Princeton University Press
Color in Nature is a marvelously illustrated guide to color in the natural world.• Features a wealth of stunning color illustrations• Explains what color is and how it happens• Covers the physics, genetics, chemistry, physiology, and psychology of animal color perception• Sheds light on the evolution of colors for mating, hunting, fighting, deceiving, and hiding• Provides insights into color blindness, bio-inspired colors, and people’s appreciation for art and designOpen your eyes to new ways of perceiving the world. Explore a free sample of this beautiful book and save 30% with code PUP30:
Color in Nature is a marvelously illustrated guide to color in the natural world.
• Features a wealth of stunning color illustrations
• Explains what color is and how it happens
• Covers the physics, genetics, chemistry, physiology, and psychology of animal color perception
• Sheds light on the evolution of colors for mating, hunting, fighting, deceiving, and hiding
• Provides insights into color blindness, bio-inspired colors, and people’s appreciation for art and design
Open your eyes to new ways of perceiving the world. Explore a free sample of this beautiful book and save 30% with code PUP30:
Edward W. Forbes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edward W. Forbes (1873-1969) was an American art historian. He was the Director of the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University from 1909 to 1944........研究者們不只像偵探一樣細緻嚴謹,也扮演過真實的偵探角色。2002年,著名攝影師 Herbert Matter 之子 Alex Matter 在父親的遺物中「發現」了 一幅 Jackson Pollock 的畫作,收藏界一度為之興奮,部分專家甚至稱該幅作品價值1000萬美元。然而,2007年,斯特勞斯中心透過一系列技術,證明這幅據稱「重新發現」的 Pollock 畫作是偽作。畫中使用到的顏料「Red254」又稱「法拉利紅」,是一種通過化學反應製造的特殊顏料,直到1974年它才被發明,那時 Pollock 已過世20年。
顏料的提煉有時非常複雜。為了從阿富汗採石場特有的青金石中提煉一種深藍色,研究者需要細心地將石塊處理到足夠小,但又要「大到能容納這種藍色」。這種顏料的價格昂貴過黃金,主要用於中世紀繪畫。文藝復興時期畫家桑德羅·波提切利(Sandro Botticelli)1490繪制的畫作《聖母子》中就運用了這一色彩,該畫作目前藏於哈佛大學福格博物館。
顏料的背後有時也是醜惡的歷史。新印象派代表人物喬治·修拉(Georges Seurat)1879年繪製的《Vase of Flowers》中,運用了一種從母牛尿液中提取的顏色。為了生產特殊顏色的尿液,這種母牛只被餵食芒果葉,不能吃其他食物。由於生產方式違悖動物倫理,這類顏料已於1908年被禁止使用。為了獲取顏料,從前的人們甚至不惜破壞文物。18世紀的英國曾流行一種名為「木乃伊棕」的顏料,而它是由木乃伊碎片磨製而成。......