本週二,歐盟議員們在斯特拉斯堡就容克的人選問題投票表決。此前,由各國政府首腦組成的 歐盟理事會以26票對2票通過了關於由容克出任下屆歐委會主席的建議。鑑於在歐盟議會中擁有多數的人民黨和社民黨陣營均持支持態度,投票前,各方就確認,容克將肯定獲得通過,問題只是,他在未來的5年任期內在議會到底能得到多大範圍的多數支持。
目前,容克在女性比例問題上碰到麻煩。迄今,成員國方面只提出兩名女性擔任歐委會委員職務。但是,歐盟議會要求就歐委會領導層內至少應有三分之一女性。來自塞浦路斯的歐委會文化委員瓦西利烏(Androulla Vassiliou)以現任各位女委員的名義要求容克,至少提名10位女性候選人。出於對在議會表決中失利的憂慮,容克將這一要求當作了自己的建議。他要求各成員國政府,將女性派赴布魯塞爾,並許諾,將對這些女性委以重任。他在《星期日圖片報》上表示,議會不會批准女性過少的委員會,他本人也不會同意。
在歐盟議會表決前數天,容克拜訪了所有議會黨團,為本人和自己的計劃造勢。早在選戰期間他就許諾說,他將是一個“妥協機器”。他對議員們說,他意在建設一個更好的歐洲,一個關注就業和社會問題的歐洲,但不會孜孜迄迄於過分的管理。對社民黨人,他 許諾在 歐元區實現債務標準的靈活化。對他自己所在的歐洲人民黨,這位預定的歐委會主席則許諾實施顯然是另一種路線。對不得不痛苦實施財政緊縮政策而對扮演監督角色的“三駕馬車”頗有微詞的南歐諸國,這位老練的政治家則許諾,要徹底改造歐盟、國際貨幣基金組織和歐洲央行構成的“三駕馬車”,要考慮如何讓“三駕馬車”更多一些民主。
容克也接觸了對歐洲持溫和懷疑態度或極端批評立場的各黨團。對卡梅倫總理領導的英國保守派,他許諾,將考慮英國關於歐盟必須 改革的願望。卡梅倫在最近的一次歐盟理事會會議上投票反對容克後曾表示,他認為,容克是“代表了昨天的不恰當人士”。容克知道,在歐委會主席任上,他會遭遇來自唐寧街的猛烈抵抗。作為媾和措施之一,容克將安排一名英國人在委員會裡擔任要職。英國媒體在選戰中曾報導他有健康問題、他的父親據稱與納粹有染,這讓他頗受傷害。不過,他仍願意與英國人合舟共濟。
在過去25年裡,容克參與了歐盟所有決定性步驟的決策。可以說,他是所有歐盟政治家中經驗最豐富的一位。當然,在批評者眼裡,這正好就是他們認為他之所以不適合擔任歐委會新主席的最大原因。不過,他在議會中很善於以自己的魅力和恰如其分的表情動作去征服政治對手。向各黨團人士友好示意、耐心接受采訪,這在他都是駕輕就熟之舉。綠黨議會黨團主席哈姆斯(Rebecca Harms)便稱許說,容克相信自己已為歐盟各機構間的權力之爭做好了準備,“他熟悉內情,沒有任何可讓他意外的東西,歐盟理事會內不會有什麼他未曾經歷過的事情”。
作者:Bernd Riegert 編譯:凝煉
酒鬼當主席 英嗆退出歐盟
德法跑票 卡麥隆跳腳
《每日郵報》歷歷在目地描述,卡麥隆(David Cameron)上周一把范宏畢叫到唐寧街10號首相官邸,要求歐盟28國領袖在上周五舉行高峰會,選出執委會主席(EU President)人選時,必須舉行正式的記名投票。范宏畢一再回答「我會決定投票如何進行」。一直得不到「好,照辦」答案的卡麥隆,就把范宏畢「請」出唐寧街10號。
上周五高峰會投票時,卡麥隆只獲匈牙利總理歐邦(Viktor Orban)一同反對榮克(Jean-Claude Juncker),以2票比26票的懸殊比例慘敗。《每日郵報》說,卡麥隆當場站起身來,從愛沙尼亞、希臘到愛爾蘭,指著鼻子罵過一輪,說他們「有天終會後悔」。據稱,原本德國總理梅克爾(Angela Merkel,前譯莫克)、法國總統歐蘭德(Francois Hollande)等私下都同意榮克不適合該職。
如此「一無是處的酒鬼」如何變成歐盟執委會主席人選,報導將之「歸功」於梅克爾不想讓政敵舒茲(Martin Schulz)選上主席。然而舒茲6月初就表態支持榮克擔任歐盟執委會主席。盧森堡媒體《盧森堡祕密報》曾報導,榮克可在2小時內「喝掉3杯紅酒,1杯金巴利苦味酒與3杯珊布卡甜酒。」
It sounded almost like an admission of defeat. Faced with a growing likelihood that Jean-Claude Juncker, a former prime minister of Luxembourg, will become the next president of the European Commission, Britain's prime minister, David Cameron, said wearily on June 17th: "I will go on thinking it is wrong right up until the end"http://econ.st/1jKzEJF
David Cameron calls him unacceptable and illegitimate. Angela Merkel calls him a great European whom she fully supports for the job of next president of the European commission. How has Jean-Claude Juncker become the most divisive figure in Europe?

Jean-Claude Juncker: what is the trouble with Britain's bogey man?
Angela Merkel supports him to head the European commission, but David...
When Europe's leaders gather at a Flanders field next Thursday to commemorate the mass slaughter of a generation of young European men in the first world war, they will want to avoid another battle, particularly one between Britain and Germany.
But the EU summit in Ypres will also struggle to strike an armistice, withDavid Cameron and Angela Merkel, who are locking horns over the vexed question of Jean-Claude Juncker.
The former Luxembourg prime minister has been a less-than-colourful fixture of European politics for more than 20 years, the embodiment of consensus, compromise and coalition-building that is the daily grind of EU deal-making.
Suddenly and surprisingly, at what many thought was the end of a long career at the heart of EU politics, Juncker has become the most divisive figure in Europe. Cameron calls him unacceptable and illegitimate, haughtily scorning Juncker's drive to become the next head of the EU executive in Brussels. Merkel calls him a great European whom she fully supports for the job of next president of the European commission.
Senior diplomats in Brussels say "the die is cast", Merkel has won, Cameron has lost, Juncker's comeback is a fait accompli. It ain't necessarily so.
No commission chief has ever been appointed against the express and robust opposition of a big EU member state like Britain. But there's a first time for everything, and Ypres is a battlefield.
Juncker's office in Brussels is one of the few smoke-filled rooms left in the EU capital. He prefers it that way, as in his study in a modest bungalow in Luxembourg surrounded by voluminous files detailing the post-cold war history of the EU.
When he stood down as Europe's longest-serving prime minister last December in the wake of an intelligence scandal involving Britain's MI6, most thought they had seen the end of Juncker. The Europe fanatic with an encyclopaedic knowledge of the last quarter-century of EU politics was supposed to settle down to memoir-scribbling. Instead, a politician who shuns the spotlight and famously quipped he prefers "dark, secret rooms" will occupy the centre-stage in Ypres and in Brussels the following day.
For the Sun, Juncker is "the most dangerous man in Europe", the son of a "Nazi" – an improbable calumny. For Viviane Reding, a vice-president of the European commission and a Luxembourger who goes back decades with Juncker, the British campaign is nothing short of disgraceful.
"It's a shame, disgusting, low-level, has nothing to do with reality," she told the Guardian. "I'm ashamed and so sorry for what I have seen in the British press."
Juncker, too, of course, has a different story to tell.
"The loveliest European experience I've had was outside the EU, in Ukraine," he told the Guardian in April. "I organised the first summit between the EU and Ukraine. In 1997. In Kiev I took a boat trip on the river Dniepr and asked my Ukrainian colleagues how long it took to get to Odessa. They asked why. Because my father was then a forced German soldier and was wounded in Odessa. The Ukrainian asked me when that was then we cried, because his father was wounded on the same day on the Russian side.
"We tried to bring Europe forward and that's why I still believe in Europe."
The working-class son of a Luxembourg steelworker who studied law in Belgium and France has dominated politics in the Grand Duchy for a generation, as prime minister for 19 years and much of that time also combining the job with that of finance minister. Juncker is a politics junkie. He is not known to have other interests outside politics. He is married, but has no children.
Punching above his weight is an understatement when it comes to Juncker's role in what the EU has become. There are scores of city mayors across Europe running municipalities much bigger than Luxembourg's 539,000 population. But it is behind the scenes in the endless councils, conferences and summits of the EU that Juncker has left his mark. He was attending, and even chairing, meetings of EU ministers as far back as the mid-1980s. Until he quit in December, there was no one at the EU summit table bar Juncker who took part in the Maastricht summit of 1992 that created the euro.
The only politician still in office who can match his involvement in EU politics is Wolfgang Schäuble, the German finance minister, who is 12 years older.
It is the single currency, above all, that bears Juncker's imprint. The euro rule book was a mega-battle between Germany and France. It is called the Stability and Growth Pact, stability representing the German fetish, growth describing the French fixation. Juncker drafted much of it, brokering deals and bridging what appeared to be irreconcilable differences between Helmut Kohl and François Mitterrand, between the German and French finance and central bank mandarins.
When the currency Juncker helped to create started to unravel in 2010 under the weight of a ballooning banking and sovereign debt emergency, he played a key role, for better or for worse, in the crisis management as president for eight years of the Eurogroup, the committee of eurozone finance ministers that created the instruments to save the currency and plotted a wayward route out of disaster.
In the process, he bragged that you "have to lie" to succeed in such crisis management. At the height of the Greek calamity in 2011, he hosted a secret meeting of top eurozone leaders. His spokesman flatly denied the meeting took place.
When he stood down as Eurogroup president last year, his successor, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the Dutch finance minister, criticised Juncker's handling of the sessions, pointing to his smoking and drinking habits. Juncker denied he had an alcohol problem.
Although he argues for sound public finances, supporting German-style fiscal and budgetary rigour, Juncker is often on the left "social" fringe of European Christian democracy – the centre-right led by Merkel's CDU and long the dominant force in European politics.
He espouses minimum wages across the EU, varied according to country and economic health. He supports a "European" element in national unemployment benefits schemes, aimed at softening the impact of mass unemployment in large parts of particularly southern Europe and especially among the young.
In the case of eurozone bailouts for struggling single-currency countries, he argues for coupling the stringent austerity and spending cuts packages needed to qualify for the rescue with impact assessments on the social costs of the programmes.
Under his long stewardship, Luxembourg became Europe's wealthiest country, one of the richest in the world in per capita terms, as well as a bastion of banking secrecy and a tax haven for multinationals keen to exploit the EU's single market while minimising their contributions to the European exchequer.
"He is a well-recognised statesman, a safe pair of hands," said Reding. "I have known this guy a long time. We were politicians together in the 1970s. This is a man who takes political risks, who makes realities. He is in a long line of people who have been building Europe."
Juncker is no rightwinger. He is, however, a European federalist, one reason the Conservatives maintain he is unacceptable as commission president.
This is a bit odd since, in the continental context, Juncker is in step with rather than out of kilter with the history and the tradition. All European commission presidents have been federalists to greater or lesser degrees. Whoever gets the post in the end is likely to be, too. It goes with the job. Cameron's campaign against the EU's treaty-defined "ever-closer union" is not an obsession shared with the other 27 member states.
Besides, every time Cameron or George Osborne deliver lectures about the need to reform the EU, they insist that the eurozone will need to federalise in terms of political, economic, and fiscal integration if the currency is to recover and succeed.
"Is Juncker more federalist than the other names in the frame? No," said a senior EU official. "Who is more federalist than not? If a main priority in the years ahead is governance of the eurozone, then that needs a bit more federalising."
The main objection to Juncker is less his politics and positions than the simple fact that he has been sitting around European council tables longer than anyone else, that it's time for a change, that he is a warhorse of the status quo, that last month's European parliament elections delivered a massive vote of no-confidence in the status quo and the austerity policies Juncker helped to orchestrate.
For Cameron, as well as for many other EU national leaders, the problem is less Juncker than the way he has become frontrunner for the commission job through a power play by the European parliament which, if successful, quite radically changes how the EU is run and where power lies.
Cameron, and others less combatively, complain that Juncker is being imposed by a parliamentary coup, usurping the prerogative of national leaders to agree on the nomination. It has always been the government chiefs who agreed among themselves, and always by consensus, on who should lead the commission. This time, for the first time, the party groupings in the parliament fought their election campaign with commission chief candidates leading their lists. Juncker headed the list of the European People's party, grouping the EU's Christian Democrats, which won the election.
"If Juncker wins, it will be a victory for the European parliament," said the senior official. "That makes that a federalist turning point."
Strangely, though, Juncker did not run for a parliamentary seat.
Principle and power struggles aside, there is also personal animus. Juncker, who has a sharp tongue and is heavy on irony and self-deprecation, has clashed repeatedly with Britain over the years, rallying opposition to Tony Blair in 2009 when the British politician was mooted as the first president of the European council and also clashing with Blair in 2005 in EU budget negotiations and being sour about Blair's turn at running the rotating six-month EU presidency.
But of the candidates for the job in the election campaign, Juncker was the only one making real overtures to the British. Unveiling his five-point election manifesto in April, his final point was to solve "the British question" by negotiating with Cameron ahead of the in-out referendum in the UK slated for 2017.
But Juncker told the Guardian there had been no contact with the UK government on the matter, a silence that has continued in recent weeks. Juncker and his entourage have been telephoning the British mission to the EU in Brussels pleading for an audience. The UK ambassador, Ivan Rogers, has refused to take his calls. The British insist the only right place for Cameron to discuss this is with other national leaders at the summit table. In Ypres.
"The irony is that around the [summit] table you don't find anyone who's enthusiastic about him," said a senior UK government official. "No government is coming and saying he's the best man for this job at this particular time. This is all happening in a fit of absence of mind. The implications of this have not been thought through."
That view may be widely, if quietly, shared. But it also sounds like an exasperated admission of defeat, that the momentum behind Juncker has acquired an air of inevitability, that the man voted out of office in a small country in December is about to bounce back to one of the most powerful positions in Europe.
It is unlikely Cameron can stop him. Merkel could. As could Herman Van Rompuy, chairing the Ypres summit and trying to solve one of the trickiest puzzles the Belgian has ever grappled with. Failure could be costly, plunging Europe into bitter recrimination and trench warfare just when it needs it least.
Van Rompuy and Juncker are the EU's brace of archetypal fixers, the quiet, clever men in suits who spend their lives mediating between Paris and Berlin, between big countries and small countries.
They are also rivals. There is no love lost between them, although they are of the same political party persuasion and have similar federalist views.
"Van Rompuy will bring to the table what he knows the market can bear," said the senior official. "There's too much symbolism at Ypres. We don't want a fight to the death."
Merkel's olive branch
The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, reiterated her support for Jean-Claude Juncker as the European commission's next head on Thursday, but indicated a willingness to consider concessions to Britain, which opposes him. At a press conference with the Danish prime minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Merkel announced that Germany supported the former Luxembourg prime minister for the job. She also insisted on the need to take all decisions "in the European spirit".
"That implies that we take every member state seriously. That doesn't mean that one can fulfil all wishes, but it means that elsewhere one perhaps can think about what is very important for Britain," Merkel said. She added that she was ready to talk "very constructively" with Britain about issues such as reducing bureaucracy and what issues should be decided by Europe or by nation states.
The Danish prime minister told reporters she supported the candidate who could gather "the broadest possible support" in the commission and European parliament. But she said it was more important to focus on what the EU would seek to do over the next five years. AFP
The Guardian
Sober Curious 理性戒酒 / 清醒而好奇"Sober curious" is a lifestyle choice that involves being more mindful of alcohol consumption and questioning why, when, and how much you drink. It's a proactive approach to changing your relationship with alcohol, and it doesn't necessarily mean stopping drinking altogether.
disunion, sober, Sober Curious, stagger, sobering, State of the Union
Without farmers, you will be hungary, naked and sober.
Tom Holland, who revealed he's newly sober, says he learned some of his own “triggers” while filming the Apple TV+ series
Sober Curious 理性戒酒 / 清醒而好奇
"Sober curious" is a lifestyle choice that involves being more mindful of alcohol consumption and questioning why, when, and how much you drink. It's a proactive approach to changing your relationship with alcohol, and it doesn't necessarily mean stopping drinking altogether.
disunion, sober, Sober Curious, stagger, sobering, State of the Union
Without farmers, you will be hungary, naked and sober.
Tom Holland, who revealed he's newly sober, says he learned some of his own “triggers” while filming the Apple TV+ series
Was the Civil War Inevitable?
By David W. Blight and Max-o-matic
A historian of the conflict traces the path to disunion in the 1850s — and the lessons it holds for our own era of deep division.
Shanghai Imposes Staggered Lockdown, District by District
The BBC Proms opened on a sober note.Sober dorms are becoming a “major new development in the recovery movement."
President Obama told the American people last night that the country is in trouble but he vowed that the United States would recover and emerge stronger than before. In his first address to a joint session of Congress (don't call it a State of the Union), Obama gave a "sobering speech" but also "sought to spark optimism and confidence in his plan for recovery," notes USA Today.
The collapses of the Huntsman and BCE transactions provide some sobering lessons for deal lawyers and deal-makers. The most prominent of these relates to the limits of contract.
Go to Item from the Deal Professor»
Citigroup Loss Raises Anxiety Over Economy
Reporting a staggering fourth-quarter loss of $9.83 billion, Citigroup also issued a sobering forecast that the housing market and economy have not yet bottomed out.
SMAP's Kusanagi released after sobering experience

Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, a member of the SMAP singing group, is driven away from Harajuku Police Station in Tokyo's Shibuya Ward on Friday after spending the night in police custody. Police sent the 34-year-old singer, dancer and actor to prosecutors the same day, but he was soon released. Kusanagi was arrested on suspicion of indecent exposure after being found naked and screaming in a park near Minato Ward's Roppongi district in the wee hours of Thursday morning. He told police that he and two friends had visited two drinking establishments between 8 p.m. Wednesday and 2 a.m. Thursday. During that time, he consumed more than 10 glasses of beer and shochu before engaging in the bizarre behavior. Later on Friday, Kusanagi apologized to his fans at a news conference in the ward. He said he had blacked out and "when I came to, I was at the police station and I was not sure if I was in a dream or reality." He is expected to take a break from public appearances.(IHT/Asahi: April 25,2009)
- the breaking up of something such as a federation."his rejection of disunion was consistent with his nationalism"
stagger (SHOCK)
verb [T]
to cause someone to feel shocked or surprised because of something unexpected or very unusual happening:
He staggered all his colleagues by suddenly announcing that he was leaving the company at the end of the month.
adjective [after noun]
very shocked or surprised:
I was staggered at the prices.
very shocking and surprising:
It costs a staggering $50 000 per week to keep the museum open to the public.
staggeringly expensive
serious and calm:
In fact the whole wedding was a sober affair - no dancing, just people standing around in groups chatting politely.
Anthony was in a very sober mood - I scarcely heard him laugh all night.
verb [I or T]
to become more calm and serious, or to make someone do this:
News of the tragedy has sobered us.
seriously and reasonably:
She was dressed very soberly in a plain grey suit.
making you feel serious or think about serious matters:
a sobering thought
Surviving a car accident is a sobering experience.
noun [U] FORMAL
We had the priest sitting at our table which instilled a little sobriety into the occasion.