2024年11月21日 星期四

當鯨魚遠比美人魚優點多多……波希米亞人(La Boheme)盤帶欣賞!! 113年11月27日晚上7;00 喻紹發 學弟、張己任 學長主持的活動非凡....《臺灣漫遊錄》下周才有書......


Krishanthi DeeNational Geographic & Wonderful Nature

版主 · 3天 ·

Recently, in a large city in France, a poster featuring a young, thin, and tan woman appeared in the window of a gym.It read: “This summer, do you want to be a mermaid or a whale?”?
A middle-aged woman, whose physical characteristics did not match those of the woman pictured on the poster, responded publicly to the question posed by the gym. She had a whale of a lot to say:
“To Whom It May Concern,?
Whales are always surrounded by friends: dolphins, sea lions, and curious humans. They have an active sex life, get pregnant, and have adorable baby whales. They enjoy stuffing themselves with shrimp, playing and swimming in the sea, and visiting wonderful places like Patagonia, the Bering Sea, and the coral reefs of Polynesia.
Whales are wonderful singers and have even recorded CDs. ?They are incredible creatures and virtually have no predators other than humans.They are loved, protected, and admired by almost everyone in the world.?
Mermaids don’t exist.If they did exist, they would be lining up outside the offices of psychoanalysts due to their identity crisis. Fish or human would prove quite a quandary for even the most skilled of therapists.
They don’t have a sex life because they kill men who get close to them, not to mention how could they have sex? Just look at them … where is IT? Therefore, they don’t have kids either. Not to mention, who wants to get close to a girl who smells like a fish store??
P.S. We are in an age when the media attempts to convince us that only skinny people are beautiful. I prefer to enjoy ice cream with my kids, a good dinner with a man who makes me shiver, and good chocolate with my friends. With time, we gain weight because we accumulate so much information and wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. So we aren’t heavy, we are enormously cultured, educated, and happy.?
----Copied from Brian Horne page----
所有心情:1Murphy Tseng

喻紹發 學弟、張己任 學長主持的活動非凡....


波希米亞人(La Boheme)盤帶欣賞!! 113年11月27日晚上7;00
*請注意! 此次活動有兩個地方不同:
第一是因為歌劇時間較長, 音樂會在晚上七點開始播放(而非平時的7:30).
第二是現場會準備小點, Pizza與紅酒, 讓大家搭配美酒美食, 邊欣賞音樂. 但由於活動很難控制人數, 如有不足請包涵. 也歡迎來賓自行攜帶適合的點心(請與義大利相關)來分享(如果可以事前告知我, 當然更好).
執義大利二十世紀歌劇牛耳的普契尼(Puccini)大家應該都耳熟能詳. 而波希米亞人(La Boheme)就是普契尼揚名立萬之作, 也是歌劇裡最常被演出的作品之一. 關於作品的解說請參考活動討論區裡的連結.

此次分享的錄音版本也是最經典的版本之一. 卡司之強大概是史上之最. Bjorling與Los Angeles的歷史美聲不可不聽. 指揮Beecham爵士更是普契尼的好友. 另一個有趣的地方在於, 這個唱片由EMI/HMV發行, 但實際上卻是RCA的團隊在紐約完成錄音. 而此次現場播放的帶子至少有65年的歷史, 是當年EMI/HMV生產發行的7.5ips磁帶版本, 當年


此地對Trump 2.0 的內閣等,應該也沒興趣.....對謠傳要賣1000億的 Chrome ,或輝達,或 AI 或書本......或俄羅斯前衛藝術,或南美的俄羅斯革命......或.....也沒興趣(少數人炒蘇少數人炒蘇東坡.......).....究竟大家忙?

