2020年10月2日 星期五

Michael Žantovský, Chris Wallace

'I was really hoping for the debate that I think America wanted to see'

Chris Wallace says Trump 'bears the primary responsibility' for chaotic first debate

Chris Wallace - Wikipedia
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Christopher Wallace (born October 12, 1947) is an American journalist and television news anchor of the Fox News program Fox News Sunday. Wallace is known for his tough and wide ranging interviews, for which he is often compared to his ...
Political party‎: ‎Democratic
Parent(s)‎: ‎Norma Kaphan (mother); ‎Mike Wall...
Education‎: ‎Harvard University‎ (‎AB‎)
Years active‎: ‎1964–present
Mike Wallace · ‎Mike Wallace Is Here · ‎Bill Leonard (journalist) · ‎Dick Smothers


 Michael Žantovský

He translated more than fifty works of fiction, drama and poetry, of mostly contemporary American and British writers, including works by James BaldwinNorman MailerJoseph HellerE.L. DoctorowNadine GordimerToni MorrisonTom Stoppard et al. He translated films and short stories of Woody Allen, and wrote a monograph on his life and work (1990). He translated also non-fiction works by Henry KissingerMadeleine AlbrightJoshua Muravchik et al. From Hebrew he translated the memories of Amos Oz A Tale of Love and Darkness.

近月香港不少人談論的,是捷克首位民選總統瓦茨拉夫·哈維爾(Václav Havel),他本是位詩人、劇作家。其中他最為人熟知的著作《無權者的權力》(The Power of the Powerless),寫於上世紀蘇聯時期的捷克斯洛伐克。在有人形容香港已踏入白色恐怖時期的今天,不少人在讀哈維爾,希望從中獲得啟示及參考。曾翻譯此書的文化學者羅永生近月接受報章訪問,也說迷茫時要讀哈維爾,學習在極權下面對自己。
Michael Zantovsky 是哈維爾在「七七憲章運動」中的戰友,哈維爾執政後擔任他的新聞秘書,並曾擔任捷克參議員、駐海外大使等職位。2011 年哈維爾去世後,Zantovsky 撰寫他的傳記《Havel:A Life》,被翻譯成十幾種語言在全球暢銷,目前是哈維爾圖書館的總監。
身處布拉格的 Zantovsky 早前透過視像通話接受《立場新聞》訪問,他主動提到捷克過去一年亦有關注香港情況,並支持香港人民主訴求。雖然香港與捷克兩場民主運動相隔三十年,兩地歷史、社會脈絡均大相徑庭,兩地經驗難以直接類比,但 Zantovsky 引述哈維爾指出,人權、自由等都基本普世價值,人的視域(horizon)理應要超越自身的日常生活,關心他人及世界。他於訪問開首著記者放心,在爭取民主的議題上,捷克人與香港人民站在同一陣線。
但香港時代革命與捷克天鵝絨革命,至少在兩個個層面上無法相提並論。Zantovsky 說,第一當然是對手不同,全球政治格局也今非昔比;第二現今世界資訊流通,全世界都把香港情況看在眼內,起碼就這一點而言,Zantovsky 認為香港的情況或比當年捷克斯洛伐克來得好一點…

Michael Žantovský
H.E. Michael Zantovsky.jpg
Senator from Prague 5
In office

Michael Žantovský


