2010年9月23日 星期四
2010年9月21日 星期二
王偉忠展節 (天下雜誌 456期 )
做不了李四端 也要做王偉忠
![]() | 台灣稱王 偉忠幫 做媒體,求的是影響力作者:馬岳琳 出處:天下雜誌 456期 2010/09
從綜藝節目到藝人經紀,搞劇場也賣眷村菜,娛樂奇才王偉忠心中最大的夢想,是建構起產業規模,把台灣文創推到「華人最高」的高度。 專輯精采重點: Facebook討論》對於台灣的文創產業,你有什麼期待?請上天下Facebook與粉絲討論
「偉忠幫」三個字,其實是藝人大小S和黑人陳建州多年前的一句玩笑話,卻從此成了台灣教父級綜藝節目製作人王偉忠電視版圖的代名詞。 說是個幫,也的確像個幫。王偉忠二十六歲就名震江湖,成為當時最年輕的電視節目製作人,他創辦的金星娛樂公司,是台灣最大的娛樂製作與經紀公司,從 二十五年前的《連環泡》到時下最受全球華人歡迎的《康熙來了》、《全民最大黨》、《超級星光大道》等節目,台灣的觀眾在電視機前被逗得哈哈大笑,大陸的觀 眾從網路上看得直呼過癮,海外的留學生更是離不了這一帖來自家鄉的慰藉。 如果他的節目收視率和實際獲利絕對正比,如果在中國大陸廣大的山寨版影響力能換算成銀兩,他早就是幾架私人飛機的身價了。「收不到版權費沒關係,做媒體求的是影響力!」這位幫主豪氣不減。 最近,除了做節目、拍戲、推廣眷村文化,王偉忠多了一項身分,「文創一號」基金操盤手。 「到了年紀,要做不同的事,大趨勢拱著你往前走,浪來了,你要迎向前去,踏浪而行,」王偉忠口中的大趨勢、大浪潮,就是兩岸影視產業匯流下,台灣影視老將該如何領軍面對。 從前在台灣市場做節目,不需要靠大資金,靠的是自己腦袋瓜裡的創意,「但現在華人的大市場出來了,再加上中國大陸有一批天才在追趕,我們需要建構產 業規模,也需要資金投入和文創管理。」對王偉忠而言,台灣最好的位置是具有台灣特色的中華文化,在華人市場很有利基,「我們應該要把高度拉到華人世界最 高,這方面我們要守住,不能輕言就讓出,這是我們台灣製作人的『展節』(台語)。」 過去創意無邊、說了就幹的王偉忠,現在開始談研究、評估、產業鏈,他希望把自己和一票台灣天才的「江湖知識」,歸納後實踐,讓以後想做文創的年輕人有路可尋。因為天才可以放煙火,但人才才能串接起產業規模。 |
王偉忠對做文創有一個基本信念,「你的東西要先能感動自己,才有機會感動大陸人、全華人。」在台灣商業電視台激烈競爭、製作費愈來愈低的環境中,他 用創意突破、另類變主流。政治人物希望在他的《全民最大黨》中被模仿,亞洲大牌明星宣傳電影、電視劇、唱片時,絕對不能錯過《康熙來了》。
「跟偉忠哥一起工作,最重要的是事情有趣好玩,賺錢不是第一,他相信你把事情做好,該來的就會來,」曾是《全民大悶鍋》編導、現為《全民大劇團》團 長的謝念祖觀察,「王氏喜劇」要的是「情理之中,意料之外」,「王氏壓力」來自於資料正確、邏輯無誤。在下屬的眼裡,王偉忠是非常非常嚴格的領導者,所以 能為台灣演藝圈培養出許多非帥哥美女、卻能活躍於華文舞台的人才。
王偉忠最重要的製作公司金星娛樂,大約有一百七十位員工,節目部一百五十人,經紀部二十人,他和副總經理詹仁雄,在殘酷的收視率競爭下,兩人總是鼓 勵旗下十幾個製作人,「不要怕失敗,大不了重新再做,」詹仁雄說,王偉忠是個能讓部屬安心、有夢想的老闆,「只要你有創意,他永遠挺你。」
《星光》的成功,讓金星經紀部每天至少會接到二十封想成為藝人的自我推薦信,對表演有興趣的台灣年輕人愈來愈多。去年王偉忠又與資深藝人、創作者合 作,成立了明星藝能學園,希望能以專業領域的規劃,形成另一種明星打造機制。事實上,經過《星光》的訓練,許多唱片公司就直接與優秀的表演者簽約,為台灣 流行音樂培養出新一波人才。
跨足劇場 創「達人經紀」
在大陸,電視節目被官方嚴加看管,台灣的綜藝節目都是經由網路被傳播。除了正規管道,奉行play smart原則的王偉忠,去年還成立《全民大劇團》,要在小眾的劇場空間裡,打造另一個「台灣製造、華人世界演出」的小兵影響力。
「我們具有獨特創意的人才很多,要如何把他們藉由台灣流行影視的實力,帶到華人世界這個更寬廣的舞台,是我和偉忠哥現在想一起做的,」三立電視執行 副總蘇麗媚指出,除了藝人經紀,「達人經紀」也是台灣文創可以耕耘的一條路,無論是戲劇、綜藝節目,都可以把達人元素鑲嵌進去,把台灣美好的生活創意傳遞 出去。
2010年9月18日 星期六
Baby Boomers
Baby Boomers Also Jumped From Job to Job
The Atlantic's Daniel Indiviglio has potentially surprising news for twentysomethings bouncing from job to job: Their parents probably did the same thing. Contrary to conventional wisdom, new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics finds that baby boomers held about 11 jobs during the 22 years after college, spending "about 2.4 years at each job." The survey looked at the number of jobs baby boomers held before they were 44—the group included people born between 1957 and 1964—and how long they stuck with them. Like their kids, only 4 percent of boomers who got jobs between the ages of 23 and 28 kept them for longer than 15 years. Researchers also found that the number of jobs people held wasn't affected by their level education, although it was impacted by age: "As careers mature, the boomers stayed at their jobs for longer." With millennials taking a similar attitude toward their professional lives, Indiviglio suggests that today's parents might not have such a hard time relating to their kids.
Read original story in The Atlantic | Monday, Sept. 13, 2010
2010年9月17日 星期五
2010年9月16日 星期四
李敖文字的成長一例 "畜生之學".
李敖-->李敖快 意恩仇录-->2 小寒纪
- [ 轉為繁體網頁 ]-----
"密宗 在佛教真諦上已是妖妄 從中阿含 長阿含 和四分律.....不成體統 從巴利經典小品小事篇看 根本就是"畜生之學"....." 這是從李敖禍台40年中一本錄出 這段在該書出現兩次 是當時他很得意的作品
| TO ME |
"密宗 在佛教真諦上已是妖妄 從中阿含 長阿含 和四分律.....不成體統 從巴利經典小品小事篇看 根本就是"畜生之學"....." 這是從李敖禍台40年中一本錄出 這段在該書出現兩次 是當時他很得意的作品 "
2010年9月13日 星期一
英雄噶爾丹 Choros Erdeniin Galdan ガルダン・ハーン
- 2010-09-13
- 中國時報
- 【?席慕蓉】
夏日,烏蘭布通有最肥美的水草/草原嫵媚茂密,一直鋪向遙遠的天邊/三百年後,我來憑弔/也是八月/正是那幾萬人一夕陣亡的慘烈時節/自 晨至暮,史書上註記/廝殺之聲響徹天地/至今,克什克騰旗的父老還向我說起/有時在深夜,草原上還聽見戰馬嘶鳴/夾雜著兵刃相交,眾人殺伐哭號的聲音/是 不甘心的亡魂還想轉敗為勝嗎
從烏蘭布通一戰的幾乎全軍覆沒/到昭莫多之役以後的流離失所/六年之間,康熙步步進逼/截斷退路,四向已再無可投奔之處/勇士傷亡殆盡, 親信出走降清/身邊只剩下忠誠的/阿拉爾拜,納顏格隆兩位將領/和始終不離不棄卻已不足百人的兵丁/牛羊早已散失,只能捕獸為食/穹廬氈被也都遭焚燬/眾 人在曠野中勉強露宿/夜夜星光滿天,難以成眠/曾經像天空一樣廣闊的胸懷/如今,也像天空一樣保持沉默/不理會清廷的殷殷招降/這支驕傲的隊伍,始終不發 一言/隱身在草原深處
ガルダン・ハーン(1644年 - 1697年)は、ジュンガル・ハーン国の第3代ハーン(在位:1671年 - 1697年)。オイラトのチョロス部出身。バートル・ホンタイジの四男にしてジュンガル・ハーン国の創立者、またホショト部のグシ・ハーンの孫でもある。
噶爾丹(蒙古語:ᠭᠠᠯᠳᠠᠨ Галдан,1644年-1697年4月4日),蒙古準噶爾汗國大汗。因受藏傳佛教影響,其名實取自藏文甘丹一詞。
目錄[隱藏] |
[編輯] 生平
[編輯] 後續
[編輯] 參考文獻
[編輯] 外部連結
Choros Erdeniin Galdan (1644–1697) was a Dzungar-Oirat Khan of the Dzungar Khanate. He was the fourth son of Erdeni Baatur Hongtaiji, founder of the Dzungar Khanate, thus Galdan is a descendant of Esen taishi. Galdan's mother Amin-Dara was a daughter of Güshi Khan, the first Khoshut-Oirat King of Tibet and 4th Wênsa Zhügu.
As a youth, Galdan was sent to Lhasa to be educated as a lama under the 5th Dalai Lama. When Galdan heard that his eldest brother, Sengge, was murdered by a half brother, Tseten, he renounced his status as a lama and quickly returned to the Irtysh[citation needed] Valley to avenge his brother's death. Galdan was granted the title, Hongtaiji, in 1671 by the Dalai Lama. After victory over Ochirtu Khan, the Dalai Lama gave Galdan the highest title of Boshughtu Khan.
During Galdan's rule, Dzungaria embraced Eastern Turkistan and parts of Central Asia, which he conquered by 1679. He is the founder of Kobdo city, which was his military garrison. To oppose the expansion of the Manchu Empire, Galdan attempted to unify Mongolia by occupying Khalkha in 1688. While he was fighting in Eastern Mongolia, his nephew Tsewang Rabtan seized the Dzungarian throne in 1689. After a series of successful battles in the Khangai mountains, at Lake Olgoi and Ulahui river, he approached near the Great Wall. The Khalkha leaders retreated to Inner Mongolia with their troops and the Khalkha territory fell under Galdan's rule. The Qing deceived him to arrive near Beijing saying that they needed a treaty, but ambushed him at Ulaan Budan, where Galdan's troops were seriously defeated by the Khalkha troops supported by the Qing army and Galdan retreated back to Khalkha. This time, the Qing Emperor dared to cross the Gobi to invade Khalkha and Galdan's troops were surrounded by the overwhelming Qing army at a site Zuunmod at the river Terelj in 1696. Galdan was saved freed from the encirclement by his spouse queen Anu who herself lost her life during the battle. With his remaining troops, Galdan retreated to Kobdo. He died in 1697. The Dzungars said it as a sudden illness. Later Chinese historians said it was suicide. Murder is also a possibility.
[edit] Popular fiction
Galdan appears in Jin Yong's final Wuxia novel, The Deer and The Cauldron, where he became sworn brothers with the novel's main protagonist Wei Xiaobao and the Tibetan Lama Sangjie.
[edit] Further reading
- Zlatkin, Ilia Iakovlevich (1964). История Джунгарского ханства, 1635-1758. (History of the Jungarian Khanate, 1635-1758 ).
2010年9月11日 星期六
Days of Reflection for Lee Kuan Kew
The Saturday Profile
Days of Reflection for Man Who Defined Singapore

Lee Kuan Kew at his office in Singapore.
Published: September 10, 2010
“SO, when is the last leaf falling?” asked Lee Kuan Yew, the man who made Singapore in his own stern and unsentimental image, nearing his 87th birthday and contemplating age, infirmity and loss.
“I can feel the gradual decline of energy and vitality,” said Mr. Lee, whose “Singapore model” of economic growth and tight social control made him one of the most influential political figures of Asia. “And I mean generally, every year, when you know you are not on the same level as last year. But that’s life.”
In a long, unusually reflective interview last week, he talked about the aches and pains of age and the solace of meditation, about his struggle to build a thriving nation on this resource-poor island, and his concern that the next generation might take his achievements for granted and let them slip away.
He was dressed informally in a windbreaker and running shoes in his big, bright office, still sharp of mind but visibly older and a little stooped, no longer in day-to-day control but, for as long as he lives, the dominant figure of the nation he created.
But in these final years, he said, his life has been darkened by the illness of his wife and companion of 61 years, bedridden and mute after a series of strokes.
“I try to busy myself,” he said, “but from time to time in idle moments, my mind goes back to the happy days we were up and about together.” Agnostic and pragmatic in his approach to life, he spoke with something like envy of people who find strength and solace in religion. “How do I comfort myself?” he asked. “Well, I say, ‘Life is just like that.’ ”
“What is next, I do not know,” he said. “Nobody has ever come back.”
The prime minister of Singapore from its founding in 1965 until he stepped aside in 1990, Mr. Lee built what he called “a first-world oasis in a third-world region” — praised for the efficiency and incorruptibility of his rule but accused by human rights groups of limiting political freedoms and intimidating opponents through libel suits.
His title now is minister mentor, a powerful presence within the current government led by his son, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. The question that hovers over Singapore today is how long and in what form his model may endure once he is gone.
Always physically vigorous, Mr. Lee combats the decline of age with a regimen of swimming, cycling and massage and, perhaps more important, an hour-by-hour daily schedule of meetings, speeches and conferences both in Singapore and overseas. “I know if I rest, I’ll slide downhill fast,” he said. When, after an hour, talk shifted from introspection to geopolitics, the years seemed to slip away and he grew vigorous and forceful, his worldview still wide ranging, detailed and commanding.
And yet, he said, he sometimes takes an oblique look at these struggles against age and sees what he calls “the absurdity of it.”
“I’m reaching 87, trying to keep fit, presenting a vigorous figure, and it’s an effort, and is it worth the effort?” he said. “I laugh at myself trying to keep a bold front. It’s become my habit. I just carry on.”
HIS most difficult moments come at the end of each day, he said, as he sits by the bedside of his wife, Kwa Geok Choo, 89, who has been unable to move or speak for more than two years. She had been by his side, a confidante and counselor, since they were law students in London.
“She understands when I talk to her, which I do every night,” he said. “She keeps awake for me; I tell her about my day’s work, read her favorite poems.” He opened a big spreadsheet to show his reading list, books by Jane Austen, Rudyard Kipling and Lewis Carroll as well as the sonnets of Shakespeare.
Lately, he said, he had been looking at Christian marriage vows and was drawn to the words: “To love, to hold and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse till death do us part.”
“I told her, ‘I would try and keep you company for as long as I can.’ That’s life. She understood.” But he also said: “I’m not sure who’s going first, whether she or me.”
At night, hearing the sounds of his wife’s discomfort in the next room, he said, he calms himself with 20 minutes of meditation, reciting a mantra he was taught by a Christian friend: “Ma-Ra-Na-Tha.”
The phrase, which is Aramaic, comes at the end of St. Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians, and can be translated in several ways. Mr. Lee said that he was told it means “Come to me, O Lord Jesus,” and that although he is not a believer, he finds the sounds soothing.
“The problem is to keep the monkey mind from running off into all kinds of thoughts,” he said. “A certain tranquillity settles over you. The day’s pressures and worries are pushed out. Then there’s less problem sleeping.”
He brushed aside the words of a prominent Singaporean writer and social critic, Catherine Lim, who described him as having “an authoritarian, no-nonsense manner that has little use for sentiment.”
“She’s a novelist!” he cried. “Therefore, she simplifies a person’s character,” making what he called a “graphic caricature of me.” “But is anybody that simple or simplistic?”
The stress of his wife’s illness is constant, he said, harder on him than stresses he faced for years in the political arena. But repeatedly, in looking back over his life, he returns to his moment of greatest anguish, the expulsion of Singapore from Malaysia in 1965, when he wept in public.
That trauma presented him with the challenge that has defined his life, the creation and development of a stable and prosperous nation, always on guard against conflict within its mixed population of Chinese, Malays and Indians.
“We don’t have the ingredients of a nation, the elementary factors,” he said three years ago in an interview with the International Herald Tribune, “a homogeneous population, common language, common culture and common destiny.”
Younger people worry him, with their demands for more political openness and a free exchange of ideas, secure in their well-being in modern Singapore. “They have come to believe that this is a natural state of affairs, and they can take liberties with it,” he said. “They think you can put it on auto-pilot. I know that is never so.”
The kind of open political combat they demand would inevitably open the door to race-based politics, he said, and “our society will be ripped apart.”
A political street fighter, by his own account, he has often taken on his opponents through ruinous libel suits.
He defended the suits as necessary to protect his good name, and he dismissed criticisms by Western reporters who “hop in and hop out” of Singapore as “absolute rubbish.”
In any case, it is not these reporters or the obituaries they may write that will offer the final verdict on his actions, he said, but future scholars who will study them in the context of their day.
“I’m not saying that everything I did was right,” he said, “but everything I did was for an honorable purpose. I had to do some nasty things, locking fellows up without trial.”
And although the leaves are already falling from the tree, he said, the Lee Kuan Yew story may not be over yet.
He quoted a Chinese proverb: Do not judge a man until his coffin is closed.
“Close the coffin, then decide,” he said. “Then you assess him. I may still do something foolish before the lid is closed on me.”"Never Say I Assume!"Tan Chin Nam陳振南《永远不要随意假设》
"Never Say I Assume!"Tan Chin Nam陳振南《永远不要随意假设》
Dato' Tan Chin Nam (born c. 1926) is an entrepreneur and developer in Malaysia and an owner of Australian-based Thoroughbred racehorses. His family is the majority shareholder of IGB Corporation Berhad.[1]
Tan is reportedly one of the richest men in Malaysia and has several companies and businesses.[2][3] He is famous as a property developer and was involved in various projects such as Shangri-La Hotel in Malaysia, shopping centres in Singapore and Malaysia (including one of the largest shopping malls in the world, Mid Valley Megamall in Malaysia), the renovation of Queen Victoria Building (QVB) and Capitol Theatre in Sydney. His biography released in 2006 is called "Never Say I Assume!", published by MPH, Malaysia.
[edit] Thoroughbred horse racing
The principal owner for one of Australia's most successful horse trainers, Bart Cummings, Tan has had a successful working relationship with Cummings for more than thirty years.
He owns at least a share in most of Cummings's well known horses including Think Big, winner of back-to-back Melbourne Cups in 1974 and 1975, as well as the multiple Group One winner, Saintly.[4]
Tan owns a stud farm located along the Wingecarribee River at Burradoo, New South Wales that he named Think Big Stud.
The Dato Tan Chin Nam Stakes at Moonee Valley Racecourse in Melbourne is named in his honor.
Tan is retired, leaving his multi-billion business to a new generation. He is the owner of the 2008 Melbourne Cup winner Viewed[5] (now deceased) and 2009 Crown Oaks winner, Faint Perfume.
[edit] References
2010年9月10日 星期五
任教18年 時間全奉獻給學生
過世前立遺囑 親友完成遺願
白 玫瑰透露,兩年前和王美麗一同旅行時,她曾提及手邊兩三筆定存今年六月到期後,將以姊姊的名義於建中成立獎學金,沒想到當年底她發現自己罹患卵巢癌且已擴 散到腹腔,單身一人的她當下決定不只捐出定存,也捐出三分之二的財產給建中及身障、病兒團體(另外三分之一則是留給家人),過世前立下遺囑,希望親友代她 完成心願。
2010年9月8日 星期三
Paul Hogarth
約1890年有David Hogarth和Mary Hogarth畫希臘
Paul Hogarth, OBE (christened Arthur Paul Hoggarth) (October 4, 1917 – 27 December 2001) was an English artist and illustrator. He is best known to a wider audience for the series of cover drawings that he prepared in the 1980s for the Penguin edition of Graham Greene's books.
Born Arthur Paul Hoggarth in Kendal, Cumbria, he and his family moved to Manchester in 1923 where he attended the Manchester School Of Art from 1934 to 1936 where he became involved in the Artists' International Association and the Communist Party of Great Britain. After 1936 he attended St Martins College, London and fought in the Spanish Civil War in the International Brigade.
Paul Hogarth, who died in December 2001, was one of the most distinguished painters of our times with a unique talent for illustration and reportage which was allied to his love of travel. This led him to produce drawings and watercolours recording events and places all over the world. As an illustrator he studied under James Boswell (artist) and worked with a number of eminent authors including Robert Graves, Graham Greene, Brendan Behan, Lawrence Durrell, and William Golding. His work can be seen on the cover of John Wyndham's 'The Midwich Cuckoos' (1964, Penguin [1] ). He was elected an associate member of the Royal Academy in 1974, a full member in 1984 and was awarded the OBE in 1989. His work is held in collections worldwide, he exhibited regularly in the Francis Kyle Gallery in London and his lithographs are available from Contemporary Art Holdings, Cirencester.
At the time of his death, Paul Hogarth had been married to actress Diana Hogarth (stage name Diana Robson) for 12 years.
- Hogarth, Paul. Drawing on Life: The Autobiography of Paul Hogarth (Royal Academy of Arts, 2002).
External links
- Obituary (Hogarth Family HQ)
- Obituary (Daily Telegraph)
- Hogarth archive (Archives Hub)
- Books by Hogarth ("Books and Writers")