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Alexander Calder ‘Untitled’ and Pablo Picasso ‘Bull’s Head’, both 1942
“佳美”(第5集):女性裝飾品、首飾的設計兩家: 美國 Alexander (1898~1976)和 日本利用稻草設計品 an artisan weaves it into modern ornaments, redefining straw craftwork. Rice Straw: Beauty within the Prayers of Daily Life
Fushimi Inari Taisha holds a festival in November, burning rice straw in gratitude of a plentiful harvest. The straw symbolizes a meaningful connection as the deity of rice is believed to dwell within rice grains, and it is used in prayers for offspring and in New Year's decorations. Rice straw is also used in everyday items, and an artisan weaves it into modern ornaments, redefining straw craftwork. Discover the multifaceted beauty of prayer infused into rice straw throughout the centuries.
André Masson was born on this day in 1896. After fleeing Nazi-occupied France with his family in 1941, the French artist sheltered for a time in Calder’s
Roxbury studio. He wrote a poem, embellished with drawings, which he gifted to the Calders. From then on Louisa displayed Masson’s ode to the studio along with Calder’s jewelry on her dressing bureau in Roxbury. An excerpt reads:
Hung from the studio’s rafters,
in the streaks of light a gong sensitive to the caprices of air
is struck only with the greatest caution
With the step of a dove it rings: what hour does it sound?
This is the hour of bustling centipedes
It is also the hour of the child with cherries.
Here the seconds lack the weight of the clock
they do not rest in the grass
they cannot conceive of immobility
they love the rustling of reeds
and the cry of the tree frog who breathes music
they play between your fingers, Calder, my friend.
[Image: Louisa Calder’s dressing bureau with André Masson’s poem, The Studio of Alexander Calder, Roxbury, 1943. Photograph by Herbert Matter. © 2024 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York]