The leaders of industry in Europe should not let their pursuit of business with China blind them to its human rights abuses, writes investor George Soros.
The leaders of industry in Europe should not let their pursuit of business opportunities with China blind them to its human rights abuses. China’s tightening grip on a...

Europe must recognise the threat that is Xi Jinping’s China
Billionaire George Soros has labeled China's President Xi Jinping the "most dangerous enemy" of open societies and recommended a crackdown on Chinese tech companies
Billionaire investor and philanthropist George Soros has been named Person of the Year by the Financial Times. Here's more about him.
George Soros 大約捐出120億美金。
His enemies paint him as all-powerful, but the billionaire philanthropist believes that his political legacy has never been in greater jeopardy.
一个亿万富翁的冒险:慈善家乔治·索罗斯(George Soros)在自由民主方面下了重注。如今他表示,

Barack Obama leaves note to Donald Trump on Oval Office desk

Vilolence breaks out in Washington ahead of Trump's inauguration
Donald Trump is a “would-be dictator” who will fail and Theresa May will not last because of the Brexit “divorce”, billionaire business magnate George Soros has told the Davos world economic forum.
The Hungarian-American investor, on the eve of Mr Trump’s inauguration, delivered a cutting verdict on the incoming President.
The 86-year-old also said he was an “imposter and con-man” who was “gearing up for a trade war” which would have far-reaching consequences on the rest of the world.

Palestinian demonstrators take part in a protest against a promise by Donald Trump to re-locate the US embassy to Jerusalem, in the West Bank city of Nablus on 19 January Reuters
“I personally am convinced that (Trump) is going to fail,” Mr Soros said, in an interview with Bloomberg Television at the Swiss town.
他對美國總統當選人川普特別疾言厲色,他說川普是騙子,預言川普將會失敗,因為川普想法自相矛盾,他的白宮幕僚群和內閣會陷入惡鬥。 而歐盟即將解體,英國首相梅伊做不了太久,中國會變得更專制。
George Soros: Theresa May won't last and Trump is 'would-be dictator'
The Guardian · 9 hours ago
George Soros: Donald Trump 'will fail' and Theresa May's Brexit could 'last three days'