2024年12月10日 星期二

克魯泡特金Peter Kropotkin(1842 1921) 的《麵包與自由》《互助論》(Mutual Aid)《我的自傳》


克魯泡特金Peter Kropotkin(1842 1921) 的《麵包與自由》《互助論》(Mutual Aid)《我的自傳》

克魯泡特金(1842 1921),俄國無政府主義理論家和社會活動家。代表作有《互助論》《我的自傳》《面包與自由》等。他的理論深受進化論的影響,認為人類社會是在不斷進化的,但這種進化不是通過殘酷的生存競爭的方式來實現,而是通過人類的互助來實現。互助是人類的本能,依靠互助,人類能夠建立和諧的社會。作為無政府主義社會活動家,克魯泡特金四十年流亡在外,歷經磨難。他的思想,在19世紀后期至2(泄紀初,對中國的思想界產生過較大影響。像劉師培、章太炎及作家巴金等都曾受其思想的影響。

On this day, 9 December 1842, revolutionary, scientist, and philosopher Peter Kropotkin was born in Russia. He later abandoned his aristocratic background in favour of the working class struggle.
He participated in the 1917 Russian revolution, and wrote numerous influential works, including Mutual Aid: a Factor of Evolution. In this work he criticised interpretations of the ideas of Charles Darwin which focused on competition, and highlighted instances of cooperation in the natural world.

"If we ... ask Nature: 'who are the fittest: those who are continually at war with each other, or those who support one another?' we at once see that those animals which acquire habits of mutual aid are undoubtedly the fittest. They have more chances to survive, and they attain, in their respective classes, the highest development of intelligence and bodily organisation."

These ideas continue to be influential today.
Evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould wrote of Kropotkin: "I would hold that Kropotkin’s basic argument is correct. Struggle does occur in many modes, and some lead to cooperation among members of a species as the best pathway to advantage for individuals. If Kropotkin overemphasized mutual aid, most Darwinians in Western Europe had exaggerated competition just as strongly. If Kropotkin drew inappropriate hope for social reform from his concept of nature, other Darwinians had erred just as firmly (and for motives that most of us would now decry) in justifying imperial conquest, racism, and oppression of industrial workers as the harsh outcome of natural selection in the competitive mode."

Kropotkin's ideas were central in the theoretical foundation of contemporary anarchist communism.
We have made a beautiful new illustrated edition of Mutual Aid, as well as a book about his ideas and more items celebrating his life and work in our online store: https://shop.workingclasshistory.com/....../peter-kropotkin



