貝拉(Yogi Berra)(美聯社)
「(比賽)沒有結束之前就不能說結束。」(It ain't over till it's over.)
「當你來到叉路口,走就是了。」(When you come to a fork in the road, take it.)
「似曾相識,又再發生。」(It’s déjà vu all over again)
「別人的葬禮一定要參加,否則他們不會參加你的葬禮。」(Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise, they won’t go to yours.)
「如果你無法模仿他(一位強打),那就不要想跟他一模一樣。」(If you can’t imitate him, don’t copy him.)
「再也沒有人要去那個地方(一家餐廳),太擁擠了。」(Nobody goes there anymore, it’s too crowded.)
貝拉雖然擁有巨星的實力與成績,卻缺少巨星的儀態與光環,站在曼托、福特、迪馬喬身邊尤其相形見絀。貝拉身高只有170公分,體重大約85公斤,五短身材,其貌不揚,姿態笨拙,學歷只到8年級(國二),講英語帶著濃厚的義大利腔。當時的體育記者經常將他描繪成一個粗魯不文的笨蛋,甚至形容他長得就像史前的尼安德塔人(Neanderthal man)。然而這位「尼安德塔人」卻是美國職棒史上最偉大的捕手。
Lawrence Peter “Yogi” Berra was born on May 12th, 1925. A World Series champion and hall of famer, Berra was also known for making quips like, “Ninety per cent of the game is half mental.” His fame came as much from these remarks as from baseball
Yogi Berra, who passed away at the age of 90 Tuesday evening, was a fifteen-time All-Star, a three-time American League MVP Award winner and a ten-time World Series champ. He was also a cultural icon known for "Yogi-isms" such as, "it ain’t over till its over." His career in pictures: http://usat.ly/1QxRO2s
(Photos: AP)
"I want to thank baseball. It has given me more than I could ever hope for."
***** 一九八七年諾貝爾和平獎得主哥斯大黎加前總統阿里亞斯桑奇士說:「真知識就是國防最好的力量,好的知識就是國家的財富。」
Arias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Óscar Arias Sánchez (born 13 September 1940 in Heredia, Costa Rica) was ... He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1987 for his efforts to end the Central ... He receive a doctoral degree in
political science from the University of Essex in 1974 ...
Oscar Arias Sánchez
Born: 13 September 1941, Heredia , Costa Rica
Residence at
the time of the award:Costa Rica
motivation: "for his
work for peace in Central America, efforts which led to the accord signed in Guatemala on
August 7 this year"
Role: President of Costa Rica
Field: negotiation
Prize share: 1/1
in Central America
Costa Rica's President Oscar Arias Sánchez was awarded the Peace
Prize in 1987 for a plan designed to put an end to the cruel civil wars that
were devastating Central America. In August 1987, the peace plan was approved
by Costa Rica , Guatemala , El
Salvador , Honduras
and Nicaragua .
It aimed at free elections, safeguards for human rights, and an end to foreign
interference in the countries' internal affairs.
Oscar Arias studied law and economics inCosta
Rica , the USA ,
and Great Britain ,
and got a doctorate in economics. He joined the social democratic party, and
became a member of the government in the 1970s. When he became President in
1986, a civil war was raging in neighboring Nicaragua . Oscar Arias refused the USA permission
to use Costa Rican territory in support of the Contras. He rebuked the
Sandinistas for their lack of democracy and resisted US attempts to alter the
contents of the peace plan that was signed in 1987.
Oscar Arias studied law and economics in