2019年8月25日 星期日

小人翹腿Boris Johnson puts his feet up in Macron's palace: Boris Johnson fulfils his dream. But that does not mean he will be any good: 轉投"脫歐陣營"?The Churchill Factor; 首相無望 London Mayor 2008-2016 ; has hit back at Donald Trump in the perfect way: 倫敦市長約翰遜:倫敦將不會申請主辦2017年的環法自行車賽的第一站,英國政府拒授權警方使用水炮

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson may have taken a month to embark on his first trip abroad, but he was quick to make himself at home in President Emmanuel Macron's gilded palace, putting his feet up on the furniture.


Boris Johnson puts his feet up in Macron's palace

"The UK reached an agreement with the European Union and the European Union will stick with that agreement."


EU shoots down Boris Johnson's Brexit plan within moments of him becoming Tory leader

Boris Johnson's shambolic style helps get his message across—but often it is the only message he hasECONOMIST.COM

Prime Minister Boris Johnson fulfils his dream

But that does not mean he will be any good

Equilibrist definition, a performer who is skilled at balancing in unusual positions and hazardous movements, as a tightrope walker in a circus. See more.

uk informal UK ​ /ʃæmˈbɒl.ɪk/ US ​ /ʃæmˈbɑː.lɪk/

confused and badly organized


Things are often a bit shambolic at the beginning of the school year.學年剛開始的時候,事情往往有點混亂。

Anna is far too shambolic to be able to run a business.安娜做事太缺乏頭緒,經營不了公司。

Be Any Good | Definition of Be Any Good by Merriam-Webster



Be any good definition is - to be useful or helpful. How to use be any good in a sentence.


(德國之聲中文網)他是脫歐派的標誌性人物之一:波利斯·約翰遜(Boris Johnson)。不過現在有證據顯示,他在這一問題上的想法曾經非常不同。這位現任英國外相在今年2月為《星期日泰晤士報》撰寫的一篇專欄文章中表示,有許多很好的理由說明英國為什麼不應該離開歐盟。在這篇文章中,他把英國的歐盟成員國資格稱為"對歐洲和世界的賜福。"









Boris Johnson :英國外長
So it was with no little shock that the world reacted to the news Wednesday evening that Britain’s new prime minister, Theresa May, had named Johnson to lead the rarefied Foreign and Commonwealth Office, which employs 14,000 people in nearly 270 diplomatic offices and works with the secret intelligence service MI6.

His defenders argue that for all of his verbal daggers, Johnson is at heart a liberal internationalist. He was born in New York City, grew up partly in Brussels, speaks French and Russian, and sprinkles his sentences with Latin phrases. He is a polymath who studied at Eton and Oxford and was a prolific journalist and author who wrote a well-regarded book on his hero Winston Churchill.

捍卫他的人称,尽管语言伤人,但约翰逊本质上是一个崇尚自由主义的国际主义者。他出生于纽约市,在布鲁塞尔生活过一段时间,会说法语和俄语,还会在讲话时穿插引用一些拉丁语。曾在伊顿和牛津就读的他学识渊博,以前还是一名高产的新闻工作者和作家,写过一本颇受好评的著作,是关于他心目中的英雄温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)*的。

*The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History - Amazon.com


"London Mayor Boris Johnson digs into the character of Winston S. Churchill to develop a fascinating book that lays out what made Churchill tick. In the process ...

Financial Times
The remarkable story of how Boris Johnson went from bookies’ favourite to non-runner in the race to become prime minister of the UK.

Mr Johnson’s nemesis was Michael Gove, the justice secretary — the man…

The Guardian
Boris Johnson: London Mayor 2008-2016 - a photographic history.

While opinions remain divided over his achievements in the role, none can…
Nice one, Boris
Boris Johnson has hit out at Donald Trump for his "ill-informed comments" calling for Muslims to be banned from the United States to ensure the country does not end up with "radicalised" no-go areas like London. 
The Republican presidential front-runner defended his controversial idea for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" until authorities "can figure out" Muslim attitudes to the US by claiming police in cities like London and Paris were "afraid for their lives" because of large Muslim communities. 
But Mr Johnson hit back in his typical style, saying: "The only reason I wouldn't go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump.”
He described Mr Trump's remarks as "complete and utter nonsense" and invited Mr Trump to visit the capital to experience the work of UK police officers in local neighbourhoods across the city. 
"As a city where more than 300 languages are spoken, London has a proud history of tolerance and diversity and to suggest there are areas where police officers cannot go because of radicalisation is simply ridiculous," the Mayor of London said. 
"I would welcome the opportunity to show Mr Trump first hand some of the excellent work our police officers do every day in local neighbourhoods throughout our city.
"Crime has been falling steadily both in London and in New York - and the only reason I wouldn't go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump.”David Cameron has not held back in criticising Mr Trump for his latest controversial comments, suspending the usual silence observed by world leaders that they do not get involved in foreign election campaigns. 
His spokeswoman said the Prime Minister "completely disagrees" with Mr Trump's views and described them as "divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong". 
Downing Street took the opportunity to condemn the remarks for a second time on Tuesday, telling a briefing with Westminster journalists: "That's twice in one day he will be disagreeing with Donald Trump; his views are wrong."
Leaders across the political spectrum in the UK united in condemnation of Mr Trump's latest controversial comments. 
Labour's candidate for London Mayor Sadiq Khan, himself a Muslim, said he hoped Mr Trump's campaign "dies a death.
His Conservative rival, Zac Goldsmith, described Mr Trump as "one of the most malignant figures in modern politics," adding: "I hope his campaign ends in absolute disaster."
Ruth Davidson, leader of the Scottish Conservatives, took to Twitter to voice her dismay: 【大紀元2015年10月06日訊】(大紀元記者李琳英國報導)近日,倫敦市長約翰遜表示,倫敦將不會申請主辦2017年的環法自行車賽的第一站,因為為了這個一次性的活動花費3,500萬鎊,這是不值得的。

Boris Johnson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


倫敦市長強森(Boris Johnson)闊別國會下議院七年後,今年重披戰袍參選國會議員,成功拿下位在倫敦西區的選區席次,強森身兼市長與議員身分, ...

堅決反對希斯路機場興建第三條跑道的倫敦市長約翰遜,今次國會大選特別選擇在希斯路附近選區Uxbridge and South Ruislip參選,以近萬票之差擊敗工黨對手。英國ITV報道,他當選國會議員後首個公開承諾,便在躺在推土機前,阻止希斯路第三條跑道興建(Boris Johnson's first pledge as a new MP is to lie down in front of the bulldozers to stop a new runway being built at Heathrow)。

倫敦市長:決以身扺擋推土機 阻希斯路三跑興建 | 立場報道 | 立場新聞



Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson (born 19 June 1964) is a British politician who has served as Mayor of London since 2008. Initially coming to public attention ...

In the news

英國內政大臣文翠珊 (Theresa May) 昨日拒絕授權倫敦市長約翰遜(Boris Johnson)於倫敦市内任何範圍使用水炮,更表明全面拒絕英格蘭和威爾斯警方使用水炮。文翠珊進一步表示,約翰遜於去年授權倫敦警方購入的3輛德國產水炮車有67項疪漏。

英國內政大臣文翠珊 (Theresa May) 昨日拒絕授權倫敦市長約翰遜(Boris...

Boris Johnson 'intends to renounce US citizenship'
BBC News‎ - 1 day ago Boris Johnson says he intends to renounce his American citizenship to prove his ...




星期泰晤士報」報導,倫敦市長強生(Boris Johnson)打算放棄美國籍,以證明他「對英國的忠誠」。他上週訪美時,否認他要成為英國首相的說法。 頂著一頭亂 ..








(小滝麻理子 倫敦)
    鮑里斯·約翰遜    繼承了奧斯曼土耳其帝國官員和英國王室的血統,在紐約出生,因此自稱「坩堝構成的人」。曾作為專欄作家大顯身手,2001年當選保守黨眾議院議員,2008年起擔任倫敦市長。

