P.K. is the given-name initials of Chen Pei-Kung, who has probably traveled to more astronomical observatories and dark-sky sites than anyone else. He meets professional astronomers and amateur-astronomy fans around the world as he pursues his passion-photographing celestial sights. Since 1983 P.K. has regularly escaped to Lan-Yu, a small island near Taiwan that has a sky free from light and air pollution. And he frequently carries his camera and other instruments to Mount Jade, the highest point in Taiwan. But during the past two decades he has become a well-known world traveler, trekking from Mongolia to the Australian Outback and Mauna Kea in Hawaii in search of unique astrophotography opportunities-and dark skies. P.K. believes that "there is always something new that I can do."
In Taiwan he has published more than a dozen books including an autobiography ("Peter Pan Under the Starlight") and two constellation albums. As a photojournalist, his articles and images have appeared in such publications as the New York Times and Sky&Telescope in the United States and the Temmon Guide in Japan. He is currently a contributing photographer of Sky&Telescope and his 2007 book titled "A Constellation Album: Stars and Mythology of the Night Sky" has published by Sky&Telescope.
He often serves as an astronomy instructor at summer camps in Taiwan, and among the children he is known as the "Peter Pan of the Stars".
天文之美不應只屬於天文學家,作為一個優異的天文攝影專家,PK透過他的鏡頭,將宇宙重新包裝呈獻給大眾。如果你不想瞭解恆星到底如何形成和演化,你還是 可以從PK的作品中看到繁星之美,你也可以不用知道太陽如何影響我們所居住的地球,但還是能夠欣賞如天幕般的七彩極光。當然,除了宇宙天文奧妙無窮的視覺饗宴之外,追尋星星的夢想還是要靠自己的身體力行,才能體會箇中滋味,而本書就是你最佳的觀星夥伴。本書作者PK將自己 數十年觀星和攝影的經驗,配合觀星入門者的需要,由淺入深依序介紹觀星前的準備、天文望遠鏡的解說、四季全天星座的呈現、星座連線想像,天文攝影方法…… 讓你輕鬆的賞星尋夢,為追星的旅程留下永恆的回憶。