2021年1月10日 星期日

Colin Powell, George H.W. Bush 1924-2018 美國前總統喬治·布希逝世,享年94歲

"[Right] now I'm just watching my country and not concerned with parties," he told CNN

Colin Powell says he no longer considers himself a Republican

George HW Bush's service dog Sully pays touching last tribute
BBC News

The Economist

The Episcopal church, with all its grandeur, nostalgia and contradiction, was a natural spiritual dwelling-place for George H.W. Bush

Hanching Chung 看聽美國十來個媒體報道,極備哀榮的英雄。

CNN 發佈一集的「 CNN Replay 」。

“He had more experience in foreign affairs than any president in history. He had been an envoy to China, he had been in war himself as you well know. He had eight years as vice president of the United States and could watch what was going on in the Reagan years. He served at the UN, he served in the Congress, he was director of the CIA. What other credentials do you need to be a succesful president with respect to foreign policy?” former Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Colin Powell says of former President George H.W. Bushhttps://cnn.it/2DVw0Ry

Windson Chen 分享了 1 則貼文


余國藩院士的風骨: 個人 vs 整體 看中共



美國前總統老布希( George H.W. Bush)逝世,仿間報導多半强調他任內曾售我F-16戰機,卸任總統後,曾於1993年來台訪問。其實我們也應該感謝他,拍板決定支持台灣加入 GATT( WTO前身),並立即與台灣進行入會雙邊諮商。美國是民主陣營的領頭羊,美國登高一呼,其他國家也隨後表態跟進支持,讓台灣的入會程序,取得突破性的進展。
1988年布希總統首次競選總統時,對手是民主黨的麻州州長 Dukakis, 當時布希陣營在電視上猛播有名的選舉廣告,布希用手指著嘴唇說 “ Read my lips: No more taxes” . 雖然順利當選,但也留下後遺症,三年後由於經濟成長減緩,稅收減少,政府被迫加稅。這成為布希競選連任時,遭對手猛烈抨擊他言而無信的焦點,導致選戰失利。
What he gained, what he lost.
Owen Hsieh 記者續伯雄曾寫了一本 “ 我在聯大奮戰經過”,由卜少夫的「新聞天地」出版,將當年聯大會議期間,我代表團每天工作,與各國互動合縱連橫,策略變化及功過得失等詳加披露。該書報導似未歸咎美國布希大使,反而認為我方決策僵硬遲緩,讓想幫助我們的友邦都不知道我們的想法。最後關頭,美國建議既然大勢已去,事不可為,擋不住中國入會,不妨考慮在聯合國留下來,只是將中國代表權讓給中國。無奈層峰遲遲無法定奪。據續書所載,我方最後關頭似乎不反對美方方案,但不願出之我口,面對各國詢問,也沒人願公開證實,以致兵敗如山倒。當然,續伯雄所寫,也缺乏書面證據,只是側聞,後來該書也被查禁了。

Hua Yuan Hsueh 如果不查檔案,可以對照錢復的回憶錄,也可以瞭解大概的狀況。

昨天,漫畫家Ramsey 畫了這張:
Godspeed, President Bush.


Here's a look back at the life of George HW Bush, the US president who led an international coalition to oust Saddam Hussein from Kuwait.

Bush was 94, the longest-living president in American history.

Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush Has Died

George Herbert Walker Bush, a World War II veteran who led an international coalition through the Gulf War during his time as the 41st president, and whose son's presidency furthered the family's political dynasty, died Friday. He was 94.

The letter George H.W. Bush left for Clinton is a lesson in elegance

"He made us feel at home, as much as he could. Total class," Bill Clinton said of the letter that George H.W Bush left him in the Oval Office after Clinton defeated him in the 1992 presidential race.

(CNN)When Bill Clinton entered the White House, he found a letter from the man he beat: George H.W. Bush. Notes from outgoing presidents to incoming ones are a tradition, but Bush's letter on January 20, 1993, is a lesson on grace in defeat.
"He made us feel at home, as much as he could. Total class," Clinton said of the letter.
Here's the full text of the letter:
Dear Bill,
When I walked into this office just now I felt the same sense of wonder and respect that I felt four years ago. I know you will feel that, too.
I wish you great happiness here. I never felt the loneliness some Presidents have described.
There will be very tough times, made even more difficult by criticism you may not think is fair. I'm not a very good one to give advice; but just don't let the critics discourage you or push you off course.
You will be our President when you read this note. I wish you well. I wish your family well.
Your success now is our country's success. I am rooting hard for you.
Good luck—

    George H.W. Bush once banned a certain veggie from Air Force One. http://bit.ly/2zAMeMN

    The New Yorker

    Even when George H.W. Bush tried to kick ass with the silver foot supposedly lodged in his mouth from birth, there remained an irreducible niceness to him, an appealing mixture of noblesse oblige, boy-next-door bonhomie, and parody-begging goofiness—“the vision thing.”

