2024年"生日"感言:百代過客,千年一嘆,燦爛日日; 漢清近年生日活動報告
198 "六十五歲感言"勵志篇 2017-11-07 鍾漢清
Dec 4, 2017
說些我的群英65~105歲之生日故事 "六十五歲感言"勵志篇 2017-11-07 鍾漢清 胡先生,吟完 Alfred Tennyson的Ulysses : .......然而我們畢竟還是我們,── 光陰與命運頹唐了幾分壯志! 終止不住那不老的雄心, 去努力,去探尋,去發現 永不退讓,不屈服。
213 安晩の力―感人的故事 2017-12-9 漢清講堂
個人生涯有限﹐退休之後﹐往往一時不知如何安頓自己。 我們從一些感人的故事出發﹐讓您了解安晚之力﹐之美﹐之善。 並以備受日人尊敬的大唐高僧鑑真為例﹐直至六十六歲﹐才成功登陸日本傳法傳教。如今奈良的唐昭提寺更將 「東征伝絵巻」數位化, 鑑真和上の伝記描いた「東征伝絵巻」全5巻を一度にデジタルで公開. デジタル絵巻は今月24、25日と11月1、3日は僧侶によるナビゲート上演。いずれも午前11時からで、25日は午後2時にも予定。拝観料と別に、新宝蔵への入館には一般・大学生200円、小中学・高校生100円が必要。問い合わせは唐招提寺((電)0742・33・7900)。
鍾漢清 (HC)68歲生日活動報告2020年11月 8日
303秋陽聚會(2020/11/ 8漢清講堂)
243 views Mar 21, 2021
303秋陽聚會 鍾漢清慶生會 (2020.11.8漢清講堂) 吳家恆 (2020 譯藝獎得主) 曹永洋 洪銘水/陳博文 夫婦 張華 繆詠華 熊維強 陳文發 鍾漢清(召集人)
漢清佳美 004 2 鍾漢清簡歷及七十歲感言
漢清佳美 004 3 鍾漢清七十歲反思
漢清佳美 004 4 鍾漢清七十歲壽宴
台中東海大學半天多(2024.11.13, "Be the sun and all will see you.":致謝 羅時瑋,李金台夫婦;Peter Lee李基正, 陳永松兄), “希望的雙手”學生宿舍開始使用了!羅芳華 教授(Juanelva Rose )永遠青春。陳其寬畫展 (藝術中心)。路思義教堂(Luce Chapel)修復 (圖書館) 未去
台中東海大學半天多(2024.11.13 :致謝 羅時瑋,李金台夫婦;Peter Lee李基正, 陳永松兄), “希望的雙手”學生宿舍開始使用了!羅芳華 教授(Juanelva Rose )永遠青春。陳其寬畫展 (藝術中心)。路思義教堂(Luce Chapel)修復 (圖書館) 未去。莊喆九十.....
All the best 💕
他Peter大一的兩位老師(微積分 吳英格;大ㄧ化學,梁碧峰後來東海校史)
送2025年東海-古典玫瑰桌曆;“致贈黃騰輝傑出校友 發行2025藝術年曆 東海大學學術發展文教基金會,副董事長……學校logo 的提袋……
恭喜 72壽慶!
羅時瑋──在東海大學 Tunghai University 。
11月4日下午10:43 · 台中市 ·
# 原典建築師事務所(俊言+瑞笛)
Lingfang Cheng
“希望的雙手”是東海大學新學生宿舍(三棟九樓 ,所謂towers)的雕塑:面向大馬路(中港路/台灣大道)與校園。
或許設計的夫婦留學學學英國,懂得宿舍的commo room或公公同廚房。感覺上有點熟悉又陌生(英國單人房,東海四人房)
Hanching Chung
我的七十大壽生日快樂 2022 *林皎碧贈*:這篇文章是我致贈壽星的生日禮物外加三千酒莊葡萄酒一瓶, Aldous Huxley, 中村正義の美術館,大塚信一.The 𝗦𝗶𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗱𝗲 𝗕𝗲𝗮𝘂𝘃𝗼𝗶𝗿 𝗙𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗴𝗲
漢清佳美 (HCJOY)
28:41Now playing
漢清佳美 005 6 羅時瑋導引校園(八又二分之一)
58 views1 year ago
羅時瑋校園建築導覽 一
2024 補 Luce Chapel
教堂前後部屋頂交接的結構設計 照片與3D列印模型就看得很清楚
----Sunday Morning by Wallace Stevens
9 1Supple and turbulent, a ring of men
92 Shall chant in orgy on a summer morn
93 Their boisterous devotion to the sun,
94 Not as a god, but as a god might be,
95 Naked among them, like a savage source.
96 Their chant shall be a chant of paradise,
97 Out of their blood, returning to the sky;
98And in their chant shall enter, voice by voice,
99The windy lake wherein their lord delights,
100The trees, like serafin, and echoing hills,
101 That choir among themselves long afterward.
102 They shall know well the heavenly fellowship
103 Of men that perish and of summer morn.
104 And whence they came and whither they shall go
105 The dew upon their feet shall manifest.
104~05 而人生自何來,死往何去 (人類有史以來的大疑問),在腳上的露水將會顯示出來(意思是人生是美麗的,也是短暫的)。
Sunday Morning by Wallace Stevens
史蒂文斯的詩 新亞出版社,頁18;中文解釋,頁32~33
讀過了清華學生對您訪談3000字,談他80年代在台中開創的幾個pioneering proojects 。"榕莊印象最深的是,你在榕樹旁跟我和小燕說,置產划得來,200萬一間,然而當時我們可能沒餘力在台中置產。……
沒想到數小時之後,羅芳華 教授(Juanelva Rose 女士)邀約我們大家去她那兒坐坐;當然要請她搭阿松那輛雙人座跑車……
"The Burial of the Sardine" by Francisco de Goya (circa 1812–1819)
Location: Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid, Spain
The Story Behind the Artwork
Francisco de Goya, a prominent Spanish painter and printmaker, created "The Burial of the Sardine" between 1812 and 1819. This painting captures the lively and somewhat chaotic festivities associated with the traditional Spanish celebration known as "El Entierro de la Sardina," marking the end of Carnival and the beginning of Lent. The event symbolizes the burial of past excesses and the commencement of a period of reflection and penance.
Symbolism and Details
In this work, Goya depicts a jubilant crowd adorned in masks and costumes, dancing and reveling as they proceed to the banks of the Manzanares River for the ceremonial burial of a sardine. The central figure is a darkly grinning "King of the Carnival," holding a banner that adds to the festive yet eerie atmosphere. The absence of the sardine itself in the painting shifts the focus to the participants' expressions and movements, highlighting the human element of the celebration. Goya's use of vibrant colors and dynamic composition conveys the energy and spontaneity of the scene, while the masked faces introduce an element of mystery and ambiguity.
#painting #meaning #Explained #artoftheday #artlife
百代過客 李白
百代の過客―日記にみる日本人(続下) (朝日選書(347))
https://www.amazon.com › zh_TW
Amazon.com: 百代の過客―日記にみる日本人(続下) (朝日選書(347)): 9784925219785: Donald Keene: 圖書.
唐納·基恩- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
https://zh.wikipedia.org › zh-tw
唐納·基恩(英語:Donald Keene;日語:ドナルド・キーン ,1922年6月18日—2019年2月24日),日本籍美國歐裔日本學學者、教師、作家、日本文學文化翻譯家。
Marc Chagall, 1911-12, Hommage à Apollinaire, or Adam et Ève (study), gouache, watercolor, ink wash, pen and ink and collage on paper, 21 x 17.5 cm.jpg
Paris City Vision
https://www.pariscityvision.com › ... › Opera Garnier
Marc Chagall's paintings have brightened the ceiling of the Opéra Garnier since 1964. Discover his amazing art in this landmark of Paris.
Marc Chagall's Ceiling for the Paris Opéra
Google Arts & Culture
https://artsandculture.google.com › asset › RwHNmMs...
Chagall designed the sets and costumes for the Metropolitan Opera's production of “The Firebird” in 1945 (choreography by Massine). Tchaikovsky, “Swan Lake”.
International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and ...
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › International_Exhibiti...
The International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts was a specialized exhibition held in Paris, France, from April to October 1925.
The idea and the organization · The site · The legacy of the exhibition
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Monument to the November ...
https://www.moma.org › collection › works
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Monument to the November Revolution, Berlin-Lichtenberg, Germany (Elevation) 1926 · Ludwig Mies van der Rohe has 2,015 works online.
Der Ring
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Der_Ring
Der Ring was an architectural collective founded in 1926 in Berlin. It emerged from expressionist architecture with a functionalist agenda.
Rodchenko&Popova : defining constructivism / edited by Margarita Tupitsyn. Rodchenko, Aleksandr Mikhaĭlovich,
布雷希特戲劇 : 四川好人、高加索灰闌記 / 布雷希特(Bertolt Brecht)著 ; 彭鏡禧,鄭芳雄合譯 ; 鄭芳雄注釋 Brecht, Bertolt, 圖書館
Vladimir Tatlin and the Russian avant-garde / John Milner. Milner, John,
Kandinsky : Russian and Bauhaus years, 1915-1933. Kandinsky, Wassily,
Malevich / edited by Achim Borchardt-Hume ; with contributions by Alexander Bouras, Iria Candela, Masha Chlenova, Nicholas Cullinan, Maria Gough, Maria Kokkori, Christina Lodder, John Milner, Fiontán Moran, Evgenia Petrova Borchardt-Hume, Achim,
11 November, 1821
Born in Moscow on this day in 1821, Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist, journalist and philosopher Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky (11 November 1821 – 9 February 1881) whose literary works explored human psychology in the troubled political, social, and spiritual atmosphere of 19th-century Russia, and engaged with a variety of philosophical and religious themes.
Among his most famous works are his first novel, "Poor Folk" (published in 1846 when he was just 25), the novella "Notes from Underground" (1864), which is considered to be one of the first works of existentialist literature, "Crime and Punishment "(1866), "The Idiot "(1869), "Demons 2(1872) and "The Brothers Karamazov" (1880). His complete oeuvre though consists of 11 novels, three novellas, 17 short stories and numerous other works.
Many literary critics rate him as one of the greatest psychologists in world literature, and in the years since his death he has become one of the most widely read and highly regarded Russian writers, as evidenced by the fact that his books have been translated into more than 170 languages.
Moreover, Dostoyevsky influenced a multitude of writers and philosophers, from Anton Chekhov and Ernest Hemingway to Friedrich Nietzsche and Jean-Paul Sartre.
weekday 的高鐵-捷運,都是人,真不可思議:台中高鐵站前後都忙著整地建設……“
”精密高鐵的標示頭尾顛倒"。三分鐘間隔就發,新幹線系統 。我們票六車前頭,地面標示讓我們上車後,有點尷尬,因為座位在車上另一端,要碰到不少迎面走來的car-mates.
莊喆(1934年—)《主題‧原象---莊喆 畫展》
莊喆老師的80回顧展 (台北市立美術館)莊喆為亞洲大學美術館的駐校畫家2024 (90歲)
莊喆老師的80回顧展 (台北市立美術館),跟他談2分鐘 (請教)