2024年1月30日 星期二

藝人約瑟芬·貝克Josephine Baker, 法國英雄 Josephine Baker, Still Moving

Josephine Baker, Still Moving

She entertained Europe between the wars and still inspires artists and activists now, as a new exhibition in Berlin shows.

A framed, black-and-white photography shows Josephine Bakerlooking stratight at the camera, smiling.
A 1920s portrait of Josephine Baker by George Hoyningen-Huene on display at the Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin.Credit...Andreas Meichsner for The New York Times


BBC Culture 藝人約瑟芬·貝克Josephine Baker 

Singer, performer, activist, Josephine Baker has become the first black woman remembered at the Pantheon.

Why France is making this woman a national hero
Josephine Baker is the first black woman to be remembered in the restin

台北書緣( 24):八十憶述 彩色巴黎 1968/ 阮毅成著 ; 2021年法國總統的 "英雄" 拿破崙 與 "女傑"Josephine Baker


Bureau Français de Taipei - 法國在台協會

今天是一個歷史性的日子! 美裔法籍藝人約瑟芬·貝克將成爲第一位入祠先賢祠的黑人女性! 約瑟芬·貝克終其一生不斷地透過她特有的風格﹑藝術性以及信念撼動﹑推翻所有的藩籬。她是對抗性別不平等﹑支持女性解放的實際象徵,同時也是[瘋狂歲月]時代的代表性人物!今天法國將在先賢祠追贈表揚這位傳奇的女性!
Aujourd’hui est un jour historique ! Joséphine Baker, icône noire franco-américaine, devient la première femme de couleur à reposer au Panthéon. Tout au long de sa vie, Joséphine Baker a bouleversé et fait tomber les barrières grâce à son style, son art et ses convictions. Vé……

BBC Radio 4

"She had an ideal of universal brotherhood"
Baker is the first black woman to be remembered in the Panthéon, the resting place of France’s national heroes. Here's Josephine Baker's amazing story.

In France they're declaring Josephine Baker a national hero

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DW Culture

Black French-American entertainer and WWII resistance fighter Josephine Baker will be honored with a tomb in France’s Pantheon Mausoleum. It took France over half a century after her death in 1975 to bestow one of its highest honors to her. The Pantheon Mausoleum is a Parisian memorial and induction into the complex is reserved for national figures in France.

0:26 / 1:10

Images of Josephine Baker and text are printed on a wall display, under the headline “From Reel to Real: Josephine in Films.”
The small but dense exhibition is a collaboration between the Neue Nationalgalerie’s director, Klaus Biesenbach, and three other curators.Credit...Andreas Meichsner for The New York Times

Baker peforming on Broadway in the “Ziegfeld Follies” in the 1930s.Credit...Andreas Meichsner for The New York Times; The New York Public Library
Baker peforming on Broadway in the “Ziegfeld Follies” in the 1930s.
“Slipcover” by Simone Leigh is one of many pieces of art in the show that Baker inspired.Credit...Andreas Meichsner for The New York Times; Simone Leigh, Matthew Marks Gallery
“Slipcover” by Simone Leigh is one of many pieces of art in the show that Baker inspired.

Artists and scholars remain influenced by Baker and what Francis, the co-curator, describes in a video essay that appears in the show as the performer’s “prismatic” qualities: “Neither a single image nor a static representation, Baker is rather a dazzling many-ness, a structure of spectacles, formed from multiple media.”

2024年1月28日 星期日

李健熙 Lee Kun Hee 1942~2020;Trump 總統的辯論會表演:

Lee Kun-hee, the former chairman of Samsung Electronics, has left a global electronics powerhouse and a colossal personal collection of artworks among the vast assets he amassed that were estimated to be worth some 26 trillion won ($20 billion).

李健熙- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

https://zh.wikipedia.org › wiki

이건희 · Lee Kun-hee · (1942-01-09)1942年1月9日 日治朝鮮慶尚北道大邱府 · 2020年10月25日(2020歲—10—25)(78歲) 韩国首爾特別市江南區逸院洞(朝鲜语:일원동)三星醫療 ...

李健熙的第一主義:三星競爭力的核心,眼光指向未來十年的 ...

https://www.books.com.tw › prod...

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書名:李健熙的第一主義:三星競爭力的核心,眼光指向未來十年的企業家,原文名稱:Lee Kun Hee(韓文),語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9789867600226,頁數:328, ...

 "Change everything other than your wives and children"

李健熙第一主義:三星競爭力的核心,眼光指向未來十年的企業家,原文名稱:Lee Kun Hee(韓文),語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9867600223,頁數:328,出版社:大塊文化,作者:洪夏祥,譯者:黃蘭琇,出版日期:2003/


三星電子會長李健熙過世 享壽78歲

最新更新:2020/10/25 09:46
三星電子會長李健熙25日病逝,享壽78歲。(圖取自維基共享資源;作者:Republic of Korea,CC BY-SA 2.0)
三星電子會長李健熙25日病逝,享壽78歲。(圖取自維基共享資源;作者:Republic of Korea,CC BY-SA 2.0)


  • 生日:1942年1月9日
  • 李健熙是三星創始人李秉喆三子,為集團第2任會長。他在富比世2019年全球億萬富豪榜排名第65位,資產達169億美元。
  • 曾被指控在1989年和1992年向韓國前總統盧泰愚行賄,判處2年緩刑;1997年總統大選前,他贊助候選人李會昌高達1千萬美元政治獻金,也引起軒然大波。
  • 2008年4月李健熙被韓國特別檢察組控告逃稅、違反信託、瀆職3項罪名後,宣布辭去會長一職,由三星生命公司會長李洙彬接任。
  • 資料來源:維基百科

Frank Bruni

That’s the Last We Need to Hear From Trump

He was nasty. He was dishonest. Next, please.




Analysis: In One Last Debate Trick, Trump Tries to Be Less Like Himself

If voters reject President Trump next month, this will be the chief reason: The 2020 campaign is different, and he is not.

2024年1月21日 星期日

Charles O. Jones (1931 – 2024) ,

  (October 28, 1931 – January 3, 2024)

Scholarly focus[edit]

Jones wrote broadly on American politics, but his primary focus was on the relationship between Congress and the President. He wrote a number of influential books, including The Presidency in a Separated System[5] and An Introduction to Public Policy.[6]

Charles O. Jones, Expert on Congress and the Presidency, Dies at 92

As a professor of political science and an author, he displayed a distinctive gift for simplifying the complexities of the American political system.

Charles O. Jones, a balding man with glasses and a neatly trimmed beard, looks downward. He is wearing a beige shirt and pants.
Charles O. Jones, a political scientist who wrote widely on the Congress and the presidency, in an undated photo.Credit...Phoebe Jones
Charles O. Jones, a balding man with glasses and a neatly trimmed beard, looks downward. He is wearing a beige shirt and pants.

The American way of governing “is the most intricate ever devised,” Mr. Jones wrote in “The Presidency in a Separated System” (1994). But though he was respectful of that intricacy, he wasn’t awed by it. As a Midwesterner of working-class origins, he felt his mission was to demystify the complex.

“Focusing exclusively on the presidency can lead to a seriously distorted picture of how the national government does its work,” Mr. Jones wrote in “The Presidency in a Separated System.” “The plain fact is that the United States does not have a presidential system. It has a separated system.”

Mr. Jones was what Mr. Baker called “an Eisenhower Republican,” mistrustful of Democrats, whom he considered “a bit too eager to expand the scope of the federal government.” 

Daniel Jones said the travails of the presidency, an institution his father revered, were “hard for him in the last 20 years of his life” and left him “disillusioned.” But, he added: “He was still very patriotic. He would always treasure this country as a beacon.”
