被告是,紅色高棉運動的意識形態 總管農謝(Nuon Chea)和名義上的國家領導人喬森潘(Khieu Samphan),兩人都已年過八十。
周四,柬埔寨法院特別法庭(Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia)“遺憾地”宣布英薩利去世。這三名被告在被逮捕後都數次進出醫院,法庭試圖確保他們能活到接受宣判的那天。
英薩利的妻子英蒂利(Ieng Thirith)是波爾布特的妻妹,她也曾被指控,但因患痴呆症而免於受審。
英薩利曾在紅色高棉統治期間任柬埔寨外交部長,還是柬埔寨共產黨常委會(Communist Party of Kampuchea’s Standing Committee)的永久成員,當時柬埔寨被稱為民主柬埔寨(Democratic Kampuchea)。英薩利作為外交部長曾說服幾百位在國外的柬埔寨外交人員和知識分子回國為新的革命政府效力。這些人回國後被關進“再教育營”,其中 大多數被處決。
研究柬埔寨的學者史蒂夫·赫德(Steve Heder)曾為特別法庭提供幫助,他寫道,英薩利“多次公開鼓勵、並在其主管的外交部內、以至整個柬埔寨,為逮捕人和處決人提供方便。”赫德是《七個起 訴候選人:對紅色高棉的罪行追究責任》(Seven Candidates for Prosecution: Accountability for the Crimes of the Khmer Rouge)一書的共同作者。
在受審過程中,英薩利的律師稱,他受到已故的諾羅敦·西哈努克(Norodom Sihanouk)國王1996年特赦的保護,越南入侵柬埔寨、推翻紅色高棉後不久,曾在1979年進行過一場象徵性審判,英薩利被缺席判決犯有種族屠殺 罪,後被西哈努克赦免。但法庭裁決,那次赦免不適用於本次起訴。
1979年紅色高棉被推翻後,英薩利繼續進行反對新政府的內戰,直到1996年他和幾千名士兵一起投降,以此換取了國王的赦免。在投降後和被逮捕 前,他公開居住在金邊的一幢別墅中,並經常前往泰國接受治療。英薩利於1925年10月24日出生於越南南部的茶榮省,父親屬柬埔寨民族,母親是華裔。他 出生時取名金庄(Kim Trang),參加革命後曾用名字“文”(Van)。
作為紅色高棉未來領導小組成員之一,他曾獲得獎學金去法國留學,這些人中還包括波爾布特。1951年,他在法國加入法國共產黨(French Communist Party)。
1957年回金邊後,他在一所高中教歷史課,並成為柬埔寨共產黨(Communist Party of Cambodia)的一名地下黨員。1963年當共產黨嫌疑人被紛紛逮捕時,他逃進叢林。
1970年,隨着鄰國越南的激烈戰火,紅色高棉的勢頭快速增長,英薩利在河內為其革命運動成立了一個廣播電台。根據一份法庭證詞,他隨後飛往北 京,1971年得以在北京建立永久性的電台。他於1975年4月重返柬埔寨,從此再沒有離開過,那年紅色高棉部隊佔領金邊,開始改造柬埔寨,是所謂的紅色 高棉“元年”。

Ieng Sary, Khmer Rouge Leader Tied to Genocide, Dies at 87

Ieng Sary, the former foreign minister of the Khmer Rouge who was one of three elderly leaders on trial now for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, died Thursday in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He was 87.
He had suffered for years from heart problems and other ailments and was taken from his holding cell at a special tribunal to a hospital on March 4 for what his lawyers said were gastrointestinal problems.

A brother-in-law of Pol Pot, the top leader of the Khmer Rouge, Mr. Ieng Sary was part of an inner circle of partly Paris-educated communists who led the movement that caused the deaths of 1.7 million people from starvation, overwork and execution during its rule over Cambodia from 1975 to 1979.
Only one person has been convicted in connection with those deaths, Kaing Guek Eav, known as Duch, a prison commander who was sentenced to life in prison in February 2012. The remaining defendants in the United Nations-backed tribunal are Nuon Chea, the movement’s chief ideologue, and Khieu Samphan, the nominal head of state of the Khmer Rouge. Both are in their 80s.
The tribunal, formally the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, announced Mr. Ieng Sary’s death Thursday "with regret." The defendants have all been in and out of the hospital since their arrests and the tribunal has tried to assure that they survive to hear their sentences.
Mr. Ieng Sary’s wife, Ieng Thirith, whose sister was married to Pol Pot, was also a defendant until she was excused because she is suffering from dementia.
 Pol Pot himself died in 1998 in a jungle stronghold of the Khmer Rouge and never faced a courtroom.
 "I have done nothing wrong," Mr. Ieng Sary said before his arrest in 2007. "I am a gentle person. I believe in good deeds. I even performed good deeds to save several people’s lives."
 At a press conference he blamed Pol Pot for the mass killings and also pointed a finger at a future co-defendant, Nuon Chea, who he said was implicated in torture and execution.
 Mr. Ieng Sary was deputy prime minister for foreign affairs and a permanent member of the Communist Party of Kampuchea’s Standing Committee during the Khmer Rouge’s rule over Cambodia, which it then called Democratic Kampuchea. As foreign minister, he helped persuade hundreds of Cambodian diplomats and intellectuals to return home from overseas to help the new revolutionary government. The returnees were sent to "re-education camps," and most were executed.
Mr. Ieng Sary "repeatedly and publicly encouraged, and also facilitated, arrests and executions within his Foreign Ministry and throughout Cambodia," wrote Steve Heder, a Cambodia scholar who assisted the tribunal and is co-author of "Seven Candidates for Prosecution: Accountability for the Crimes of the Khmer Rouge."
During the trial Mr. Ieng Sary’s lawyers argued that he was protected by a pardon in 1996 by the late King Norodom Sihanouk absolving him of a conviction in absentia for genocide in a show trial in 1979, shortly after the Khmer rouge were driven from power by a Vietnamese invasion. However, the court ruled that the amnesty did not apply in this case.
 After the ouster of the Khmer Rouge in 1979, he continued a civil war against the new government until he surrendered together with thousands of troops in 1996 in return for the king’s pardon. After his surrender he lived openly in a villa in Phnom Penh, traveling often to Thailand for medical treatment, before his arrest.Mr. Ieng Sary was born on Oct. 24, 1925, in Tra Ninh province of Southern Vietnam to an ethnic Cambodian father and an ethnic Chinese mother. His birth name was Kim Trang and he later used the revolutionary name Van.  
 He was one of a group of future Khmer Rouge leaders, including Pol Pot, who received a scholarship to study in France, where he became a member of the French Communist Party in 1951.
 After returning to Phnom Penh in 1957 he taught high school history and became an underground member of the Communist Party of Cambodia. He fled to the jungle in 1963 at a time when suspected communists were being arrested.
 In 1970, as the Khmer Rouge gained momentum and as war raged in neighboring Vietnam, he went to Hanoi to establish a radio station for his revolutionary movement. He then flew to Beijing, where he was given a permanent base in 1971, according to testimony in the trial. He returned permanently to Cambodia in April 1975, a moment known as "Year Zero," when the Khmer Rouge marched into Phnom Penh and began transforming the country.

埔 寨下週一將舉行諾羅敦•西哈努克(Norodom Sihanouk)的火化儀式﹐預計在這個週末柬埔寨人將湧上街頭﹐為這位曾兩次即位的國王哀悼。但許多柬埔寨人說﹐這位前柬埔寨國王去年的辭世僅凸顯出 ﹐柬埔寨的控制權並不在國王手裡﹐而是掌握在長期擔任首相的洪森(Hun Sen)手中。

Associated Press

25歲的金邊建築工人Seourn Sok在談到這位前君主時說﹐國王擁有一些權力﹐但是遠遠比不上洪森。西哈努克去年10月去世﹐終年89歲。他於2004年把王位傳給了兒子諾羅敦•西哈莫尼(Norodom Sihamoni)。

年 僅60歲的洪森已經是世界上在位時間最長的國家領導人之一。自從1985年上任以來﹐洪森已經被政治對手和支持者們視為馬基雅弗利式不擇手段的政治權謀家 ﹐他既領導柬埔寨從內戰和種族屠殺中恢復過來﹐同時也鎮壓持不同政見者並智勝政治對手。人權組織說﹐他是憑借任人唯親、暴力和恐嚇做到這些的。

柬埔寨的學者、政治分析人士Lao Mong Hay說﹐洪森對國家的管理很大程度上是他自己一個人的演出﹐幾乎所有事情都由他一人決定。他領導的柬埔寨就像是由他親信管理著的一塊塊封地的集合。


首 相洪森和他領導的柬埔寨人民黨(People's Party)是柬埔寨大多數人所知道的唯一政治力量。柬埔寨擁有1,450萬人口。在城市街道和農村小路邊的品藍色廣告牌上﹐洪森的頭像格外醒目。在今年 7月即將舉行的全國大選中﹐洪森幾乎毫無疑問將獲得下一個五年任期:柬埔寨人民黨去年輕鬆贏得了參議院和地方選舉﹐美國政府資助的國際共和研究所 (International Republican Institute, IRI)在2011年末進行的一項調查發現﹐接受調查的2,000名柬埔寨人中﹐81%的人認為國家目前走在正確的路上。


駐金邊的美國律師Brett Sciaroni說﹐過去幾年﹐我們看到了柬埔寨政府的極大連貫性。在柬埔寨這樣的地方﹐這種穩定也許是好事﹐這其中的一個重要原因是柬埔寨的國家建制很薄弱。Brett Sciaroni就商業和投資問題向柬埔寨政府提供咨詢。


國 家的發展成就因政府濫用權力的指控而名聲受損。人權觀察組織(Human Rights Watch)在其去年11月的一份報告中﹐洪森及其支持者應該為1991年以來的300多起有政治動機的殺戮行為負責。1991年柬埔寨在聯合國的調停下 達成了結束內戰的協議。人權組織還指責柬埔寨政府操縱司法和警察部門。


洪 森一直在駁斥這種說法。據白宮說﹐他去年在金邊會晤美國總統奧巴馬(Barack Obama)時為自己的人權紀錄進行了辯護﹐稱柬埔寨的國內政策是由其獨特國情決定的。洪森還對避重就輕地談到了該國引發爭議的土地租賃問題的影響﹐不過 去年5月他下令暫停出租土地﹐並說那些獲得土地特許租賃權的人如果有非法征地行為﹐政府將收回其租賃權。

洪森出身農家﹐他1970年加入 紅色高棉(Khmer Rouge)﹐在與當年統治柬埔寨的親美政府作戰時失去了一只眼睛。他在1977年投靠了越南﹐以逃避紅色高棉的內部清洗﹐兩年後跟隨越南的侵柬部隊返回 柬埔寨﹐越南入侵柬埔寨後推翻了該國實行種族滅絕政策的波爾布特(Pol Pot)政權。洪森先是在越南支持的柬埔寨新政府中擔任外交部長﹐後來又擔任政府總理。

在聯合國支持的柬埔寨1993年大選迫使洪森領導 的柬埔寨人民黨與一個保王派政黨組成聯合政府前﹐洪森一直未遇到什麼嚴峻挑戰﹐在那次大選中柬埔寨人民黨的得票率位居第二。四年後﹐在一場時間雖短但卻血 腥的小規模沖突中洪森獲取了國家的全部權力。柬埔寨人民黨此後贏得了該國全部三次大選﹐它最後一次在大選中獲勝是2008年﹐當時柬埔寨人民黨贏得了國會 123個議席中的90席。

曾經是共產黨的柬埔寨人民黨夸的分支機構遍佈柬埔寨城鄉。該黨在選舉造勢活動中花的錢似乎明顯高於其競爭對手﹐柬埔寨由商界大亨控制的廣播電視公司也支持人民黨。這些公司控制了柬埔寨的廣播電視業。洪森的女兒Hun Mana就是柬埔寨一家廣播電視公司的負責人。


煙 癮很大的洪森喜歡下國際象棋﹐他說自己想統治柬埔寨直到他90歲為止。許多柬埔寨人認為洪森最終將把權力傳給其子女。洪森的長子Hun Manet今年35歲﹐畢業於美國西點軍校(Military Academy at West Point)﹐他還從英國布里斯托爾大學(University of Bristol)獲得了經濟學博士學位。西點軍校也接收一些外國學生。Hun Manet目前是柬埔寨軍隊反恐部隊的負責人﹐還是其父個人衛隊的二把手。


曾 擔任柬埔寨財政部長的該國反對黨領袖森朗西(Sam Rainsy)去年領導柬埔寨兩個主要反對黨進行合併﹐組建了柬埔寨救國黨(Cambodia National Rescue Party)。森朗西目前流亡巴黎﹐因為他2010年因散佈不實言論以及篡改一張地圖上的柬埔寨-越南邊境的罪名在柬埔寨被判有罪﹐森朗西和人權觀察人士 都說這一判決背後有政治動機。森朗西在接受採訪時說﹐反對黨獲得了民眾的強大支持。

但分析人士並不能確信這位在法國接受過教育的前基金經 理能夠獲得柬埔寨農村地區窮人的足夠支持。在2008年的議會選舉中﹐森朗西黨(Sam Rainsy Party)獲得了全部有效選票的21.9%﹐人權黨(Human Rights Party)獲得了全部選票的6.6%﹐兩黨合計只在議會中贏得了29個席位。





諾羅敦·西哈努克 | 1922-2012


柬埔寨前國王諾羅敦·西哈努克(Norodom Sihanouk)於本周一凌晨在北京逝世,享年89歲。富有感召力的西哈努克作為柬埔寨的標誌性人物長達60多年,其非凡的政治適應技巧,使他在世界上成為動亂的小國柬埔寨的象徵。

據幾家通訊社報道,柬埔寨副首相涅本蔡(Nhiek Bunchhay)宣布了西哈努克逝世的消息。在過去多年裡, 這位前國王一直疾病纏身,並定期前往中國接受治療。
早在1941年,在富蘭克林·D·羅斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)擔任總統時,西哈努克就被加冕為國王。在接下來的60多年裡,他一直維持着某種形式的權力。他曾是一位國王、並擔任過首相、共產主義 革命的傀儡、流亡領袖、最後再次成為國王,直到2004年退位。他將王位傳與其子之一,諾羅敦·西哈莫尼(Norodom Sihamoni),之後成為前國王,也被稱為太王。

他艱難度過了殖民戰爭時期,紅色高棉(Khmer Rouge)時期和充斥着陰謀的冷戰時期。然而,他的晚年以憂鬱的表露為標誌,常常抱怨他稱之為“我可憐的國家”的貧窮和備受欺凌。



越南戰爭(Vietnam War)威脅到該地區的時候,他試圖將柬埔寨打造成一個中立國,既不站在共產主義者一邊,也不站在美國一邊。然而,當越南共產黨開始利用西哈努克市 (Sihanoukville)和柬埔寨東部邊境的胡志明小道(Ho Chi Minh Trail)運送武器裝備時,他開始採取行動,修復和美國的關係。1969年,尼克松(Nixon)政府對柬埔寨邊境地區實施了秘密轟炸行動,他故意視而 不見。然而,這種做法只是讓他的國家變得更加動蕩,並導致次年的政變,他被迫下台。
西哈努克國王確信是美國支持了政變,推翻了他,於是,他在中國庇護者的敦促下,和紅色高棉政權結盟,柬埔寨共產黨得以利用他的聲望和巨大的民望。柬 共1975年取得勝利,殘忍無情的波爾布特(Pol Pot)上台掌權。波爾布特掌權的第一年,西哈努克國王出任傀儡總統,直到後來被軟禁,終日鬱郁。在之後的四年里,紅色高棉的統治使170萬人喪生,幾乎 毀了整個國家。

實際上,他往往在中國的支持下,巧妙地擺布大國勢力,藉以自保,也維持國家的獨立。在一次採訪中,他披露,自己最害怕的惡夢就是,被排擠出柬埔寨的政治生活,在寂寞冷清中終老,像越南末代皇帝保大(Bao Dai)一樣。1997年,保大於寂寂無聞之中在巴黎逝世。



在和王后莫尼列(Queen Monique)流亡的歲月里,他出手闊綽地用香檳早餐和精心製作的法國大餐招待外交使節和外國官員,以此維繫他的柬埔寨運動。
他偶爾也干預政治。1993年,他逼迫自己的另一個兒子諾羅敦·拉那烈(Norodom Ranariddh)王子,在贏得戰後第一次民主大選後,接受妥協,出任政府第一首相,由洪森(Hun Sen)任第二首相,在後者發起的政變中,拉那烈王子被迫下台。西哈努克在世的最後一段時間裡,洪森成為柬埔寨的實權統治者。


起初的三年,真心實意親法的西哈努克的表現,的確符合法國人的所有預期。當二次世界大戰(World War II)的戰火席捲亞洲時,他成了法國殖民統治者的忠誠夥伴。當時,殖民當局與日本勾結,希望能抵擋新生的柬埔寨獨立運動。






他的政治演變成了一黨統治,部分異見人士和對立黨派被拉攏進他的人民社會同盟(People’s Socialist Community)。他在金邊扶持了一個經常出入咖啡館的知識分子上層社會,而在農村保持了他認為多少有些田園風情的現狀,但事實上,那些落後地區的狀 態是極度的貧困。


但與此同時,他監禁反對者,有時還將他們處死,或驅逐出境,值得注意的一位是共產黨領導人沙羅斯·沙爾(Solath Sar),也就是後來的波爾布特。這些都導致了不滿情緒的上升,使他在政治上面臨的反對日益增多,並最終引發了武裝暴動。

與此同時他擔任着國家元首的柬埔寨,正日益受到越南戰爭的影響。在西哈努克國王的默許下,越南共產黨把柬埔寨當做它的後勤基地。當越南人的藏身之地 進一步擴大、美國開始秘密轟炸這些地方後,他只是略微表示了抗議。後來,針對理乍得·M·尼克松(Richard M. Nixon)總統的彈劾條款中提到了這個轟炸行動,但這些起草出來的條款最終沒有用上。

儘管柬埔寨國內日益動蕩,但當1970年被他的表兄弟施里瑪達殿下(Sirik Matak)和郎諾將軍(Lon Nol)推翻時,他依然措手不及。在美國的支持下,新政府立即允許美軍從越南入侵柬埔寨。

美國對柬埔寨的入侵在全世界引發了抗議,其中包括發生在俄亥俄州肯特州立大學(Kent State University)的抗議,其間國民警衛隊槍殺了四名學生。被罷黜後,西哈努克國王逃往北京。那裡的中國領導人說服他攜手與波爾布特的紅色高棉 (Khmer Rouge)合作。紅色高棉是柬埔寨的共產黨組織,從20世紀60年代以來一直在尋求推翻他。

儘管西哈努克國王對紅色高棉曾窮追不捨,逮捕其成員、對他們施以酷刑,但政變策劃者的背叛深深刺痛了他,使他同意出任抵抗力量的首領。他的名字和形 象出現在了宣傳電影和小冊子里,幫助共產黨招募到了柬埔寨農民,也在外交界為其事業贏得了一些體面。最終,西哈努克協助波爾布特掌握了政權。





接下來的12年里,西哈努克國王一直為紅色高棉遮羞,紅色高棉和其他幾個非共產黨團體以民族解放的名義試圖將越南趕出柬埔寨。美國、中國和東南亞國 家聯盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)站在了西哈努克國王一邊。他巧妙地把自己變成了最終談判中的關鍵角色。站在另一邊反對他、紅色高棉以及其他抵抗力量的是越南、蘇聯和洪 森。洪森當時是越南佔領下成立的柬埔寨政府的領導人。

冷戰結束後,柬埔寨不再受制於大國政治的左右。1991年,聯合國通過談判結束了那裡的戰爭。兩年後,柬埔寨舉行了全國大選。西哈努克回到金邊,受 到了熱烈的歡迎。這使他相信自己可以再次成為一位有影響力的國家元首。然而,柬埔寨的其他政客,包括他自己的子女,都不想讓他重新掌權。

諾羅敦·拉那烈王子領導的政黨贏得了選舉。洪森領導的政黨得票第二,而紅色高棉則拒絕參加大選。洪森對失敗很惱怒,他和他的代理人威脅將重燃戰火。 西哈努克國王介入,說服聯合國為洪森設立了第二首相的職位。此舉有效地削弱了他兒子的勝利。然而,後來他重返王位,最後當了太上王直到逝世。

儘管感到愧疚,但他堅稱自己自始至終都超脫於爭執之外,試圖像鄰國泰國的普密蓬·阿杜德(Bhumibol Adulyadej)國王那樣,扮演一個促進國家統一者的角色。


Norodom Sihanouk

Norodom Sihanouk, ruler of Cambodia, died on October 15th, aged 89

IN THE days before Norodom Sihanouk, then 18, succeeded to the throne, a gust put out the sacred candles lit in the palace to mark the event. Courtiers tried to conceal the bad omen, but Sihanouk heard of it. At his coronation in October 1941, a God-King with a crown as tall as a temple, people thought he looked uneasy.

If so, it was not about that. Sihanouk—as he always called himself, in the third person—was shocked that the French, Cambodia’s colonial rulers, had chosen him as king. He was disturbed, too, that they expected him to be a figurehead like his father, pliant and cuddly, a little lamb. True, he stayed giggly all his life, with a penchant for making films, playing saxophone, fast cars and pretty women. Elvis might have played him, he thought. When excited, betraying his French education, he would cry “Ooh la la!” in his high child’s voice. But underneath he was a tiger.
“National dignity” was his motto. By that, he meant proper independence for “my Cambodia”. It began with independence for himself, breaking out from the stifling, insulating halls of the palace to tour among the peasants. Muddy ricefield salutations to “Papa King” gave him his taste for active politics. In an Indo-China roiled by post-colonial disputes and the shoving of the great powers, he wanted a dignified neutrality, and spent his career struggling to achieve it. On the one hand, he tried to stem the revolutionary communism seeping over the border from Vietnam; on the other he rebuffed attempts by America to make Cambodia its puppet.
An accomplished charmer, he made friends with anybody who looked useful: China’s Zhou Enlai, India’s Nehru, Indonesia’s Sukarno, North Korea’s Kim Il Sung. He made allies even of the Khmers Rouges who destroyed his country. He also played, at his royal whim, whichever role seemed most effective: king, prime minister, or humble Khmer citizen-prince in pyjamas, cap and scarf. As a result, he survived to croon his love songs into elegant old age.
Throwing off his handlers took time and guile. For his first “royal crusade”, ejecting the French, he travelled secretly to Paris in 1953 to petition for independence. Rebuffed there, he went on to Canada, the United States and Japan, genially lifting Cambodia out of its obscurity. When the French, besieged in the region, eventually gave in, his old cavalry instructor from Saumur remarked: “Sire, you have whipped me.” It was a pleasing moment.
Yet he still seemed cast as a figurehead in his newly freed country—a fate tantamount, he said, to keeping Charles de Gaulle on the sidelines after the general had freed France. So he moved pre-emptively, renouncing the throne in 1955 to run in Cambodia’s first elections. Royal powers came in useful to suppress opposition parties, especially the newly formed Democrats. The peasants rallied round him, and he became prime minister.
His country, he proclaimed to the world, was moderate and modernising: new hospitals, new schools. It was neither communist nor capitalist, but “Buddhist socialist” with a feudal flavour. While neighbouring Vietnam and Laos plunged into civil war, Cambodia remained his green “oasis of peace” in which visiting dignitaries were regaled with fine French wine and musical numbers by the king himself. He was indifferent to the poverty of the countryside, the corruption of his officials and the spread of communist cells; his peasants he saw as disobedient children who needed to be put in their place. After one revolt, the heads of villagers were displayed in the capital on spikes.
Meanwhile, his diplomatic neutrality was cracking too. As Vietcong in their thousands sought sanctuary from American firepower in the jungles of eastern Cambodia, he let them stay—and in 1970 his generals, with American backing, organised a putsch against him. Outraged at this treachery, he threw his support behind Cambodia’s communists (“Khmers Rouges”, in his dismissive phrase), giving them legitimacy at a stroke. In 1975 they seized power. Sihanouk, now immured in his palace under house arrest, became a symbol again: a useful man to make occasional smiling tours of the collective farms while a quarter of the population perished. Five of his own children, out of 14 by several women, were killed, as he waited for the Khmers Rouges to “spit him out like a cherry pit”. They never did.
Croissants in Beijing
When Vietnamese forces toppled the Khmers Rouges in 1979, he fled into exile. His old friends, the Chinese and North Koreans, both sheltered him. In Pyongyang he had the run of a 60-room palace; in Beijing he feasted with Deng Xiaoping on croissants fresh from Paris. After the Vietnamese had left Cambodia and the UN had brokered peace, he returned in 1991 with a squad of North Korean bodyguards, convinced his rapturous people would want him to rule again.
They did, but as the figurehead he had never wanted to be. “Papa King” was now checked by a strongman, Hun Sen. From the sidelines, he chattered on. Even after his abdication in 2004 he ran a blog to instruct his people, and an online commentary in French on how the country was doing; and on his website the black-and-white slideshow of his reign went on flickering back and forth, until the fade.

