2020年7月26日 星期日

Dame Olivia de Havilland (1916- July 25, 2020) 《亂世佳人》 奧莉薇·黛·哈佛蘭離逝 享嵩壽104歲


《亂世佳人》宣傳照。 Amapa/Reuters

• 訃告:《亂世佳人》女演員 奧莉薇·黛·哈佛蘭 週日在巴黎家中去世 ,享年104歲。黛·哈佛蘭生前塑造了很多經典美人形象,曾五次獲得奧斯卡提名,是好萊塢黃金時代的代表人物之一。


Olivia de Havilland is best remembered as Melanie, Scarlett O'Hara's sweet foil in "Gone with the Wind." But the two-time Oscar winner also won a landmark decision that gave artists creative independence from studios and became known as "De Havilland's Law." https://trib.al/tamXJW0

Olivia De Havilland, One Of Hollywood's Longest Living Legends, Dies At 104

Whitey' Schafer (1902-1951) 1941

Olivia de Havilland, the last remaining star from the 1939 film “Gone With the Wind” and a two-time Academy Award winner, has died at her residence in Paris. She was 104.

Olivia de Havilland, a two-time Oscar winner and one of the last links to Hollywood's Golden Age, died Sunday at the age of 104.
The actress, who starred in blockbusters like "Gone With the Wind" and played opposite such dashing leading men as Errol Flynn, personified the glamour and elegance of a bygone age of moviemaking.

今天起,Google的蒐索結果之呈現方式似乎改了,請試用"To Each His Own"等。


《亂世佳人》奧莉薇亞德哈維蘭離逝 享嵩壽104歲 - 自由娛樂

