2017年7月9日 星期日

Angela Merkel (3): G-20 leaders...a spontaneous burst of cheers and applause 默克尔将再度连任;荣获“四大自由勋章” ;“I don’t have a Plan B,”"不改初衷";Germany Feels Backlash for Welcoming Migrants ;訪難民營誓不容忍仇外行為 at centre of Europe’s storms; 支持率79% 「自由的秘密是勇氣」。

But if a U-turn does become necessary, it will become harder for Mrs Merkel to survive politically


Angela Merkel bei Anne Will
默克爾在德國電視一台以女主持人安妮·維爾(Anne Will)為名的這次對談節目中明確表示,她將不改初衷,繼續實施關於邊界開放的政策。她指出,任何人都不應以為,通過單方面關閉邊界就能解決問題。她強調,她的指導思想是,"歐洲不能失敗"。
Deutschland Flüchtlingspolitik Familien-Nachzug syrische Flüchtlinge
Türkei Flüchtlingslager in Izmir
默克爾此言是有針對性的。同屬聯盟黨陣營的基社盟主席、巴伐利亞州州長澤霍費爾(Horst Seehofer)以及不少基民盟政治家呼籲確定有關本年內允許進入德國的難民數字。默克爾就此表示,如果同意了這樣的要求,自己可能得到4個星期的安寧,但之後,她就會不得不修正相關數字,屆時,國民中的失望情緒"只會更大"。
Griechenland Flüchtlinge in Piräus
在昨晚的電視對談節目中,默克爾總理對副總理、社民黨主席加布里爾(Sigmar Gabriel)表示了不快。加布里爾數天來多次公開敦促在向難民提供幫助的同時應制定一項對本國窮困群體的社會救助計劃,以平息低收入階層對現行難民政策的抱怨情緒。默克爾總理批評說,她覺得,社民黨及其主席有點"自我貶低"。她指出,醫院改革、增加兒童金、63歲退休制、母親退休金制等等,由聯盟黨和社民黨組成的現屆大聯合政府為兒童、家長、退休人員和病人們作了很多事情。她強調說,在此背景下,她不認為在相關問題上目前還亟需做出更多努力。


  • 日期 29.02.2016
  • 作者 凝煉/李魚綜合報導

"We shouldn’t go beyond providing the basics for asylum seekers, like food and shelter, because it will attract more people.”

Praise for Germany’s handling of the thousands of refugees still pouring into the country Sunday is giving way to domestic and international criticism of Berlin’s open-arms policy.
What Angela Merkel teaches David Cameron about political hegemonyhttp://econ.st/1PDaFZw

WHILE wandering in the Peloponnesian countryside, Philopoemen, an Achaean general, would gesture to folds in the landscape and ask his friends: “If the enemy...


Heidenau - Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel
默克爾總理週三抵達靠近德國東部城市德累斯頓的海德瑙小鎮,與難民、志願者和安全力量談話。這是默克爾執政以來首次造訪難民收容所。薩克森州州長提里希(Stanislaw Tillich)陪同總理前往當地時,現場傳來噓聲,還有一群右翼示威者高喊“叛國賊”。
默克爾在造訪海德瑙鎮的時候表示,德國不會容忍仇外行為。“我們不能容忍那些不顧他人尊嚴的人和事,不能容忍不願向有難者伸出援手的人。”默克爾表示,“只有越來越多人清楚表明此立場,我們才能更強大” 。
Deutschland Berlin Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck Besuch Flüchtlingsheim
德國環境部長芭芭拉·亨德里克斯(Barbara Hendricks)宣布,截至2019年,向各聯邦州提供的社會住宅建設補貼將從如今的每年5.18億歐元提高至少一倍,其目的是為難民建設可負擔的居住空間。

February 12, 2015 5:54 pm

Sleep-deprived Angela Merkel at centre of Europe’s storms

Stefan Wagstyl in Brussels
Angela Merkel, Germany's chancellor, arrives for a European Union leaders summit in Brussels, Belgium, on Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015. EU leaders will take up the baton on Greece when they gather in Brussels on Thursday after finance ministers from the euro area postponed decisions on the country's future financing until next week. Photographer: Jasper Juinen/Bloomberg *** Local Caption *** Angela Merkel©Bloomberg
Angela Merkel arrives for the EU summit in Brussels
When she arrived at the Brussels summit on Thursday, German chancellor Angela Merkel’s face bore the signs of the sleepless nights she has endured in the past week in a prodigious quest for a settlement of the Ukraine crisis.
But despite the deep rings around her eyes, there was no rest in sight for Europe’s most powerful leader. Just hours after the all-night Ukraine negotiations in Minsk, she was preparing for talks with her 27 fellow EU leaders — not least the radical new Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras, with whom Germany is clashing over the country’s bailout.
“I have a certain camel-like quality,” Ms Merkel, 60, once said, explaining her capacity to keep going when others would have collapsed with tiredness. She has needed every ounce of it this week covering about 20,000 kilometres on an itinerary of Berlin-Kiev-Berlin-Moscow-Munich- Berlin-Washington-Ottawa-Berlin-Minsk-Brussels.
That travel reflects the desperate difficulty of securing any kind of agreement from Russian president Vladimir Putin. For all the effort, the ceasefire deal struck on Thursday morning is little different from a previous one reached in Minsk last September but never implemented. Upon arrival in Brussels, Ms Merkel was more sober than triumphant, saying: “This is a glimmer of hope. Deeds must now follow words.”
It is her political style to tackle difficult problems step by step. With the Ukraine crisis, the first aim has long been to stop the fighting — and then hope that a ceasefire can create a little breathing space for further talks and, perhaps, movement.
German officials concede that full implementation of the latest Minsk agreement might be a long shot — but believe even a “frozen conflict” in which the two sides did nothing more than stop fighting, would be worth the huge diplomatic effort.
The latest initiative sprang from a letter Mr Putin sent a month ago to Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko offering peace talks. With the support of French president François Hollande, Ms Merkel decided it was worth engaging the Russian leader, especially with the fighting intensifying around the strategic town of Debaltseve and growing calls in the US for the west to arm Kiev.
Days of shuttle diplomacy finally brought the Minsk meeting — and buckets of praise at home for the dogged chancellor.
“Merkel: the world chancellor” ran a headline in Bild, the tabloid.
Even Gregor Gysi, leader of the far-left Linke party and who has fought Ms Merkel for years, allowed himself to say: “If the chancellor succeeds, I will find the words to praise her.”

But as Ms Merkel said herself, huge challenges still lie ahead.
First, there is the need to maintain pressure on Mr Putin to stop the fighting — even though the chancellor’s capacity to squeeze the Russian president is limited.
Next, there is holding together the EU on economic sanctions against Russia. The escalating fighting has made this easier in the short term. Penalties imposed on individuals and companies over Moscow’s Crimea annexation have been extended to September. But the critical test comes in the summer, when broader economic sanctions come up for review.
In the meantime, Germany will be at the forefront of negotiations with Mr Tsipras, who is determined to amend Greece’s bailout. Berlin has come under pressure to give ground. But it fears doing so would have consequences far beyond Greece, effectively undermining desperately needed reform efforts across the eurozone.
In short, the leader striving to contain Europe’s simmering crises faces more sleepless nights.


chapter 2975
2005年,丹麥刊登嘲諷穆罕默德的漫畫,引起全球穆斯林民眾的抗議,部分極端主義分子更作出恐怖威脅。冒着被恐嚇的風險,德國總理默克爾2010年頒發鼓勵言論自由的「媒體獎」給丹麥漫畫家韋斯特伽德(Kurt Westergaard),並以「自由的秘密是勇氣」為題發表演說。她認為自由包含責任、包容與勇氣。相信自己的價值判斷,對自己的一切言行負責,但最重要的是,為堅持自己的價值觀、忠於自己而有勇氣承擔任何由此而須付出的代價。
安格拉.默克爾(Angela Merkel)擔任德國總理已九年。她是德國歷史上首位女性總理,也是兩德統一後首位出身前東德地區的聯邦總理。2011年,她獲頒授美國總統自由勳章,在國宴餐單上寫着:「默克爾博士是自由勝利的象徵,因為她是第一位,在統一德國的總理府上任職的德東人。」2013年,她領導的基民黨獲選連任,讓她成為德國在二戰後,首位三連任的總理。十二年任期將超越戴卓爾夫人的十一年半,成為歐洲任期最長的女性領導人。

Abroad and at home, a rising chorus is criticising Germany's chancellor, Angela Merkel, for her economic policies. Yet Mrs Merkel is still the country's most popular politician. In a poll this month, 79% thought that she was doing a good job, a number that her American, British or French counterparts can only dream ofhttp://econ.st/1xVB7oV

