2023年3月26日 星期日

Asterix creator Albert Uderzo. Monstress (comics) by Sana Takeda and Marjorie Liu.Takeda Sana is an Eisner Award-winning artist :Turning Weaknesses into Strengths: Takeda Sana ...

Hanching Chung
2015年1月10日 5:02 ·

這感人的故事引發一些聯想:第一次碰到Astérix et Obélix是1978年,我的牛津大學畢業的同學靦腆地說,他們中學學法語從他倆的漫畫故事開始。我當時有地利之便,讀了幾本......沒想到作者87歲了.....沒錯,一息尚存,人都會做他的天職 (睡前翻Matisse:Father & Son By John Russell,知道Henry Matisse在臨終前一天,仍跟"親人"要紙和筆,為她畫像......),愛他的祖國。

Asterix creator comes out of retirement to declare 'Moi aussi je suis un Charlie'



Charlie Hebdo: Asterix creator Albert Uderzo comes out of retirement to draw 'Je suis Charlie' cartoon

The 87-year-old cartoonist draws a furious Asterix, punching an assailant into the air and exclaiming ‘I'm Charlie too'

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The Independent Culture

Albert Uderzo, the 87-year-old creator of the well-loved French comic series Asterix, has come out of retirement to draw a new cartoon to show solidarity with the victims of the Charlie Hebdo attack this week.
The two new cartoon have appeared, the most powerful of which shows Asterix punching an assailant high in to the air, while angrily exclaiming: “Moi aussi je suis un Charlie”, meaning: “I’m Charlie too”.
Asterix creator Albert Uderzo comes out of retirement to draw this tribute to the victims of the Charlie Hebdo attack
Another image appears to be a sketch showing the characters Asterix and Obelix stood next to each other, their head bowed and their hats in their hands. Asterix holds a single rose in one hand, and the small Dogmatix is seen looking sadly over his shoulder.
The images have been published in French newspaper Le Figaro, where Uderzo is quoted as saying: “I am not changing my work, I simply want to express my affection for the cartoonists that paid for their work with their lives.”
 “How can anyone do something so appalling? How can people claiming to be human beings murder people they have never met but have said something wrong so from that moment, must be killed? This is insanity!”

Turning Weaknesses into Strengths: Takeda Sana ...

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 — Takeda Sana is an Eisner Award-winning artist known for her comic books. She shares how she developed her signature drawing style, ...
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