2024年10月10日 星期四

野俊明 (禪僧枯山水大師)以20年改建的百年寺廟-建功寺 真心人,認真 五百年以上傳承 平常修練

真心人,認真 五百年以上傳承 平常修練

日本枯山水大師 一條影片

0:10 / 5:07

一条 YIT

近期,禪僧野俊明以20年改建的百年寺廟-建功寺,終於完工。枡野俊明是日本枯山水大師,也是建功寺第18代住持,他說這次改造的核心是“留白”,正殿採用了中國宋代的建築方法,寺內設計了獨坐庭、皎月庭、靜觀庭等庭園,四季景觀各有不同。 9月底,一條拜訪了這個百年古寺。
Recently, Shunmyo Masuno eventually finished his renovation of Kenkoh-ji temple with a history of 100 years, which lasts for two decades. Shunmyo Masuno is a top master of karesansui in Japan and also the 18th abbot of Kenkoh-ji temple. He said the core concept of the renovation was leaving empty space. The main hall was built with methods originating from China's Song dynasty and several gardens were designed to offer wonderful views in four seasons. At the end of September, Yit visited the old temple.

