Taiwanese man detained in China returns home
TAIPEI: A Taiwanese man who had been detained in China for nearly two months returned to the island on Saturday, Taiwanese authorities said, in a case that led to protests at home and drew international concerns.
Chung Ting-pang, a follower of the Falungong spiritual movement and a technology company manager, had not been seen since he checked in for his return flight from mainland China on June 18, according to his relatives. “Chung Ting-pang came back to Taiwan today after the government actively negotiated with the Chinese side,” said the Mainland Affairs Council, Taiwan’s top China policy-making body, without elaborating.
China’s state-run Xinhua news agency had said authorities suspected that Chung obtained classified documents, brought in broadcasting equipment and worked to sabotage television services on the mainland. Xinhua later said that Chung, suspected of endangering national security and public safety, had “confessed and shown remorse”. Relatives said he might have been forced to confess. afp
Taiwanese man detained in China returns home
TAIPEI — A Taiwanese man who had been detained in China for nearly
two months returned to the island on Saturday, Taiwanese authorities
said, in a case that led to protests at home and drew international
concerns.Chung Ting-pang, a follower of the Falungong spiritual movement and a technology company manager, had not been seen since he checked in for his return flight from mainland China on June 18, according to his relatives.
"Chung Ting-pang came back to Taiwan today after the government actively negotiated with the Chinese side," said the Mainland Affairs Council, Taiwan's top China policy-making body, without elaborating.
China's state-run Xinhua news agency had said authorities suspected that Chung obtained classified documents, brought in broadcasting equipment and worked to sabotage television services on the mainland.
Xinhua later said that Chung, suspected of endangering national security and public safety, had "confessed and shown remorse". Relatives said he might have been forced to confess.
Chung's family had appealed to the United States to secure his release while his supporters were seen at all spots along the route of a top Chinese negotiator who was in Taipei earlier this week to sign an investment deal.
China banned the Falungong in 1999 and strictly prohibits its activities.
Advocates say that the Chung case marks a rare instance in which Beijing has targeted someone not from the mainland.
最後在海基會的協助下,鍾鼎邦的妻子日前已前往大陸探視鍾鼎邦,十一日下午,鍾鼎邦則是在極為低調的情況下,安然返抵新竹縣竹東鎮的老家,但 ..........
Chung Ting-pang had not been seen since June 18 (AFP/Straits Exchange Foundation, Straits Exchange Foundation)
- 營救鍾鼎邦家屬再向馬陳情
自由時報 - 18 hours ago民進黨:不見馬政府積極作為. 〔記者林恕暉、黃維助、陳慧萍、謝文華/台北報導〕針對台灣公民、科技公司經理、法輪功學員鍾鼎邦赴中探親,在六月 ...
- 華視新聞 - 22 hours ago
- 自立晚報 - 23 hours ago
最近,「鍾鼎邦」突然成為Google搜索的熱門關鍵字,因為這位現年53歲、新竹一家科技公司的經理6月中前往中國大陸探親,卻遭到中共羅織罪名 逮捕,迄今身陷囹圄。鍾鼎邦台大剛畢業的女兒鍾愛和目前就讀清大的兒子鍾群救父心切,在臉書上發起「懇請台灣政府、海內外各界善心人士協助援救我爸爸鍾鼎 邦」聲援活動,目前已有超過萬人連署表示支持。這件事情引發國際人權團體的廣泛關注,透過國際媒體報導後,已經成為全球矚目的重大人權迫害事件。
鍾 鼎邦天資聰穎,小學、國中成績一直名列前茅,高中時順利考上建國中學。從小就對機械很感興趣的他,常常將家裡的手錶、鬧鐘、收音機拆解後重新組裝。高中 時,雖然在課業上不怎麼認真,大半時間都花在管樂社裡吹法國號,但高三聯考前「臨陣磨槍」,還是考上了交通大學控制工程學系。大學時鍾鼎邦因為熱衷古典音 樂,延續著幼時喜歡拆解機械的習慣,甚至自行組裝了音響。大學畢業服完兵役後,鍾鼎邦繼續考入交大控制工程研究所並順利完成碩士學位。
台 灣政府開放大陸探親前夕,鍾老先生曾透過關係與大陸家鄉取得聯繫,設法至香港與大陸妻子會面,才得知其實還有一子,也就是大陸共有兩名兒子,且都已成家立 業,老大有三女一男,老二有二女一男。此後開放探親,鍾老先生開始資助大陸親人,鼓勵鄉下的孫子努力上大學以改變戶籍,謀得更好生活。對於讀書,鍾老先生 承諾無條件全力支持。
最 近因為大陸親人屢次邀請,由於心繫父親的遺志宿願,鍾鼎邦終於在暌違大陸親人九年後,於6月15日再度隻身前往江西南康老家。此次大陸之行,僅在老家待二 日餘,期間和親人一起參觀當地家具城與蔣經國故居,其餘時間都待在大陸家裡。6月18日,鍾鼎邦按計畫回台,不料卻在贛州機場入關後遭到非法扣押。後經大 陸親人設法找到國安單位,才被告知羈押理由是要他「協助調查法輪功」。
我 們不知道鍾鼎邦是否為了廣大中國百姓的知情權,利用或協助了插播電視、衛星訊號的方式,將中共鎮壓法輪功的真相,傳遞給受蒙蔽的中國人,制止這場將人迫害 致死的暴行、甚而因活摘人體器官而被稱為「這個星球上從未有過的罪惡」。如果從小喜歡接觸機械的鍾鼎邦真的這麼做了,那麼,他就是不折不扣的現代司馬光!

Hundreds of demonstrators have called on Taiwan's president to
put pressure on China to release a Taiwanese businessman arrested last
month for allegedly broadcasting information about Falun Gong.
On Sunday, thousands of people wearing bright yellow shirts or
traditional costume followed a brass band wearing blue uniforms. They
were holding bright flags and banners. The procession of Falun Gong
supporters looked like many across the world commemorating the day the
movement, which combines meditative exercises, lessons of morality and a
cult of leadership, was banned by China.
On July 22 1999, President Jiang Zemin outlawed the movement which was already very popular in China and Falun Gong supporters started being persecuted.
Commemorating Falun Gong supporters from China
The sect had provoked the government's ire in April after mobilizing 10,000 supporters for an unannounced demonstration.
Today, anybody who speaks out in favor of Falun Gong in China risks being arrested or worse, said one of the demonstrators, a 60-year-old interior designer named Lin Jiongyi. He demonstrates every weekend against what he calls China's inhumane treatment of Falun Gong supporters. "Many supporters have been jailed or sent to reeducation camps," he said. "This is also true for other religions."
An 'evil cult'
Lin Joingyi is not going to China anytime soon
Beijing rejects allegations that Falun Gong supporters are tortured
and killed in China, saying these are "sheer fabrication." However, the
movement is officially considered "socially deviant." On the website of
the Chinese embassy in Berlin, it is described as an evil cult, "a dark
power that is against humanity, society, science and religion."
On Monday, Falun Gong supporters once again took to the streets of Taipei. However, this time it was to demonstrate against their own government. They gathered in front of the presidential palace to call for the release of Bruce Chung.
The Taiwanese businessman was arrested in Ganzhou where he was visiting his relatives last month. The authorities accused him of hijacking the signal of a Chinese TV station to broadcast programs about Falun Gong.
Nobody knows where he is detained. His daughter has appealed to the media and even travelled to the US to lobby for support among Congress members.
"My father did nothing wrong and did not commit a crime. We stand by him. We will appeal to the government every day until he is released. I hope everyone will join us," she said in Taipei.
Accused of not doing enough
President Ma Ying-jeou's government has been accused of not doing enough to secure Bruce Chung's release.
Taiwanese members of Falun Gong regularly protest against Beijing
"We have tried everything to get the government to take on this case,"
said Lin Fengzheng, the head of a foundation that campaigns for legal
reform. "No reaction. They just said they were looking into it. But
nothing has happened. That's why we have been forced to come out onto
the streets and call on President Ma to get Chung out fast."
The government has promised to talk to Beijing about Chung's fate through official channels.
Taiwanese business people have long complained that their passport offers them no protection in China. Falun Gong supporters feel the same. Lin Jiongyi will continue to stay clear of the People's Republic in future.
Author: Klaus Bardenhagen / act
Editor: Arun Chowdhury
On July 22 1999, President Jiang Zemin outlawed the movement which was already very popular in China and Falun Gong supporters started being persecuted.

Today, anybody who speaks out in favor of Falun Gong in China risks being arrested or worse, said one of the demonstrators, a 60-year-old interior designer named Lin Jiongyi. He demonstrates every weekend against what he calls China's inhumane treatment of Falun Gong supporters. "Many supporters have been jailed or sent to reeducation camps," he said. "This is also true for other religions."
An 'evil cult'

On Monday, Falun Gong supporters once again took to the streets of Taipei. However, this time it was to demonstrate against their own government. They gathered in front of the presidential palace to call for the release of Bruce Chung.
The Taiwanese businessman was arrested in Ganzhou where he was visiting his relatives last month. The authorities accused him of hijacking the signal of a Chinese TV station to broadcast programs about Falun Gong.
Nobody knows where he is detained. His daughter has appealed to the media and even travelled to the US to lobby for support among Congress members.
"My father did nothing wrong and did not commit a crime. We stand by him. We will appeal to the government every day until he is released. I hope everyone will join us," she said in Taipei.
Accused of not doing enough
President Ma Ying-jeou's government has been accused of not doing enough to secure Bruce Chung's release.

The government has promised to talk to Beijing about Chung's fate through official channels.
Taiwanese business people have long complained that their passport offers them no protection in China. Falun Gong supporters feel the same. Lin Jiongyi will continue to stay clear of the People's Republic in future.
Author: Klaus Bardenhagen / act
Editor: Arun Chowdhury
维基百科,自由的百科全书 (稍補充)
黃玉階(1850年 4 月 25 日-1918年7月26日),本籍台灣台中,1870年學習中醫,1876年執業,1882年全家遷至台灣台北大稻埕繼續從事中醫。1895年,台灣日治時期開始後,他則繼續於杏林服務,並於1897年正式取得日本政權發給的中醫師執照。除了醫術之外,黃玉階對台灣社會最大貢獻在於推動台灣社會現代化。例如:他於1900年創立台北天然足會,即被認為是廢除台灣女子纏足的關鍵公益團體。除了「放足」之外,他也認為「斷髮不改裝」有助於社會風俗改良,因此成立了宗旨為「剪辮髮,仍穿唐裝」的「斷髮不改裝會」。
莊永明書坊: 黃玉階與斷髮、天然足運動
jaungyoungming-club.blogspot.com/.../blog-post_11.html - 頁庫存檔
2011年2月11日 – 1911年的今天(2月11日),稻江漢醫、大稻埕區長黃玉階與《台灣日日新報》記者謝汝銓聯合發起「斷髮不改裝會」,斷髮,指剪去清朝時代的辮髮,因為 ...----
日期:1918/7/26 |
黃玉階(1850–1918)逝 |
1897 年,日閥曾調查當時台灣漢醫(中醫)人數,計 1,070 人,發給漢醫執照,而領得第一號漢醫執照的人,是大稻埕黃玉階。
黃 玉階,字冥華,1850 年 4 月 25 日,生於彰化縣大肚保五闊港(今台中縣梧棲附近),他如何學得望聞問切的本事,傳說紛紜。23 歲(1872 年),他追隨先天派傳教師蔡運昌數月,聆其闡發玄微,宣演妙諦,他即皈依佛教先天派,終身持齋不娶,而以普渡眾生為職志。 23 歲(1873 年),他領受恩堂,成為先天派掌堂人。1883 年,他在台北大稻埕創設「普願社宣講所」,並於全台各地設立分所,講說善書。 霍亂、鼠疫(黑死病)傳染病施虐台灣時,黃玉階倡議防治、合藥施濟,救人無數,他還印贈「霍亂吊腳痧醫書」、「黑死病疙瘩症瘟治法新編」,流布全台。 黃玉階身為良醫外,還是一位績效斐然的社會改革運動家,1899 年,首創「天然足會」,掃除纏足陋習;1911 年與吳昌才發起「斷髮不改裝會」,終將清廷強迫漢人留在腦袋後的辮髮給剪除了。 黃玉階以佛門弟子,踏進仕途,曾任大稻埕區長、大龍峒區長及地方委員;明治天皇崩逝,又曾與辜顯榮、蔡蓮舫、許廷光奉派參加葬禮,並覲見新皇大正天皇,而為人不諒解,然誠如王詩琅的公道話,黃玉階實為台灣的功勞者: 「乙 未割台後日人對本省人士,曾竭盡手段懷柔,其目的不外乎順利推進其統治。當這時候,本省知識分子之苦楚,自非筆墨所能形容。然而當此省民苦難的開頭,一面 善與日人周旋應付,一面謀取同胞之福祉,其苦心孤詣,更非常人所能做到。黃玉階就是日人入據台灣初期,善能運用這種艱鉅的方法,為同儕謀取福利,而且建樹 特別多的人物。……實在是一位集德望、慈善、革新、宗教、仁術於一身的奇人。 1918 年今日,黃玉階仙逝,得年六十有九。 |