《互動》 2025 013 2 相信:
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A poem "Stars and Dandelions" by a poet Misuzu Kaneko (1903-1930) who died young, teaches us the importance of exercising our imagination to see the invisible, the strength to live as strongly as a dandelion, and kindness to others. In the original Japanese the work is composed of the rhythmical 7-5 syllable meter and the two stanzas are beatifully symmetrical. Moreover the repetition of the last two lines works well. ”Stars and dandelions”Deep down in the blue skyLike pebbles on the ocean floorThey lie submerged till dark comes…Stars unseen in the light of day.You can’t see them, still they’re there.Even things not seen are there.Petals drop and withered dandelionsHidden in cracks between roof tilesWait silently for spring to come…Their strong roots unseen.You can’t see them, still they’re there.Even things not seen are there. Translated by D.P. Ducherーーーーーーーーーーー(The original text written in 1924-1925)青いお空のそこふかく、海の小石のそのように夜がくるまでしずんでる、昼のお星はめにみえぬ。見えぬけれどもあるんだよ、見えぬものでもあるんだよ。ちってすがれたたんぽぽの、かわらのすきに、だァまって、春のくるまでかくれてる、つよいその根はめにみえぬ。見えぬけれどもあるんだよ、見えぬものでもあるんだよ。
A poem "Stars and Dandelions" by a poet Misuzu Kaneko (1903-1930) who died young, teaches us the importance of exercising our imagination to see the invisible, the strength to live as strongly as a dandelion, and kindness to others. In the original Japanese the work is composed of the rhythmical 7-5 syllable meter and the two stanzas are beatifully symmetrical. Moreover the repetition of the last two lines works well.
”Stars and dandelions”
Deep down in the blue sky
Like pebbles on the ocean floor
They lie submerged till dark comes…
Stars unseen in the light of day.
You can’t see them, still they’re there.
Even things not seen are there.
Petals drop and withered dandelions
Hidden in cracks between roof tiles
Wait silently for spring to come…
Their strong roots unseen.
You can’t see them, still they’re there.
Even things not seen are there.
Translated by D.P. Ducher
(The original text written in 1924-1925)