Kobe Bryant 柯比布萊恩 逝世兩週年、父女雕像
#夜間輕讀【Kobe Bryant 逝世兩週年,致敬背號24的傳奇】
極致的自律成就不朽的傳奇;成功,是做出選擇,並堅持到底。Kobe Bryant 永不止息的奮進精神,深刻地影響了為理想努力的人們。
Google's ad, called "Loretta," was the true story of an elderly man remembering his late wife with the help of Google Assistant. The story had a personal connection to the company: the 85-year-old man is the grandfather of a Google employee.
People shed tears for Google's Super Bowl ad, 'Loretta' 1:31NOW PLAYING
Loretta | Google Super Bowl Commercial 2020 Google 14M views1 week ago
A man reminisces about the love of his life with a little help from Google. See something in this story you want to try for ...
He would ponder what would make his game unstoppable and then work backwards from there, perfecting his own works of art
He died on January 26th, aged 41
Kobe Bryant, five-rings champion basketball player The Empire State Building is lit up in Los Angeles Lakers’ purple and gold in tribute to NBA legend Kobe Bryant.
https://abcn.ws/2Rxkv9q 其他視覺設定進入浮動視窗模式點擊放大
Kobe Bryant, Transformational Star of the N.B.A., Dies in Helicopter Crash By SCOTT CACCIOLA
Bryant, 41, who won five titles with the Los Angeles Lakers, was traveling with his 13-year-old daughter when they and seven other people perished in the crash.
【戰功彪炳布萊恩 突然驟逝令人心痛.....😭😭】
美國職籃NBA洛杉磯湖人隊傳奇球星布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)26日搭乘私人直升機失事身亡震撼全球,不但令人心痛,也讓人想起他一生的傳奇故事。
布萊恩從一而終效力湖人20個年頭,是NBA史上最偉大的球員之一,生涯18度入選NBA全明星賽,2000年代初期與「俠客」歐尼爾(Shaquille O'Neal)組成「OK連線」,為湖人1999-2000、2000-01和2001-02賽季三連霸的兩大功臣。
https://bit.ly/2t540rK 全世界的体育迷都在努力寻找词汇来描述他们对美国退役篮球传奇科比·布莱恩特突然去世的感受。 VOACHINESE.COM
美国各界痛悼布莱恩特突然离世 【葛萊美頒獎在湖人主場舉行 哀傷氣氛籠罩😢😢😢】
2020葛萊美獎(Grammys)頒獎典禮26日晚間登場,這場音樂盛會恰好在NBA湖人隊主場史泰博中心(Staples Center)登場。
但傳奇球星布萊恩(Kobe Bryant) 和13歲愛女墜機身亡的消息傳來,悲傷的氣氛籠罩了原本歡樂的場合,哀痛的群星透過音樂向驟逝的布萊恩致哀。🥀🥀🥀 ⋯⋯
更多 2020葛萊美獎(Grammys)頒獎典禮26日晚間登場,哀痛的群星透過音樂向驟逝的NBA前湖人傳奇球星布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)致哀。這場眾星雲集的音樂界盛會,在湖人主場史泰博中心(Staples Center)登場。然而,布萊恩和13歲愛女墜機身亡的消息..... RTI.ORG.TW
安息吧布萊恩 葛萊美之夜星淚送柯比