前者(假仙者)指中國的一些知名企業,Deep Seek,BYD, 華為,多家建設公司ˋ
假仙者Deep Seek.OpenAI says it has proof DeepSeek used its technology to develop its AI. 17% accuracy in delivering news and information 白宮撤銷了引發全國混亂的聯邦援助凍結措施 川普正在拆除防範政府瀆職的體系
New York Post
OpenAI says it has proof DeepSeek used its technology to develop its AI
假仙者Deep Seek.OpenAI says it has proof DeepSeek used its technology to develop its AI. 17% accuracy in delivering news and information 白宮撤銷了引發全國混亂的聯邦援助凍結措施 川普正在拆除防範政府瀆職的體系
New York Post
OpenAI says it has proof DeepSeek used its technology to develop its AI
Chinese AI startup DeepSeek's chatbot achieved only 17% accuracy in delivering news and information in a NewsGuard audit that ranked it tenth out of eleven in a comparison with its Western competitors including OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google Gemini.
在周二的一封措辭嚴厲的信中,卡羅琳·肯尼迪警告參議員們要提防她的堂兄小羅伯特·F·肯尼迪,稱他為“掠食者”。 In a scathing letter Tuesday, Caroline Kennedy warned senators about her cousin, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., calling him a "predator."
這位億萬富翁和他的盟友立即採取行動削減聯邦政府規模,重複 2022 年收購 Twitter 後使用的策略。
DeepSeek sticks a fork in utility investors’ socket
Trump Is Dismantling the System That Guards Against Government Malfeasance
Silicon Valley Workers Quietly Protest Tech’s Rightward Shift
As Mark Zuckerberg and other tech titans have embraced President Trump, their mostly left-leaning employees have objected with subtle acts of defiance.
根據美國有線電視新聞網 (CNN) 獲得的川普政府官員備忘錄,白宮撤銷了引發全國混亂的聯邦援助凍結措施 https://cnn.it/4hgQQuk
White House rescinds federal aid freeze that sparked nationwide confusion, according to a memo from a Trump administration official obtained by CNN https://cnn.it/4hgQQuk