2019年5月30日 星期四
徐勇、 Jian Liu decided to reveal images he took of the hopeful 1989 student movement and its bloody aftermath.
報導者 The Reporter
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#六四事件 #天安門 #中國 #攝影 #Tiananmen
【獨家專訪記錄六四的中國攝影師】20張底片,對北京提出六四事件最真切證據 - 報導者 The Reporter
Hidden Photographs of the Tiananmen Square Protests Emerge
For three decades, Jian Liu tried to forget the bloodshed he had seen, and locked away his memories in 60 rolls of film — about 2,000 images.
Then he learned that his teenage daughter, who had been going to school in China until 2016, had never heard about the massacre.
In April 1989, students at top universities in Beijing commemorated the death of the Communist Party chief and political reformer Hu Yaobang at Tiananmen Square, marking the beginning of the pro-democracy protests. Jian Liu
Photos of the Tiananmen Square Protests Through the Lens of a ...
After three decades, Jian Liu decided to reveal images he took of the hopeful 1989 student movement and its bloody aftermath.
Photographer Releases Never-Before-Seen Tiananmen Protest Photos
5 days ago - All 2,000 photos were hidden for the past three decades until now. Photographer Liu Jian hopes that the Chinese people won't forget about the ...
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