2008年7月23日 星期三

Tawney, Richard Henry

Columbia Encyclopedia: Tawney, Richard Henry
(') , 1880–1962, British economic historian, b. Calcutta (now Kolkata). He was professor at the Univ. of London from 1931 to 1949. A leading socialist, Tawney helped to formulate the economic and ethical views of the British Labour party through his many essays and books, and he participated in numerous government bodies concerned with education, trade, and industry. As a scholar Tawney was a foremost expert on early modern capitalism. His works include the classic The Agrarian Problem in the 16th Century (1912), which describes the creation of capitalistic modes of production, of an enclosure movement, and of a vigorous rising gentry in rural England. Religion and the Rise of Capitalism (1926) examines the relationship between the Protestant ethic and early capitalism. Among his other significant volumes are The Acquisitive Society (1920), Equality (1931, 4th ed. 1952), and Land and Labour in China (1932).


See R. Terrill, R. H. Tawney and His Times (1973).


Richard Henry Tawney (1880 - 1962) was an English writer, economist, historian, social critic and university professor and a leading advocate of Christian Socialism. Richard Tawney has been called "the patron saint of adult education". [1]

Wikipedia article "R. H. Tawney".

英國1977-78的Essex 大學,離創校校長1963 Dr Albert Sloman到BBC發表Reith Lectures『一所新興大學之遠景』 A University in The Making(據說,他談Essex大學校地Wivenhoe Park風景優美,所以學生宿舍必須「起高樓」方式(每棟tower十來層,每樓約9-12間,每層樓約住10名學生,可以男女各居一室共處之,這在近50年前可能很新潮)。記得有六棟這種towers。大樓名字都取(政經)著名大學者紀念(英國學術天空巨星雲集,能選上代表是公認的,如羅素、凱因斯…….)。我住紀念R. H. Tawney的--那時我搞不清楚Tawney先生何許人,真是失敬:多年之後我讀他的書和紀念網頁,思考是否該翻譯一本他的著作留念。

Richard Henry1880 —1962)他是一位富有社會學修養的文明評論家 他在名著《宗教資本主義的興起……..

R. H. Tawney《中國的土地勞力Land and Labour in China (1932).張漢裕譯,協志工業叢書,1995;原書1929年出版)其中有許多話很重要:
"國家所需要的是受過教育的人,不是沒受過教育的畢業生, 再不可為了大量生產而犧牲內容。應該側重教學生自己思考─這是比較廢力的事".中譯本,p. 206

R. H. Tawney的《宗教資本主義的興起 1924》Religion and the Rise of Capitalism, (1926);趙月瑟 夏鎮平 譯,上海:上海譯文出版社,2006
歷史學家 RH Tawney 就認為中世紀的文藝復興,理性和啟蒙才是現代資本主義精神的主要來源 , 不具有發生學上的重要性 。 但是 從西方理性化 、 文藝復興的歷史以及學術崛起的歷程看 , 宗教在其中實際都是很重要的角色 , 神學是當時的顯學 ...

