2020年4月19日 星期日

Kim Yong-hee, 60, 向三星Samsung抗議

Samsung protest: Kim Yong-hee, 60, has spent more than 300 days at the top of a traffic camera tower in Seoul to protest his firing in 1995 by the company, which is South Korea’s most powerful conglomerate, for trying to organize an independent labor union.

Google 翻譯: 三星抗議:60歲的金永熙(Kim Yong-hee)在首爾交通攝像塔的頂部度過了300多天,以抗議1995年該公司(韓國最強大的企業集團)的解僱,原因是該公司試圖組織獨立的 工會。
‘My Last Stand’: In South Korea, a Protester’s Lone Fight Against Samsung

‘My Last Stand’: In South Korea, a Protester’s Lone Fight Against Samsung

Kim Yong-hee has been ​staging sit-ins and hunger strikes at the top of an 82-foot-tall traffic camera tower overlooking the busiest intersection in Seoul — for more than 300 days and counting.

