2020年4月8日 星期三

WHO總幹事譚塞德稱受到來自台灣的種族主義攻擊W.H.O. chief says he was the target of racist slurs from Taiwan 台灣富商郭台銘 Chinese ventilator makers desperate for parts as demand hits 1 million。我黨老同志、老朋友Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus譚德塞

我最近才訂陶傑 Channel,還抓不太住他是諷刺"台灣富商郭台銘",還是褒獎他。
郭台銘在中國的製造大本營鄭州和深圳,的確是復工辛苦。即使請了防疫大顧問,自製口罩等等。然而,疫情也讓他在美國的閒置工廠地有機會,朝醫療業轉型,作起老東家Apple的 Face Shields,又作起大廠M的呼吸器代工商代工商,真是塞翁失馬.......

Domestic producers in China say they face an “impossible” task of expanding their supply to meet global demand.

Chinese ventilator makers desperate for parts as demand hits 1 million

陶傑 Channel
昨天下午2:29 ·



上個月,世衛組織總幹事譚德塞在日內瓦。評論人士稱世衛組織對中國政府過於信任。 Fabrice Coffrini/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
疫情期間,世衛組織的表現一度遭到多方指責,批評人士稱其過於信任中國政府、對疫情的應對行動遲緩,批其為“中國衛生組織” 。

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus heads the World Health Organization.  Denis Balibouse/Reuters

W.H.O. chief says he was the target of racist slurs from Taiwan

The director-general of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of Ethiopia, said Wednesday he had been the target of racist comments and death threats over the past three months that have originated in Taiwan.
Taiwan has been frozen out of the W.H.O. after pressure from Beijing, and like Japan and India, is critical of the organization’s perceived bias toward China and its slowness in documenting human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus and declaring a global pandemic.
Dr. Tedros said that he didn’t care about personal attacks, but that “when the whole black community is insulted, when Africa is insulted, then I don’t tolerate it.” African leaders have come to his defense.
Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, responded to Dr. Tedros’s complaint that the government had not distanced itself from the criticism, writing on Facebook: “Taiwan has always opposed all forms of discrimination. For years, we have been excluded from international organizations, and we know better than anyone else what it feels like to be discriminated against and isolated.”

'The WHO got it wrong, they got up very wrong.'

Donald Trump accuses World Health Organization of 'minimizing the threat' of coronavirus


The World Health Organisation argued against closing the border, refused to call the virus a 'pandemic' and praised China. Australia did not listen to the advice.


Australia IGNORED the World Health Organisation and stayed one step ahead on coronavirus

其實,#譚德塞 還是首位並非醫生專業出身的世衛總幹事。他的學術領域屬於公共衛生範疇,後來長時間從政,2012 至 2016 年是埃塞俄比亞外交部首長。在今次武漢肺炎之前,他已醜聞纏身,例如 2005 至 2012 年擔任埃塞俄比亞衛生部長期間,3 度隱瞞霍亂災情,致使數以百計患者失救死亡。
為了謝票,他於 2017 年委任 93 歲津巴布韋總統穆加貝作為世衛親善大使,後來因政治壓力撤回。2018 年,他跟普京會面後一個月,又突然委任一名名不經傳的俄羅斯代表,掌管對抗肺結核的項目。這位另類的總幹事,正帶領世衛應對百年一遇的大疫症,只能祝大家身體健康。

公視新聞網 PNN


#P快訊】譚德塞指台言論霸凌 外交部:我國被世衛歧視感同身受





中華民國(臺灣)外交部對「世界衛生組織」(WHO)幹事長譚德塞(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)對我國政府進行莫須有的指控表示強烈遺憾與抗議,並嚴正聲明如下:


|圖片/WHO Youtube 截圖



How WHO Became China's Accomplice in the Coronavirus ...
foreignpolicy.com › 2020/04/02 › china-coronavir...

7 日前 - Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (left), the director-general of the World Health Organization, shakes hands with ... both receives funding from China and is dependent on the regime of the Communist Party on many levels.

Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, career-politician running 'China-centric'
www.dailymail.co.uk › news › article-8199719 › D...

16 時間前 - How the man running World Health Organisation trashed by Trump as China-centric is a career politician who worked for a Communist junta and became its first NON-doctor Director-General 'following intense lobbying from ...

World Health Coronavirus Disinformation - WSJ
www.wsj.com › Opinion › Review & Outlook

- このページを訳す
3 日前 - World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at the WHO headquaters in ... agency's “role in helping Communist China cover up information regarding the threat of the Coronavirus. ... Yet director-general Tedros Ghebreyesus declined and instead traveled to China.

China's deadly coronavirus-lie co-conspirator — the World ...
nypost.com › 2020/04/02 › chinas-deadly-coronavi...

6 日前 - World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus ... First, China's Communist authorities have lied, concealed and misled about the origins of the epidemic and the toll of the virus in China.

