2020年6月18日 星期四

Wangari Maathai (1940~2011)| The Green Belt Movement;Hans-Dietrich Genscher (1927 -2016甘雪/根舍)


※ 2016.04.02 德國 ※
漢斯-迪特里希.甘雪(Hans-Dietrich Genscher)逝世的消息公諸於世之後,政壇人物紛紛發言緬懷這位聯邦前外交部長。德國新聞大篇幅報導甘雪的一生、以及他對德國政治的影響:1989 年 9 月 30 日晚間六點 58 分,甘雪在布拉格西德外事館陽台上的一句話,不停地被重覆播放。他的那句話,扭轉了許多人的生命,最終結束了東德的專制政權。
1927 年,甘雪,出生於哈勒(Hallen),也那裡求學成長。在東西德期間,哈勒屬於東德。1952 年,他離開哈勒到布萊梅——他對於自由的嚮望超越對家鄉的依賴——在那裡他加入了自由民主黨,開始了他的政治生涯。1965 年他第一次成為國會議員,四年後他成為該黨的國會黨團總召。
1972 年甘雪任內政部長——那是他生命中最黑暗的時刻——那一年,在慕尼黑舉行奧林匹亞運動會的期間,8 名武裝恐怖份子挾持以色列代表團 11 名人質,要求釋放被以色列關押的 234 名巴勒斯坦恐怖份子。甘雪曾提出以自己代替人質的要求,但遭恐怖份子拒絕。這起人質挾持事件中的八名武裝恐怖份子最後都遭殲滅,人質也無一生還。
在這個事件後,甘雪促成設立專職人質挾持的第九國境守備隊(GSG9)。1977 年,德國漢莎航空遭到阿拉伯恐怖份子挾持,GSG9 部隊突襲出動,在索馬利亞的摩加迪沙成功救出機上所有乘客。
1974 年秋天,甘雪成為外交部長,他以創造合作平台、軍事控制、與裁軍為工作目標。這位「空中飛人部長」(der reisende Minister)擔任外交部長期間,出訪多達 700 次。1974 年到 1982 年,甘雪的支持度不停上升,然而和他合作的政黨——社民黨——支持度卻下滑。
1981 年,因為一個經濟、財政的改革,再加上甘雪不同意當時社民黨對美國的敵視態度,最後自由民主黨和社民黨結束聯合執政。甘雪轉而和基民盟—基社盟合作。
甘雪的外交風格是「談判、談判、談判」,直到雙方找到可接受的解決方式為止。他的務實態度,使他在 1974 年到 1992 年的外交部長任內,有相當的展獲。他認為:在當時冷戰的情況下,務實和保有彈性空間的外交政策,是西德唯一的活路。
這位外交部長政治的頂峰,莫過於 1989 年至 1990 年期間。他和時任德國總理的柯爾、最後一位蘇維埃領袖米歇爾.戈巴契夫(Michail Gorbatschow)、以及蘇維埃外長(甘雪與他有著友誼關係)、和西方盟友共同促成了東西德的統一。這也是他個人生命中,最快樂的時刻。
1989 年 9 月,他在布拉格西德外事館上,對台下數千名逃離東德的難民,宣布他們可以前往西德。甘雪未完成的句子,被台下的歡呼聲打斷,這是他寫下的歷史片刻。
冷戰的結束,似乎意味著甘雪式外交的結束。在一個新的、看不透的新紀元,新的國際秩序尚未成形,甘雪似乎失去了方向。有人認為:甘雪承認克羅埃西亞和斯洛伐尼亞的國家地位過於急切,少了必要的外交手段,因此 1990 年代南斯拉夫戰爭的爆發,甘雪也難辭其咎。
1992 年 5 月,甘雪決定急流湧退。18 年的外交部長,共 23 年的聯邦部長生涯,至今無政治人物能出其右。辭去職務的甘雪,沒有離開政壇,他不時還是會對時事提出針砭。
4 月 1 日晚間,德國總理梅克爾追思這位政治人物:「在這位一生致力於自由愛國主義和歐洲主義者之前,我致上最高敬意。」梅克爾也公開表示:感謝每一次與甘雪的會面與談話。
現任自由民主黨黨魁林德(Christian Lindner)則說:「甘雪寫下了一段歷史,也深深影響著我們的國家。我們非常感謝他的所作所為。失去甘雪,我們的悲傷不可言喻。」
※ 2016.04.01 德國 ※


Hans-Dietrich Genscher FDP
Vertragsunterzeichnung zur Deutschen Einheit in M​​oskau 1990
Hans-Dietrich Genscher Buchvorstellung 12.11.2014
1974年至1992年,根舍擔任聯邦德國外交部長,同時兼任副總理。起先是在社民黨總理赫爾穆特·施密特(Helmut Schmidt)領導的內閣中。1982年,他背棄這一執政聯盟,選擇與保守派基民盟/基社盟合作:這一步令許多自民黨內部人士都對他頗為不滿,而他事後也承認,作出這一決定並不容易。尤其是,他始終珍視赫爾穆特·施密特的強大人格。
根舍1992年之後便從政壇引退。許多漫畫家對此都頗為傷感: 作為政治人物的根捨一直是他們最喜愛的創作對象之一。政治諷刺雜誌《泰坦尼克》(Titanic)創造出“根舍俠”(Genschman)的形象,將他比喻成“蝙蝠俠”(Batman)那樣能夠從容應對危機的救世主。




  • 日期 01.04.2016
  • 作者 Beatrix Beuthner/Jeanette Seiffert


How much do you know about the inspiring Peace Laureate Wangari Maathai?
Maathai was the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. She was also the first female scholar from East and Central Africa to take a doctorate (in biology), and the first female professor ever in her home country of Kenya. Maathai played an active part in the struggle for democracy in Kenya, and belonged to the opposition to Daniel arap Moi's regime.
In 1977 she started a grass-roots movement aimed at countering the deforestation that was threatening the means of subsistence of the agricultural population. The campaign encouraged women to plant trees in their local environments and to think ecologically. The so-called Green Belt Movement spread to other African countries, and contributed to the planting of over thirty million trees.
Maathai's mobilisation of African women was not limited in its vision to work for sustainable development; she saw tree-planting in a broader perspective which included democracy, women's rights, and international solidarity. In the words of the Nobel Committee when she was awarded the prize: "She thinks globally and acts locally."

Wangari Muta Maathai (1 April 1940 – 25 September 2011) was a Kenyan environmental and political activist. She was educated in the United States at Mount St. Scholastica (Benedictine College) and the University of Pittsburgh, as well as the University of Nairobi in Kenya.

Wangari Maathai memorial trees and garden at the University of Pittsburgh

旺加里·馬塔伊斯瓦希里語Wangari Muta Maathai,1940年4月1日-2011年9月25日),肯亞的社會活動家,2004年諾貝爾和平獎得主,美國匹茲堡大學生物科學碩士。她是綠帶運動非洲減債運動聯盟的發起人。

Environmentalist, activist, Nobel peace prize laureate. Wangari Maathai demonstrated what could be achieved by the simple act of planting trees. She was born on this day in 1940
Wangari Maathai was born on April 1st, 1940

The Nobel Peace Prize 2004
Wangari Maathai

The Nobel Peace Prize 2004
Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony
Wangari Maathai
Biography Wangari Muta Maathai was born in Nyeri, Kenya (Africa) in 1940. The first woman in East and Central Africa to earn a doctorate degree. Wangari Maathai obtained a degree in Biological Sciences from Mount St. Scholastica College in Atchison, Kansas (1964). She subsequently earned a Master of Science degree from the University of Pittsburgh (1966). She pursued doctoral studies in Germany and the University of Nairobi, obtaining a Ph.D. (1971) from the University of Nairobi where she also taught veterinary anatomy. She became chair of the Department of Veterinary Anatomy and an associate professor in 1976 and 1977 respectively. In both cases, she was the first woman to attain those positions in the region. Wangari Maathai was active in the National Council of Women of Kenya in 1976-87 and was its chairman in 1981-87. It was while she served in the National Council of Women that she introduced the idea of planting trees with the people in 1976 and continued to develop it into a broad-based, grassroots organization whose main focus is the planting of trees with women groups in order to conserve the environment and improve their quality of life. However, through the Green Belt Movement she has assisted women in planting more than 20 million trees on their farms and on schools and church compounds.
In 1986, the Movement established a Pan African Green Belt Network and has exposed over 40 individuals from other African countries to the approach. Some of these individuals have established similar tree planting initiatives in their own countries or they use some of the Green Belt Movement methods to improve their efforts. So far some countries have successfully launched such initiatives in Africa (Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Lesotho, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, etc). In September 1998, she launched a campaign of the Jubilee 2000 Coalition. She has embarked on new challenges, playing a leading global role as a co-chair of the Jubilee 2000 Africa Campaign, which seeks cancellation of the unpayable backlog debts of the poor countries in Africa by the year 2000. Her campaign against land grabbing and rapacious allocation of forests land has caught the limelight in the recent past.
Wangari Maathai is internationally recognized for her persistent struggle for democracy, human rights and environmental conservation. She has addressed the UN on several occasions and spoke on behalf of women at special sessions of the General Assembly for the five-year review of the earth summit. She served on the commission for Global Governance and Commission on the Future. She and the Green Belt Movement have received numerous awards, most notably The 2004 Nobel Peace Prize. Others include The Sophie Prize (2004), The Petra Kelly Prize for Environment (2004), The Conservation Scientist Award (2004), J. Sterling Morton Award (2004), WANGO Environment Award (2003), Outstanding Vision and Commitment Award (2002), Excellence Award from the Kenyan Community Abroad (2001), Golden Ark Award (1994), Juliet Hollister Award (2001), Jane Adams Leadership Award (1993), Edinburgh Medal (1993), The Hunger Project's Africa Prize for Leadership (1991), Goldman Environmental Prize (1991), the Woman of the World (1989), Windstar Award for the Environment (1988), Better World Society Award (1986), Right Livelihood Award (1984) and the Woman of the Year Award (1983). Professor Maathai was also listed on UNEP's Global 500 Hall of Fame and named one of the 100 heroines of the world. In June 1997, Wangari was elected by Earth Times as one of 100 persons in the world who have made a difference in the environmental arena. Professor Maathai has also received honorary doctoral degrees from several institutions around the world: William's College, MA, USA (1990), Hobart & William Smith Colleges (1994), University of Norway (1997) and Yale University (2004).
The Green Belt Movement and Professor Wangari Maathai are featured in several publications including The Green Belt Movement: Sharing the Approach (by Professor Wangari Maathai, 2002), Speak Truth to Power (Kerry Kennedy Cuomo, 2000), Women Pioneers for the Environment (Mary Joy Breton, 1998), Hopes Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet (Frances Moore Lappé and Anna Lappé, 2002), Una Sola Terra: Donna I Medi Ambient Despres de Rio (Brice Lalonde et al., 1998), Land Ist Leben (Bedrohte Volker, 1993).
Professor Maathai serves on the boards of several organizations including the UN Secretary General's Advisory Board on Disarmament, The Jane Goodall Institute, Women and Environment Development Organization (WEDO), World Learning for International Development, Green Cross International, Environment Liaison Center International, the WorldWIDE Network of Women in Environmental Work and National Council of Women of Kenya.
In December 2002, Professor Maathai was elected to parliament with an overwhelming 98% of the vote. She was subsequently appointed by the president, as Assistant Minister for Environment, Natural Resources and Wildlife in Kenya's ninth parliament.
From Les Prix Nobel. The Nobel Prizes 2004, Editor Tore Frängsmyr, [Nobel Foundation], Stockholm, 2005
This autobiography/biography was written at the time of the award and later published in the book series Les Prix Nobel/Nobel Lectures. The information is sometimes updated with an addendum submitted by the Laureate.

ノーベル平和賞・「もったいない」 マータイさん死去

 米国の大学で生物学を学び、ナイロビ大で博士号を取得、女性の地位向上にも努めた。国会議員や環境副大臣を歴任した。05年に訪日した際、「もったいな い」という日本語に感銘を受け、「この精神を環境保護のために役立て世界に広げたい」と語っていた。09年には旭日大綬章を受章している。(ナイロビ=杉 山正)

