紐約時報這篇AI 理論家 Roger C. Schank訃聞只一張照片和一本書,很適合此blog之名....教育 People learned best, when they acquired knowledge to complete a desired task or accomplish a goal.
馬科斯/馬可仕提出了一個特殊的問題,因為她還不是歷史人物:1965 年至 1986 年的國家第一夫人,她現在 93 歲,是該國的第一任母親。 (她的兒子小費迪南德,又名邦邦,於去年 6 月成為總統。)無論是僅僅支持她丈夫的獨裁統治,還是更直接地影響和維護它,她都是被指控從該國國庫中掠奪數十億美元並消滅其反對者的政權的一部分 .
在“愛在這裡”的一個場景中,Jose Llana 身穿黑色三件套西裝,Ruthie Ann Miles 身著粉紅色的 60 年代藥盒帽和外套,走在穿過觀眾席的高台上, 伸手與觀眾握手,就像他們在參加繩索一樣。
在講述菲律賓前第一夫人伊梅爾達·馬科斯 (Imelda Marcos) 的故事時,她的丈夫的政權被指控腐敗,“Here Lies Love” 的歌詞取材於她自己的演講和採訪。Credit...Sara Krulwich/The New York Times
難怪一些菲律賓人和菲律賓裔美國人反對“愛在這裡”的方式,至少在公眾看到的版本中,似乎同情它的主角。 最近在百老匯出演“1776”的莎拉·波卡洛布 (Sara Porkalob) 將這部音樂劇描述為“為菲律賓的民族創傷和美國在其中扮演的角色披上一層光鮮亮麗的外衣”。
“Here Lies Love,” which sets the story of Imelda Marcos to a disco score by David Byrne and Fatboy Slim. A success at the Public Theater in 2013, it is only now transferring to Broadway, where performances are scheduled to begin on June 17.
The intervening years have altered the way we look at historical characters onstage, from Alexander Hamilton to Princess Diana. Marcos presents a particular problem, because she’s not yet historical: The country’s first lady from 1965 to 1986, she’s now, at 93, its first mother. (Her son, Ferdinand Jr., known as Bongbong, became president last June.) Whether merely supporting her husband’s dictatorship or more directly influencing and maintaining it, she was part of a regime accused of looting billions from the country’s treasury and eliminating its opponents.

No wonder some Filipinos and Filipino Americans have objected to the way “Here Lies Love,” at least in the version seen at the Public, seems to sympathize with its main character. Sara Porkalob, who recently appeared on Broadway in “1776,” described the musical as painting “a glossy veneer over the Philippines’ national trauma and America’s role in it.”