2020年6月16日 星期二

Barbara McClintock《玉米田裡的先知:異類遺傳學家麥克林托克》

Triumph of a Naturalist
Stephen Jay Gould (1941~2002 本身就是有名的科普作家;他所評論的,參考:

Barbara McClintock’s discovery of transposable elements in maize was, in retrospect, the beginning of modern molecular genetics. She suffered the fate of many pioneers—incomprehension and bewilderment from most colleagues who could not read her maps of terra incognita. But by tenacity, the blessings of long life, and continuous fruitful activity, she has avoided the maudlin ending of most tales in the annals of exploration, and has lived to savor her triumph in the midst of an active career.

Barbara McClintock's discoveries were so far beyond the understanding of the time that other scientists ignored her work for more than a decade. But she persisted, trusting herself and her evidence. She was awarded the Nobel Prize "for her discovery of mobile genetic elements."
Watch the very moment she received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1983.

