Did Ronald Reagan Pave the Way for Donald Trump?
In his new biography, Max Boot reckons with the president who was once his hero

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Did Ronald Reagan Pave the Way for Donald Trump?
In his new biography, Max Boot reckons with the president who was once his hero and another who led him away from the Republican Party.
Nancy and Ronald Reagan in 1964.Credit...Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
― H.W. Brands, Reagan: The Life

By Max Boot
This elegant biography of the 40th president stands out for its deep authority and nimble style. Boot, a historian and foreign policy analyst, grew up idolizing Ronald Reagan, but after a decade of interviews and research, he finds himself asking whether his onetime hero paved the way for Donald Trump, the man whose ascent to power led Boot to abandon the right. The book is a landmark work that shows how Reagan emerged from his New Deal roots to become a practiced Red baiter and racist dog whistler before settling into the role of the optimistic all-American elder statesman. “It is no exaggeration,” Boot writes, “to say that you cannot fully comprehend what happened to America in the 20th century without first understanding what happened to Ronald Reagan.” Read our review.
Nancy Reagan will perhaps be best remembered for her loyalty to her husband. She became fiercely protective of him after a 1981 assassination attempt, and stood by him as Alzheimer's disease overtook him.
【圖輯】南西雷根逝世,享壽94歲—為什麼她是最具爭議性的美國第一夫人? - The News Lens 關鍵評論網
A new biography of Ronald Reagan by H.W. Brands argues that his achievements were comparable to those of Franklin D. Roosevelt
The great storyteller’s story
Reagan: The Life. By H.W. Brands. Doubleday; 805 pages; $35. MORE than a decade after his death, Ronald Reagan still divides people. American conservatives revere...
Ronald Reagan still divides people. American conservatives revere him as practically a demigod. He shrank the state, rescued the economy and won the cold war; all Republican candidates must pay homage. The left dismisses him as malign and moronic—a B-movie actor who floated into the White House on an updraft of phoney charm, a man who snoozed during meetings, blew up the deficit and propped up unsavoury third-world despots from Argentina to Zaire.
The great storyteller’s story
Reagan: The Life. By H.W. Brands. Doubleday; 805 pages; $35. MORE than a decade after his death, Ronald Reagan still divides people. American conservatives revere...
曾經被稱為里根「政治知音」(political soulmate)的撒切爾夫人雖然受到邀請出席周一的揭幕儀式,但她因為年邁多病無法親自參加。
里根銅像將落戶於倫敦市中心的美國駐英大使館前的格羅夫納廣場(Grosvenor Square),與之遙相呼應的還有美國前總統艾森豪威爾和羅斯福的雕像。