2019年4月9日 星期二

中國女子擅入川普莊園案更多細節曝光。 Cindy Yang:5萬美元則包括兩個晚宴席位,還能跟特朗普合影 ;沙特王儲穆罕默德·本·薩勒曼Prince Mohammed bin Salman



不止卡舒吉:看過美國機密情報的官員表示,沙特王儲穆罕默德·本·薩勒曼在該國異見記者卡舒吉遇害的一年多前批准了一項秘密行動,包括使用監視、綁架、拘留和酷刑等方式來讓異見者噤聲。 (《 紐約時報 》)

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh in 2016.Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh in 2016.
Fayez Nureldine/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Saudi Arabia’s crackdown on dissidents started long before Khashoggi
The kingdom has a history of going after dissidents and other Saudi citizens abroad, but the efforts escalated sharply after Prince Mohammed bin Salman was elevated to crown prince in 2017.
The prince authorized a clandestine campaign that included the surveillance, kidnapping, detention and torture of Saudi citizens, according to American officials who have read classified reports about the efforts.
Since then, Saudi security forces have detained dozens of clerics, intellectuals and activists who were perceived to pose a threat, as well as people who had posted critical or sarcastic comments about the government on Twitter.
Details: At least a dozen missions were carried out by the same team that killed Jamal Khashoggi in October, suggesting that the gruesome murder was part of a broader push, according to officials and associates of some of the Saudi victims.
The group behind Mr. Khashoggi’s killing, which American officials called the Saudi Rapid Intervention Group, also forcibly repatriated Saudis from other Arab countries and detained and abused prisoners in palaces belonging to the crown prince and his father, King Salman.

She Extols Trump, Guns and the Chinese Communist Party Line
She Extols Trump, Guns and the Chinese Communist Party Line
Cindy Yang once owned the Florida massage parlor where Robert Kraft was arrested in a prostitution sting. Now she promises access to the president and raises money for him.

為了一次與特朗普吃飯或合影的機會,你願意付多少錢? 2700美元的政治捐款可以獲得總統晚宴的入場券,2.5萬美元能買到兩個座位;5萬美元則包括兩個席位,還能跟特朗普合影。
佛州的華裔女商人辛蒂·楊(Cindy Yang)決意和總統合影。上個月,警方在佛州一間水療館抓獲名人買春,使得曾是這家按摩店老闆的楊來到公眾視野中。根據時報調查,她靠著政治捐款與特朗普合影,並以此開展幫助中國客戶進入總統社交圈子的業務。
楊不僅活躍在佛州的社交圈,還與中共統戰組織建立了聯繫,加入旨在推動台灣回歸大陸的全球機構網絡。她是誰?為什麼要涉足政治?誰參與了她對特朗普的政治捐獻?歡迎閱讀這篇報導的中文版 。

In law enforcement, a sting operation is a deceptive operation designed to catch a person committing a crime. ... Sting operations are common in many countries, such as the United States, but they are not permitted in some countries, such as Sweden.

