2018年12月17日 星期一

Computing pioneer Evelyn Berezin, Lyudmila Alexeyeva 1927~2018,The grandmother of the human-rights movement in Russia

美國電腦先驅 Evelyn Berezin 日前辭世,終年 93 歲。Berezin 於上世紀六十年代發明世界上第一台擁有編輯、刪除、「複製及貼上」等功能的電腦化文字處理器,為當時的辦公室秘書的工作帶來革命性轉變。
雖然 Berezin 的名聲不如其他電腦先驅般家喻戶曉,但英國作家希德利(Gwyn Headley)曾撰文表示,如果沒有她的發明,「我們就不會有Bill Gates,不會有Steve Jobs,不會有互聯網,不會有文字處理器,不會有試算表,不會有 21 世紀的所有遙距企業。」


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Lyudmila Mikhaylovna Alexeyeva was a Russian historian and human rights activist who was a founding member of the Moscow Helsinki Watch Group, and one of the last Soviet dissidents active in modern Russia.Wikipedia
BornJuly 20, 1927, Yevpatoria
NationalityAmerican, Russian, Soviet
EducationMoscow State UniversityMSU Faculty of History

Lyudmila Alexeyeva obituary: ‘Grandmother’ of Russia’s Human Rights Movement

Lyudmila Alexeyeva was propelled into activism by how Stalin treated the masses as if they were dirt on his boots

The grandmother of the human-rights movement in Russia

