2024年12月25日 星期三

Betty Gordon 93歲 助人 兒童讀物《菲比貓與她好奇的狗夢》...

Betty Gordon in her early 30s in a photograph taken at the home of the painter Robert Andrew Parker by her husband at the time, Hal McKusick.

She Danced Naked at Woodstock. She Dated Serpico. At 93, She’s Not Done.

Betty Gordon came to New York to become an actress (and have a good time). But her greatest talent may have been helping others.

Betty Gordon in her early 30s in a photograph taken at the home of the painter Robert Andrew Parker by her husband at the time, Hal McKusick.

貝蒂·戈登 (Betty Gordon) 30 歲出頭,照片中是她當時的丈夫哈爾·麥庫西克 (Hal McKusick) 在畫家羅伯特·安德魯·帕克 (Robert Andrew Parker) 的家中拍攝的照片。

她在伍德斯托克裸舞。她約會了塞爾皮科。 93 歲的她還沒完成。


貝蒂·戈登 (Betty Gordon) 30 歲出頭,照片中是她當時的丈夫哈爾·麥庫西克 (Hal McKusick) 在畫家羅伯特·安德魯·帕克 (Robert Andrew Parker) 的家中拍攝的照片。

An illustration of a woman with red hair and a fierce look on her face lifting a barbell in the air with one hand. Next to her are the words “She’s Back!!! SuperBetty Returns.”
An illustration by Mr. Spence on the occasion of Betty’s recent return from the hospital.

Betty had never written a book, though her own life could be the tableau for a marvelous romp through the last 70 years of New York’s rich performing arts scenes. Surely she could find inspiration in all of that to come up with a good story.

Ian loved the idea, and so began a unique collaboration that did far more than just produce a kid’s book. Soon, he was back to work, producing lively and amusing illustrations to match Phoebe’s adventures.

貝蒂從未寫過書,儘管她自己的生活可能成為過去 70 年來紐約豐富的表演藝術場景的精彩嬉戲的舞台。當然,她可以從所有這些中找到靈感,寫出一個好故事。




90 多歲的貝蒂坐在椅子上的肖像。她穿著一件綠色和黃色的豹紋上衣。

93 歲的貝蒂現在可以將“兒童讀物作家”添加到她的成就清單中。

A portrait of Betty in her 90s sitting in a chair. She is wearing a green and yellow leopard-print top.
At 93, Betty can now add “children’s book author” to her list of accomplishments.

A copy of the children’s book “Phoebe the Cat and Her Curious Dog Dream” lies on a table.
The book is the result of a collaboration that was meant to help a friend out of a difficult patch.

“She later told me, ‘You were in this downward spiral and I needed something to take you out of yourself,’” Ian said. “‘You don’t realize how much people love your art.’ She really built me up. I’ve just never met anyone like her.”

Betty proved exceptionally prolific herself, writing many lively chapters, which Ian edited down to a manageable length. They were so pleased, they decided to publish it themselves. Far more important, and just as Betty had planned, Ian emerged from his desperate gloom.

「她後來告訴我,『你正處於螺旋式下降之中,我需要一些東西讓你擺脫自我,』」伊恩說。 「『你沒有意識到人們有多熱愛你的藝術。』她真的讓我成長了。我只是從來沒有遇到過像她這樣的人。


