2025年1月1日 星期三

羅大佑 羅大佑港都新年音樂會2025,楊麗花,Depardieu 德帕蒂约


2025 新年快樂☺️
🚢 羅大佑港都新年音樂會
就在今晚 高雄衛武營 360度四面台音樂廳

据德新社报道,法国影星德帕蒂约(Gérard Depardieu)证实已更换为俄罗斯国籍。



Benoit Tessier/Reuters

比利時內尚——這個擁有馬鈴薯田地和雨水浸潤的草地的寂靜村莊,上一次因為大人物而備受 關注是在1667年,當時法國太陽王路易十四(Louis XIV)在某一天路過這裡。但即便是他,引發的激動情緒可能都不及著名演員、性格狂暴的享樂主義者傑拉爾·德帕迪約(Gérard Depardieu),自從12月7日來到這裡的村長辦公室註冊成為當地居民,他已成為法國最遭人非議的逃稅者。
村長達尼埃爾·塞內薩爾(Daniel Senesael)在回憶當時的情景時說,“我認為是個笑話。”當他第一次被告知德帕迪約打算離開巴黎的豪宅搬到內尚時,他並不相信。內尚是比利時的一個 村莊,那裡僅有2200名居民、兩個咖啡館、一家銷售油炸食物的快餐店和一座荒廢的城堡,沒有電影院。
法國國內掀起批評德帕迪約的熱潮,老牌歌手米歇爾·薩爾杜(Michel Sardou)也加入其中,他嘲笑德帕迪約逃往內尚的行為,並預言他在那裡將會“像老鼠一樣無聊”。這位歌手在法國電視台上開玩笑說,“所以,終究還是存在一些神聖的正義。”
這位村長表示,通過搬到邊境這邊“富人能夠獲得一定的財稅方面的好處,這一點也不奇怪。”塞內薩爾主管的地區包括內尚及由其他一些小村組成的所謂的 埃斯坦皮區。他表示批評德帕迪約的人們,不應向這名演員宣洩憤怒,他們應該針對沒能促使歐盟27國保持一致稅率的各歐洲政府發問。
比利時多數人繳納的所得稅,比歐洲大多數地區都要高,但與法國相比,該國對富人寬容得多,法國總統弗朗索瓦·奧朗德(François Hollande)領導的政府,宣布了一項“臨時附加稅”政策,對年收入超過100萬歐元(約合820萬元人民幣)的人徵收75%的稅款。法國憲法委員會 (Constitutional Council)於上周六宣布該政策違憲,並敦促政府宣告將於明年出台修訂政策。法國還對價值超過170萬美元(約合1059萬元人民幣)的資產徵收“財 富稅”,還有高得多的資本利得稅和遺產稅,比利時不征財富稅。
菲利普·范登赫梅爾(Philippe Vandenhemel)在內尚村外擁有一家汽修店,專門銷售和修理進口的美國汽車,他的店已經被德帕迪約光顧了好幾次。范登赫梅爾嘲笑法國政治人士和評 論家對這位電影明星的攻擊。“如果我是他,我也會做出同樣的事,離開法國,”他說。他又補充道,德帕迪約不僅能從比利時的低稅政策中得到好處,而且還受益 於這樣一個事實,即“我們比利時人沒有嫉妒之心,也不介意別人成為富翁”。
今年,奧朗德宣稱,要通過增加富人的稅收來幫助減少政府的預算赤字,並將這一承諾作為勝選的基石。他曾在電視上說,“我不喜歡富人。”上一任總統和 奧朗德的競爭對手尼古拉·薩科奇(Nicolas Sarkozy)立場偏右,後者在去年5月的選舉中失利,部分原因在於他炫耀自己喜愛貴重腕錶和其他配飾,也喜愛與富豪朋友相伴,他的這一習慣為自己招來 了“奢華總統”的嘲諷。
現年64歲的德帕迪約給法國總理讓-馬克·埃羅(Jean-Marc Ayrault)寫了一封憤怒的公開信,說他放棄法國公民身份和離開法國的原因是“因為你認為成功、創造力、才華應該受到懲罰,可事實上那都是與眾不同之 處”。他說自己45年來總共繳納了1.92億美元的稅款,並抱怨國家今年拿走了他收入的85%。德帕迪約是國家級的偶像演員,曾扮演了很多典型的法國人物 形象,像奧勃利(Obélix)、大鼻子情聖(Cyrano de Bergerac)以及電影《戀戀山城》(Jean de Florette)中的駝背農夫。
人口的流動也不全是單向的。例如,很多當地的比利時人會去法國購物,因為法國的營業稅比比利時低得多。塞內薩爾說,這種情況讓比利時損失了“數億歐 元”的收入,再加上法國由於富人(如德帕迪約)離開而造成的稅收損失,這些問題表明了為什麼歐洲需要“應對一個深刻的社會問題”,以及歐洲為什麼需要協調 其稅收政策。
“徵收75%的邊際稅率並沒有在法國以外贏得多少民主支持,”比利時外交部長迪迪埃·雷恩代爾(Didier Reynders)告訴《費加羅報》(Le Figaro)。同時,他還說,比利時歡迎任何人追隨德帕迪約的腳步。

Coming Soon to Belgian Village, a French Film Idol Fleeing Taxes

NÉCHIN, Belgium — The last time a big star lit up this sleepy village of potato fields and rain-drenched pastures was in 1667, when the Sun King, Louis XIV of France, stopped by for the day. But even he may not have created quite the commotion caused by Gérard Depardieu, the celebrated actor, turbulent bon vivant and, since a visit to the mayor’s office here on Dec. 7 to register as a resident, France’s most reviled tax exile.
“I thought it was a joke,” said the mayor, Daniel Senesael, recalling his disbelief when he was first told that Mr. Depardieu intended to leave his mansion in Paris and move to Néchin, a rural settlement in Belgium with just 2,200 people, two cafes, a fast-food fry shop, a ruined chateau and no cinema.

 Let’s be honest, this is not Las Vegas,” Mr. Senesael said. “There are no lights and no discos. I get flooded with complaints when anyone suggests opening even a wind farm.”
Michel Sardou, a veteran French singer who has joined a frenzy of criticism directed at Mr. Depardieu in France, mocked the actor’s flight to Néchin, predicting that he would be “as bored as a rat” here. “So, there is some divine justice after all,” the singer joked on French television.
For Mr. Depardieu, and scores of wealthy French citizens who already live here, however, Néchin does have one seductive asset: it is beyond the reach of the French tax authorities but so close to France that an unmarked border running through the village puts the gardens of some properties in France and adjoining houses in Belgium.
“Our geographic situation makes us very attractive,” said Mr. Senesael, noting that Néchin is an easy place to get into and out of, with a nearby airport, a major highway and a railway station just a few miles away in the French city of Lille with regular high-speed trains to Paris, Brussels and London.
“Nobody should be astonished that big fortunes have found a certain fiscal advantage” in moving to this side of the border, said the mayor, whose domain covers Néchin and a cluster of other hamlets that form what is known as the Entity of Estaimpuis. Mr. Depardieu’s critics, he said, should direct their ire not at the actor but at the failure of European governments to harmonize tax rates across the 27 nations of the European Union.
A customs post and border guards disappeared decades ago from the end of Néchin’s main street, swept away by Europe’s effort after World War II to break down barriers that led to past conflicts and to allow for the free flow of goods, services and people.
Still firmly in place, however, are rigidly defined tax frontiers that mean that people living just a few yards from one another can pay vastly different levels of tax, particularly if they happen to be wealthy.
Belgium has higher income taxes for most people than in much of Europe, but the country is much easier on the rich than France, where the government of President François Hollande has announced a “temporary supertax” of 75 percent on annual incomes of more than 1 million euros, or about $1.3 million. France’s Constitutional Council on Saturday declared the tax unconstitutional, prompting the government to announce that it would introduce a revised version next year. France also has a “wealth tax” on assets worth more than $1.7 million, something that does not exist in Belgium, as well as far higher taxes on capital gains and inheritance.
Philippe Vandenhemel, the owner of a garage just outside Néchin that sells and repairs imported American cars and was visited several times by Mr. Depardieu, scoffed at attacks on the movie star by French politicians and commentators. “If I were in his shoes, I would do exactly the same thing and leave,” he said. Mr. Depardieu, he added, will benefit not only from lower taxes in Belgium but also from the fact that “we Belgians are not jealous and don’t mind people getting rich.”
“Jealousy is France’s national disease,” he said.
Mr. Hollande, who made a pledge to squeeze the rich to help reduce the government’s budget deficit a cornerstone of his successful election campaign this year, once said on television, “I don’t like the rich.” His right-wing predecessor and rival and in the May election, Nicolas Sarkozy, lost in part because he flaunted a liking for expensive watches and other accessories and the company of rich friends, a habit that earned him mockery as “Le Président Bling-Bling.”
In an angry open letter to France’s prime minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, Mr. Depardieu, 64 — a national icon who has played quintessentially French figures like Obélix, Cyrano de Bergerac and the hunchback farmer in “Jean de Florette” — said he was renouncing his French citizenship and leaving “because you believe that success, creation, talent — difference, in fact — must be punished.” He said that he had paid $192 million in taxes over 45 years and complained that the state this year took 85 percent of his income.
The French government has stuck to its guns, with officials lining up to criticize Mr. Depardieu, who, incidentally, backed Mr. Sarkozy in the election.
Néchin has been welcoming people from France for decades, and they now account for 28 percent of the population, Mr. Senesael said. The proportion has doubled, he said, since he was first elected mayor 18 years ago.
Most of the arrivals from France are not wealthy and come here for the “tranquil lifestyle and security,” but, according to the mayor, they include around 20 members of the Mulliez family, one of France’s richest clans, which controls the supermarket chain Auchan.
The traffic is not all one-way. Many Belgians here, for example, shop in France, where the sales tax is much lower. This, Mr. Senesael said, costs Belgium “hundreds of millions of euros” in lost revenue and, along with the money France loses when people like Mr. Depardieu depart, shows why Europe needs to “deal with a deep social problem” and harmonize its taxes.
Mr. Hollande has been pushing for that, too, but is not likely to get very far, especially because other countries suspect that Paris wants to raise everyone else’s rates to French levels.
“Imposing a 75 percent marginal tax rate does not have much democratic support outside France,” Belgium’s foreign minister, Didier Reynders, told the newspaper Le Figaro. In the meantime, he said, Belgium is happy to welcome anyone who wants to follow in Mr. Depardieu’s footsteps.
Mr. Depardieu, who is formally registered as “domiciled” in Néchin since his visit to the mayor in early December, still has not actually moved into a house he bought here. But he has visited a few times, dining at bistros in nearby villages and buying sausages from a Néchin butcher.
Scott Sayare contributed reporting from Paris.

楊麗花- 维基百科,自由的百科全书


68歲楊麗花飛4樓高 尪讚偉大

  • 2012-11-24
  • 中國時報
  • 黃雯犀、洪秀瑛/綜合報導






68歲楊麗花飛4樓高 尪讚偉大















羅大佑- 维基百科,自由的百科全书



1 小時


 羅大佑回母校開唱 妻女照不離手

羅大佑58歲才升格當爸,一有空就拿iPad看老婆和女兒的照片。 (本色音樂提供)
羅 大佑58歲才升格當「老」爸,女兒Gemma再過1週就要滿3個月,他不擔心老來得女能陪伴「小龍女」的美好時光相對減少,反而相信科技發達,現代人的壽 命能越活越長,父女相處機會一定很多。日前他返台回到台中母校開唱,特別和吉他社的學弟妹們合唱「閃亮的日子」,象徵音樂的傳承。
當爸爸 後,羅大佑首次回台開唱,獻給母校「中國醫藥大學」的師生和校友,演出後台,他拿著iPad看老婆Elaine和女兒的照片,笑得開心,透露最興奮的就是 寶貝女兒已經能有意識的對他笑,想到就好滿足。羅大佑還說,他常會上臉書和親戚們彼此分享孩子們的照片,有空也會看看粉絲給他的留言。


