It shouldn’t be a surprise that “Her Story”, a feminist comedy-drama, is a box-office success in China:
supermajority or supra-majority. cut flowers.
trying to plan for the future without a sense of the past is like trying to plant cut flowers.
Over the past two decades, literary fiction has become a largely female pursuit.
51 Percent
An NPR podcast that focuses on the women's perspective on various issues, including the environment, health, politics, and the arts
The Health of the 51%: Women
A 2014 annual report by Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer, that focused on women's health
Male underrepresentation is an uncomfortable topic in a literary world otherwise highly attuned to such imbalances. In 2022 the novelist Joyce Carol Oates wrote on Twitter that “a friend who is a literary agent told me that he cannot even get editors to read first novels by young white male writers, no matter how good.” The public response to Ms. Oates’s comment was swift and cutting — not entirely without reason, as the book world does remain overwhelmingly white. But the lack of concern about the fate of male writers was striking.
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在美國東部馬里蘭州,跳躍設施「Sky Zone」深受歡迎。這類設施不僅為孩子提供充滿活力的娛樂空間,還會特別宣告壽星的名字來渲染氛圍。此外,連陪伴的家長也能享用按摩椅等服務。這種體驗的費用通常為10人約350美元(約新台幣1.1萬元),包含披薩和飲料。然而,實際花費往往不止於此,家長們需要自備派對裝飾品和贈品,甚至還要支付額外的服務小費,導致總費用往往翻倍。
美國文化中有句老話「keep up with the Joneses」,這與新加坡的「怕輸」有點類似,指的是美國家庭常有一種攀比心理,即使經濟壓力不小,也不願在表面生活品質上落後他人。美國聯邦準備理事會副主席曾指出,即使高通膨壓力下,美國個人消費仍然強勁,部分原因正源於這種文化驅動。