2021年5月27日 星期四


哈佛大學的官方報The Harvard Gazette 5月24日的這篇 ,值得看看。(底下Google將 Gazette翻譯成"憲報",姑且信之。" binge watching"翻譯成"暴飲暴食",有點離譜,它指的是"長時間"看影片/連續劇等......)

 To cope with the isolation and uncertainties brought on by the COVID pandemic, many people added new rituals to their lives: nature walking or home exercising, baking or gardening, video chatting or binge watching, learning to play an instrument or adopting a pet. The Gazette asked members of the Harvard community what they tried — and whether they plan to keep those new preoccupations in their lives.

為了應對COVID大流行帶來的孤立和不確定性,許多人在生活中增加了新的習慣:自然散步或家庭鍛煉,烘烤或園藝,視頻聊天或暴飲暴食,學習彈奏樂器或養寵物。 憲報詢問哈佛社區的成員他們做了什麼嘗試,以及他們是否打算將這些新的精力留在自己的生活中。

